Texas Blues took his two buddies Jay and Dan, hunting in Alaska.
They procured a Bush pilot, and he flew them out into the Alaskan wilderness,
Dropped them and all or their gear off, and assured them he would be back in one week.
After the week was up, they each had an Elk, a Caribou, and some Salmon.
When the pilot landed and saw everything that needed to be loaded into the small plane, he said
"There's NO WAY all that will fit into the plane!"
TB, "aww come on man, it will fit!"
Pilot, "no way... We'll NEVER get off the ground!"
Jay, "Are you kidding me? We had twice that amount last year..."
Dan, "yeah, last year..." (Brooklyn accent)
TB, "c'mon man, we"ll give you all three cans of our left over beer"...
After about a half hour of TB and his buddies berating the pilot, he finally agrees and they load the plane.
They get all of their gear, game, and themselves stuffed into the small plane.
The pilot taxis way out to the far edge of the meadow, and starts to accelerate for take off... FULL POWER,
with the three jokers in the back cheering him on....
Well, they get off the ground, but they clipped the tree tops at the edge of the meadow, and the plane goes down, throwing them, and scattering all the contents of the plane everywhere.
After a few minutes they all come-to, and Dan says, "where the hell are we?..."
TB laughs and says, "it looks like about 300 feet further than last year"