Looking pretty dang cool man! How did all of those supplies from Lowe's cost ya?
Was financially somewhat high. The Castlewall were $1.88 each and I ordered 100. Ended up only using 66 plus saved 5 for other possible uses later(damn packrat) and returned 29.
This next one, which I needed a finished pic for and it was too dark last night when we drove the last stake, cost $3.97 per timber X 20 + 12" galvanized stakes X 46 @ $0.65 each.
Laid the first one Friday night

Then yesterday(Saturday) my good friend Jon helped me finish it.

Today I snapped one of the finished product of our labors.
It was so much easier then the front bed we did first. Well, lighter at least. lol

This is what I have in the back yard to work with. Total 500'[sup]2[/sup]