Justaguy's 2011 Garden Season

Looking pretty dang cool man! How did all of those supplies from Lowe's cost ya?

Was financially somewhat high. The Castlewall were $1.88 each and I ordered 100. Ended up only using 66 plus saved 5 for other possible uses later(damn packrat) and returned 29.

This next one, which I needed a finished pic for and it was too dark last night when we drove the last stake, cost $3.97 per timber X 20 + 12" galvanized stakes X 46 @ $0.65 each.

Laid the first one Friday night


Then yesterday(Saturday) my good friend Jon helped me finish it.


Today I snapped one of the finished product of our labors.
It was so much easier then the front bed we did first. Well, lighter at least. lol


This is what I have in the back yard to work with. Total 500'[sup]2[/sup]

Looks great! One thing, especially if you don't add more lights - once the seeds germinate and start growing, I would remove the sun lamp. Low light, high temps and moist potting mix will encourage your plants to grow spindly.

I originally was going to go 30X10, but had to compensate for the motorcycle shed. So I shortened one side by 6 feet and added 6 feet to the other side.
Looks great nice job! :woohoo:

I can't wait to see those fatalii's growing in that setup by the sidewalk. Looks like my dog walk just increased by another street so I can have a grab and go snack :rofl:
Looks great nice job! :woohoo:

I can't wait to see those fatalii's growing in that setup by the sidewalk. Looks like my dog walk just increased by another street so I can have a grab and go snack :rofl:

You are welcome to. Then others will see you and try. Then I get to laugh.

I love hooks

Woohoo 2nd Leaves



So then in the towels I used as borders in the soil, that came from the plastic clamshells I was germinating in, this popped out days ago. The ones I had a lot of seeds extra I simply rolled up and laid down. My Caribbean red habaneros was one of those, so no big surprise


Although today I noticed it was pushing up. It was flat in the soil. They are stubborn.

Ok so it has been 25 days since the first hooks got moved from paper towel to cell. Now I am using a thin layer of Jiffy with seeds on top and thin layer of Jiffy on top of them. Germination is still going on and every couple days I move a few more hooks over. Today a Cumari Passarinho, a Caribbean Red Hab, a Bhut Jolokia, and a Fatalli had straightened their hooks and therefore went to cells. So, these are all 25 days or less.






Before next year I will have T5's in addition to my T12's or maybe instead of them. Not sure on weather to use them for replacement or add them to the existing. All I know is after 25 days I am jealous. I look at other grow logs and after 25 days...well they speak for themselves. I wasn't too keen on posting them, but it is a growlog. :banghead:

Also in my germination bed/tray I have this white covering. Is this damping off? Is that the right term? Yesterday I rolled most of it under since no seeds there for germinating, but that corner was covered and it lightly covered half the soil seen here radiating from the corner. The shine in the middle is a plastic bag for marking where my Fatalli's lay. There is some on the wall and next to the label tag "Bhut". As I was scraping and turning it there was a nice cloud created. I assume it was spores from what I have seen with other fungi. Is it the "damping off" I see people talking of?

I think tonight I will be adding more Jiffy to some of the cells as planned. I filled them low so I could do this if and when they got leggy. Will take pics when I get it done.
You need more lights over the seedling trays, that will stop the "leggy" thing you have going. See how they're stretching to the light?

What AJ commented on earlier got my interest as well. I know there are Bhut Jolokia, Bih Jolokia and Naga Morich. It's the Naga Jolokia that I'm not familiar with. Where did you get the seeds from.

Definitely a labor of love this year for you bro. I hope the garden space explodes with plants and pods for you.
You need more lights over the seedling trays, that will stop the "leggy" thing you have going. See how they're stretching to the light?

What AJ commented on earlier got my interest as well. I know there are Bhut Jolokia, Bih Jolokia and Naga Morich. It's the Naga Jolokia that I'm not familiar with. Where did you get the seeds from.

Definitely a labor of love this year for you bro. I hope the garden space explodes with plants and pods for you.
looking good just...what kind of naga jolokia you growin? Bhut Jolokia...Naga Morich...Bih Jolokia?

The Nagas I am growing are the Naga Jolokia and Naga Morich

The Bhuts are the Bhut Jolokia

I have noticed what I assume to be regional differences in the Jolokias depending on if they are Bhut or Naga so I am growing both. The naga is sweeter in IMO

The Morich is great IMO for the way it makes you drool and the flavor isn't harsh.

I have been under the impression that Naga and Bhut prefixes(probably another word for it in the classification world) are simply to clarify where the seeds/strains originated from. Please correct me if I am wrong.
So 3 days later and here it is. It already cycled through bright white. The flash makes it look brighter but was brighter white yesterday.




And then this morning I also got a beautiful surprise.



These are #2 and #3 to germinate for me. Thanks Bhut Camp for the fresh seeds you sent with the sauce.

Thennnnn, on the shelves I realized this isn't going to straighten. Wondering if anyone else has had this happen. I wonder if I transplanted the hook facing the wrong way :rofl: or maybe he is just confused on which light to follow.


Or better yet, how can I nurture the curve and make it continue to spiral?
So they got to see some sun the other day.



After 1.5 hours some started to yellow. Then after the night on the shelves under the 24 hour light....I think it is funny how the first and second leaves react differently.
Then in the germination tray I have this issue. I wonder what kind of mold this is.




Today.....Decided that the lids will now stay off....too much humidity is kept in I thing
All day with the lid off and it has all gone away/wilted?/whatever it does......will take a pic tomorrow after a night with the lid off. I now feel safe to say it was caused by the humidity trapped in by the lid, or at least helped by the humidity.