Justaguy's 2011 Garden Season

Update on the shelves



That was mold, you can get rid of it by not using anything with the words jiffy or miracle gro its pure junk. 100% coco Cori = no mold. if want to us that stiff your going to need a small fan to blow over the soil and water with Hydrogen Peroxide go to www.using-hydrogen-peroxide.com for charts on how to use and mix. if you have any questions please ask
Thanks Hawaii. Took the lid off and it dried out. Put it back on and it came back but the Hooks don't care they pop right through it and when I move them I clean them off. Germination is pretty much done. Only keeping it going for any late ones..........and hope for a Tepin.
I have a few peppers that are praying for nice weather....


...or I never took the shell of the first leaves.
I'll take the prayers.

Then it hits 80 yesterday and as it cooled down I let them out for 2 hours with slightly overcast sky.


Today going to move them around to get tall ones together in 6 packs so time to make a tag for each cell...and move the shelves.
So yesterday morning I got off work, took a trip to lancaster and picked up more bottles. Then I came home to this beautiful site.


Then the fun began





More will be added after todays rain settles it.

Then I went to the back



Went for 6 inches and going to have to add more when it settles.


I finished my day long relaxing project(lots of breaks) around 10pm. After being up for 31 hours it had gotten dark and I was too tired to work the camera. I got it done before todays rain :woohoo:

Looks like nice dirt, what's in it? That's a lot of wheel barrow loads.

It is leaf compost from the township. 8 cubic yard for $50. I can't argue and the plants love it. Hell there is probably some particles from the leaves I put out last year. lol

Lookin pretty damn good man!

Thanks man. I can't find your growlog, hit me with a PM.

Very nice! Now you need to build another one to use up that extra dirt. That's my thought process anyway.

Actually I am going to put a few inches in the original 200'[sup]2[/sup] garden out back and an inch or two on the front flower beds. I might even throw a little on the single strip of tulips running along the back of the house.
The bad thing is they got a bigger truck so this pile is bigger then last years, which is what I was ordering 2 of. So, next Friday another is coming. The pine will be losing 2-3 feet on the bottom and get a layer under it. Then I have already lined up 2 neighbors to take what is left.

Next weekend will be fun and all 3 boys will be here. :woohoo:
Unfortunuately, no grow log right now. Going to be taking pics once I start potting up. I'll also be taking pics next week when I start working with the garden. Gonna have my nephew helping me. Also gonna take pics of irrigation, etc. Soooo, they're comin'!

Nice dirt, sure wish our township would do something like that! Like the areas you have. Are both for peppers?

Thank you. All the gardens shown so far are for peppers. The one of the finished double ring has part of the front flower bed in the background...with a stack of bamboo chutes on the end of it.

On a bamboo note...200 stakes cut and ready to go.

Still deciding if I should go bamboo as I did with the original garden or PVC for structure to hold misting hose, since the new 300 is angled at one end.
They are soon going to go out on their own :cry:
Top Shelf

Middle Shelf

Bottom Shelf - fresh sprouts



Next I will post how I move cell to cell to put the tall ones together and short ones too. Kiss your blinds goodbye... :rofl: