event Kato's 2008 contest

We might be down in Miami just depends. We have gallons in stock as of now we have 5 one gallons.

Might be cheaper to get it while you are here.

Good luck!
Mick, would you e-mail me the cost of three and shipping. I don't know if I or my customers can wait three months.



PS sorry to use this thread for biz, I will stop now and gdet back to reg. e-mail.
Alright Nerd and the rest of you, just posted tow (that's right 2) BBQ sauces (last years first place overall winner for Ametuers "Cuddly Baby BBQ" and it's big brother "Gods Gift to BBQ) and last years second place overall for Ametuers "Naughty Kitty Hot Sauce"

Good luck to all!!
Looking forward to your entries Chiliman.
Due to our overwheming interest in Kato's 4th annual Fiery Food & Sauce competition we've extended our entry deadline til 1 Feb. 2008
So you still have a bit of time to get your entries in.

We have a few big names in this years entries but don't be intimidated. We still have 2 divisions Pro & amatuer.
Cash prizes and acrylic trophies to the overall winners in each division.


What to do, what to do....

I have a new one called "Salamagundy", but it's not going to be a production one.....then again....
Okay, one more dumb ass question form the chili man....is there going to be mustard/condiment catagory? I wa working on a new seeded hot mustard this morning and it is pretty good. If there is one I will send it on with another bottle of Cuddly Baby and add the $20 extra in my paypal. Otherwise i will just go the paypal route. (And Yes this new mustard is in response to getting crushed in the hot pepper awards, Anija!!!! Watch your back, chick!)

The mustard sounds tasty! However we don't have anyother Mustard entered but enter 3 different Mustard's and make a category and win.

I would love nothing more than to sweep the mustard catagory thusly, and I have three viable mustards (the original Fluffy Bunny spicy mustard, it's older brother and spicier Fluffier Bunny and the new seeded Lumpy Bunny) but this is getting more and more expensive every day. If someone out there (Anija?) would put one in, I will be more than happy to send the other two. I brought about a cup of the new Lumpy Bunny toa small catering on Sat. night and it was decimnated by the crowd. So I am guessing it went over well.

Come-on gang lets rumble Mustard style!

Bring it!!!!!!!!!
chiliman said:
DYCE!!!?? What the hell? Stay up late, get up early, fake barf and leave work. Just get that sauce done! You seem to be the only guy who honestly and sincerely will talk junk with me. I have dream sof whooping you two years in a row. It has kept me going since the last contest ended. Oh well, I guess I will have to set my sites on The Big Bent!


Hey Chiliman....believe me...I really wish I could..But it's not possible this year.. I took a couple of real big hits recently and now just trying to care of the important stuff..........I was looking forward to anialating Gods Gift to BBQ...lol..maybe the next one....
Okey doke, just paypalled my entry fees (for those who don't know, a bottle of BBQ broke open while shipping and soaked the check and my applications!) I will post out the new and non-BBQ covered apps on Friday.

Last call, does anyone want to have a mustard throwdown? I hae been hard at work on these newby's and want to brawl, baby!

Hey Mick, does every catagory have a cash prize, or just overall like last year? Maybe that could get folks going.
Chiliman Only the overall winners and runnerup's get cash.

Bent we have a nice looking field around 45 entries with the wing sauce category being the largest followed by BBQ sauce then hot sauce. So it should be a good competition. Judging is done blind all the judges see is a numbered cup.

I love this time of year. Right before the judging and after all the entries received.

I strongly believe this will be a memorable event. Our 4th contest and to have witnessed the growth. We have 40 entries of all kinds of products. Wing sauces from Defcon,Marco, Pittsburgh Pepper Company, and others BBQ Sauces from defending Champion Cunninghams & W.O. Hesperus, Chili Man, Hot Sauces from Bent Down Under & his Pain & Pain2, Intensity Academy sauces & Butch Taylor and his S.O.B.( Sweet ole Butch) sauces. So this looks to be quite a battle on Saturday.

Hey Mick...how do ya keep your fingers out of all the great sounding sauces?? I'd be tempted to crack a jar or two for a taste test LOL