labels-artwork Label Updates (yet again)

I knew I had to add a bar code to the labels for this round, as well as fix the nutritional panel/ingredients to be laid out vertically, instead of horizontally....It led to this.....I'm very happy...More towards where I want to take things in a branding perspective...


I like different fonts for different sauce names, as long as the banner and Coke-logo at the top are the same.

OH!!!!! here's an idea!
remove the fonted company name (like we've been discussing), remove the swirly-thing above the crow's head, extend the picture frame so the top of the curve is at the top of the label and put the GeminiCrow logo inside the picture frame.  
eidt-  AND you could get "quality" back on the label at the heat level section.
"This quality product is-"
Medium Hot Superhot
Or down at the address section-
"another quality product from"
The picture frame is pretty greyed out anyway the GC logo could overlap it no problem.

Okay SL means something like this... I extended the frame and removed the flourish.
salsalady said:
I get the reaper/ripper tie in and that works.  I totally did not get Russian out of the font until you said that.  Coupled with forward and backwards "E"s, backwards R's, 3 different size letters......after LDHS said it, it kinda gives me a head ache also.
Plus, Jack the Ripper was in London, not Russia.  Some other gothic/old english font would tie that in???
Yep - Olde English might be a better fit for your play on words. 
Russian font only works if you want to make "AssPootin" sauce with this dude on the label:

(hmmm...not a terrible idea actually..)
The Hot Pepper said:
The picture frame is pretty greyed out anyway the GC logo could overlap it no problem.

Okay SL means something like this... I extended the frame and removed the flourish.
not bad....i don't know if i like the logo in the frame...i think it is competing with the sauce logo....squaring the rectangle top and putting it on the outside might be the way to awaiting on mocks now...
Gemini Crow is the name you want people to remember not The Devil His Due.
Removed orange.

Blend it in with the frame for the vintage look.
Tried that because you said they were competing.
I could see either working, if done right. Hard to do a mockup w/o original files lol. But if they greys and blacks all matched in the frame and logo it could work "as one" and still pop. The color works too.
Nice looking labels here, thought I would throw my 2 cents in. Most of my suggestions are regarding copy/content. And they are merely suggestions!
Blackberry Belle
Technically mélange should have an accent mark over the first “e” – it’s not incorrect without it, but it’s kind of like using jalapeño without the tilde. Everything gets Americanized over time, but I feel like if you’re going to use a fancy French word like mélange, you should probably go with the accented spelling. It’s a great word, but I am betting at least 75% of people don’t know what it means.
Jack The Reaper
I agree, the backwards lettering is disorienting. Like others have said, the last thing you want to do is confuse the customer.
Change “lure” to “lures.”
“False sense of serenity” is a decent play on “false sense of security” -- the more familiar phrase.
Hyphenate “chicken-based.”
Remove “will” after entrees – makes it more active voice (and shortens the copy as well).
Straightforward is one word. You might have to break it due to the label justification.
Hyphenate “super-intense” – you could drop super, intense alone is a powerful adjective. Again, might save you some space on a crowded romance panel.
Complement, not compliment.
The Devil His Due
Hellfire is typically one word.
Remove Jolokia.
“Entries” is an odd word choice – how about “dishes” or “entrées”? Or maybe that’s just a typo?
Geminiah’s Fiery Catsup
This is a lot of copy – suggest dropping “Are you” from the first sentence.
Suggest dropping “Is” from next sentence.
Take the apostrophe off “blahs” – it’s plural, not possessive.
Suggest dropping “of” after “some” in the middle sentence.
The last sentence is awkward – suggest rewriting to something like:
Featuring the Native Floridian Datil pepper — prepare to fall in love with your new favorite condiment!
Either way, punctuate that last sentence. J
Nice work, and good luck!
Hellraising Hot Sauce said:
Nice looking labels here, thought I would throw my 2 cents in. Most of my suggestions are regarding copy/content. And they are merely suggestions!
Blackberry Belle
Technically mélange should have an accent mark over the first “e” – it’s not incorrect without it, but it’s kind of like using jalapeño without the tilde. Everything gets Americanized over time, but I feel like if you’re going to use a fancy French word like mélange, you should probably go with the accented spelling. It’s a great word, but I am betting at least 75% of people don’t know what it means.
Jack The Reaper
I agree, the backwards lettering is disorienting. Like others have said, the last thing you want to do is confuse the customer.
Change “lure” to “lures.”
“False sense of serenity” is a decent play on “false sense of security” -- the more familiar phrase.
Hyphenate “chicken-based.”
Remove “will” after entrees – makes it more active voice (and shortens the copy as well).
Straightforward is one word. You might have to break it due to the label justification.
Hyphenate “super-intense” – you could drop super, intense alone is a powerful adjective. Again, might save you some space on a crowded romance panel.
Complement, not compliment.
The Devil His Due
Hellfire is typically one word.
Remove Jolokia.
“Entries” is an odd word choice – how about “dishes” or “entrées”? Or maybe that’s just a typo?
Geminiah’s Fiery Catsup
This is a lot of copy – suggest dropping “Are you” from the first sentence.
Suggest dropping “Is” from next sentence.
Take the apostrophe off “blahs” – it’s plural, not possessive.
Suggest dropping “of” after “some” in the middle sentence.
The last sentence is awkward – suggest rewriting to something like:
Featuring the Native Floridian Datil pepper — prepare to fall in love with your new favorite condiment!
Either way, punctuate that last sentence. J
Nice work, and good luck!
Thank you for this! I've read those descriptions tons of times and after a while, you just can't process the grammar issues
grantmichaels said:
Looks good ...
I have to admit, I miss the papyrus or wood looking background, but that may only be due to the fact that I can see them both at once ...
I liked the 'distressed' look as well and have been a fan of that look for a long long time...
I plan to bring back that look and incorporate all of that into the marketing materials.....In the big picture, I think the cleaner look was the better option to appeal to a wider demographic.
One thing, in the description, the label is whiter, so that "paper" it is on does not have a top as it blends in, the designer can change the angle of the shadow to cast some upward.
Nit pick.