labels-artwork Label Updates (yet again)

I knew I had to add a bar code to the labels for this round, as well as fix the nutritional panel/ingredients to be laid out vertically, instead of horizontally....It led to this.....I'm very happy...More towards where I want to take things in a branding perspective...


Thank you guys again!
Going to press with the new labels...
I wanna tell myself that I am 99% satisfied with how they came out. Never say 100% cause there is always room for improvement...But I think I can sleep at night knowing if I do 2500 of each as I am planning, I should be able to go through most of them before I wanna tweak or make changes again...Hahah..
Looking forward to the marketing pictures and all that fun stuff coming soon!
*a toast to you all*
Hawaiianero said:
Damn you guys went through this with a fine tooth comb and helped him create a high quality label. I must've read through the whole thing dozens of times because I didn't see a lot of the "flaws" at first. You could repost this in Pepper People are Awesome because everyone went above and beyond to help a fellow member out. Outstanding!! :onfire:
These people are the salt of the earth!!!  errr, I mean 'pepper'??
Hawaiianero said:
Damn you guys went through this with a fine tooth comb and helped him create a high quality label. I must've read through the whole thing dozens of times because I didn't see a lot of the "flaws" at first. You could repost this in Pepper People are Awesome because everyone went above and beyond to help a fellow member out. Outstanding!! :onfire:
G.C. is easy - he's open to feedback. It's only hard when people go out of their way to help & the OP is obstinate or defensive. It's pretty much impossible to sugar coat feedback in these topics - and while the OP is certainly allowed to say, "no, this is my label and my vision and that's that", there are polite ways of doing that. 
I'll be the 1st to say that this community was an incredibly valuable resource in finalizing my labels. Now-a-days I've pretty well got the process down, mostly because my labels are just different iterations of the core branding (Dia del Perro being the exception).
But that said, when my next label comes out I'll still post it here for a final set of eyes prior to going to print with it. 
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce said:
G.C. is easy - he's open to feedback. It's only hard when people go out of their way to help & the OP is obstinate or defensive. It's pretty much impossible to sugar coat feedback in these topics - and while the OP is certainly allowed to say, "no, this is my label and my vision and that's that", there are polite ways of doing that. 
I'll be the 1st to say that this community was an incredibly valuable resource in finalizing my labels. Now-a-days I've pretty well got the process down, mostly because my labels are just different iterations of the core branding (Dia del Perro being the exception).
But that said, when my next label comes out I'll still post it here for a final set of eyes prior to going to print with it. 
End of the day, I am the one who has to be happy with the end result.
Hopefully future sauces in the line will follow the template we 'hopefully' finalized today, and it should be a breeze to finish with only the logo/romance text to be scrutinized....
Didn't get to do it for this holiday season, but I am diving in deep with a partner for a seasonal holiday sauce to debut in October 2016. We will probably create a totally unique label for that though......never can start too early :)
Ok, 98% done with time running out till i need to goto press, so I'll share...I welcome thoughts, advice, criticisms, and what harm no foul....unless there is a major snafu I am not seeing though, the end is gonna be very much what ya see in #2.... thanks gang!
Last items being fixed.....
a. NEW JERSEY will be in all caps.
b. apples and ghost peppers will be on top of hot sauce, and in white instead of orange....

APRIL 2017??
Looks real good man! Take it with a grain of salt but I don't like italics unless it's a quote or implied quote. I have to lean to read lol.... seriously though, just prefer regular text.
text on the left panels refer to "notorious jolokia peppers".....but the ghost peppers are usually referred to a BHUT JOLOKIA....dunno if that's important or not~
I don't care for the creepy dude in the latest rendition.  Not at all.   I think the label can be updated with some of the stuff in the 2nd label and with the Crow image.  Not sure where the CreepyDude comes from........
my husband thinks it might be Brandon Lee?  .... 
also, be cautious of putting an ingredient like FUJI apples on the label, cuz if something happens and you can't get Fujis and might have to substitute HoneyCrisps.... technically you would not be able to!  You would be mis-labeled.  I don't think Fujis are that specific that you would want to call them out on the label.  I LOOOOVE Fujis!!!   But I'm just cautioning against branding with a specific ingredient like an apple variety, which doesn't mean squat to most people. 