Labels done! What do y'all think?

Hi all! Wasn't sure where to post this but it's a fun moment so I figured the fun zone?

After months of back & forth between the mfgr & me & my graphic artist, the adventure in buying 100 barcodes and getting the nutrition done, I have the *final* art for my 1st 3 flavors.

Having confirmed a test batch date of May 4th it's going to be tight to get these printed before I make 110 cases of sauce, but I'm confident I can get it done. More importantly, so's my office supply/label guy.

Anyways, here there are - real barcodes, real nutrition, ready to go to the printer. :dance:

See next page for finals!
I hate to bring a bad note to your happy time, but I just don't get why all three are so similar. The problem for me, and I know I am a minority, is that I am color blind. I would have a hard time purchasing the one I really liked repeatedly because there are no other distinguishing features to separate the three different flavors. Unless I am missing something which is possible :drunk: . I don't mean to be a downer, just giving my biased opinion.

Best of luck in your venture.
I hate to bring a bad note to your happy time, but I just don't get why all three are so similar. The problem for me, and I know I am a minority, is that I am color blind.

Yea I get what you mean, at first that thought crossed my mind but I came here to learn and then if you look at it from a marketing/branding perspective and what your goal is. It makes sense to be consistent in your branding, the public has bad short/long term memory as it is, if you make your labels too much different for each heat level they can get confused and they might forget you. Ok you have a point about the color blind minority thing ok so to be fair, here is what I propose, on a later batch the brand be essentially the same, just subtle changes, the mild sauce picture of the lab the same, then for medium have him slightly panting/drooling, and then for the hot, panting and drooling, bloodshot eyes (like yours) and perhaps lil puffs of smoke coming out of his ears. :} hehe just a thought

It sounds like Lucky has put alot of time, effort and expense into this batch, I say it looks fine, get it to market, land a big contract putting several thousand bottles a week in a big chain store and then work on the details while relaxing and fishing on the lake... :)

God Bless and Be well..
Nice labels.

Is the sauce in the green label a "Green" hot sauce? You did state cayenne pepper.
On all the labels no difference in the main ingredients. Are the sauces actually different or just the label design color. What type of distilled peppers are you using theres no discription ? The type of peppers is the 1st thing I look for when I read the ingredient list.... .....before I buy.

Just my feedback

Nice looking labels though.

1. Color blind / label distinctions - not sure what to say there. Not that I want to discriminate against color blind people, but I like the consistency. You can keep an eye on the thermometer, which is different for each of them?

2. Trying to think of a way to get the pepper types on the label. (no drooling dogs with bloodshot eyes though. lol)

3. Someone noticed on the Orange label that Food's Best Friend has janky spacing. d'oh! That'll be fixed too.
Nice looking labels, luckydog!

I was confused about the difference between them also, and also thought about the color blind issue. I didn't notice the mild-medium-hot thermometer at first. Maybe on your next run, actually put the word "Mild" etc on the front of the label. Lower left, opposite the 5 oz?

Grammer question- should it say ..."without overpowering THE food."?

Congrats on getting it all pulled together. Looking forward to the big launch!
To address the "what kinda peppers are in this", I'm going to have the designer add to the romance panels:

(to the Green label)
Lucky Dog Green - with Jalapeno & Serrano peppers and roasted garlic.

(to the Red label)
Lucky Dog Red - with Habanero, Jalapeno & Serrano peppers and roasted garlic.

(to the Orange Label)
Lucky Dog Orange - with Habanero, Jalapeno & Serrano peppers and roasted garlic.

Thanks for the feedback all!

Maybe on your next run, actually put the word "Mild" etc on the front of the label. Lower left, opposite the 5 oz?

THAT is a great idea! Gonna try that.

(grammar - "food" is probably ok. lol)
LD as someone who has tried and enjoyed your sauces, you have a great product. Take the criticism being offered. You need to differentiate your sauces somehow. The subtle color differences and the meter is not enough. You need something in print, ie a different subname, or at minimum mild, medium, hot etc. Even when reviewing them, I have to refer to them as orange or green, not very catchy IMO.
LD as someone who has tried and enjoyed your sauces, you have a great product. Take the criticism being offered. You need to differentiate your sauces somehow. The subtle color differences and the meter is not enough. You need something in print, ie a different subname, or at minimum mild, medium, hot etc. Even when reviewing them, I have to refer to them as orange or green, not very catchy IMO.

I agree Jay - taking it all in with a broad approach. Timing is critical right now as my test batches are coming up, so all changes need to be done by the weekend.

I am going to go with 2 things:
1. SL's suggestion of hot/med/mild in white opposite the net weight
2. Changing the "Romance Panel" as described above, so I have the pepper types called out (since folks do look for those)

One thing though - you're correct in referring to it as "Lucky Dog Green" or "Orange" or "Red" as those are the names.

Also, subtle? :rofl: The 3 labels are pretty distinctly different, no?

Nice labels.

Is the sauce in the green label a "Green" hot sauce? You did state cayenne pepper.

It's "green-ish". The cayanne doesn't materially alter the color of the sauce - it's a jalapeno/'s more green than the other two, but not actually a GREEN sauce.
Seems like Red should be hotter than Orange... I would personally switch those two labels, but I'm a bit OCD. (the fact that the color spectrum advances from green -> yellow -> orange -> red, in that order would dictate the spectrum of my heat labels because it seems clear and consistent)

Also, I agree with Salsa Lady, putting "Mild", "Medium", and "Hot" on the front label is probably a good idea to stave off confusion and ensure pepper wusses don't accidentally eat the hot version and decide your brand is too spicy for them altogether.

Other than that I like the labels as they are.

If you want to get the specific peppers used on the label, I'd say just put them in the ingredients list instead of putting the generic "roasted chile peppers"
Unfortunately the ingredients list is "owned" by the mfgr - I assume because they are ultimately liable for the contents.

I'm adding it to the romance panel. I agree it's important to call out.
Seems like Red should be hotter than Orange... I would personally switch those two labels, but I'm a bit OCD. (the fact that the color spectrum advances from green -> yellow -> orange -> red, in that order would dictate the spectrum of my heat labels because it seems clear and consistent)

Too late to switch those ( associations with bat codes, mfgr recipes, etc).

I get the color spectrum part, but in terms of pepper colors the current Labelling is more accurate - habs are orange, cayennes red, jaleps & serranos green. I'm not too worried about that part but I will be incorporating SL's idea to add a heat indicator to the front panel (e.g. Hot, med, mild) - that's a great idea & will help reinforce it & prevent "color spectrum confusion".

I really appreciate all of the feedback & constructive criticism - y'all ate the best experts on the web & it means the world to me that you'd take the time to help. While it can't be all things to all people, the two changes made from this feedback are both very significant and I can't thank you enough. the heat indicator on the front will help with the color blind thing & the pepper descriptor on the romance panel is huge.

I'll keep y'all posted on progress & when I have test batch sauce available - will be offering up some free+shipping to those who've offered feedback here in a few weeks.
Are they black or dark gray? And if black make sure your designer uses a CMYK rich black, an RGB black of 0 is not black. It's a mixture of colors. Otherwise it will print gray.

If I saw these three on a store shelf I would not know the difference in each. They just look like the same sauce with a traffic light, or rastafarian theme.

Overall, they are good.
Are they black or dark gray? And if black make sure your designer uses a CMYK rich black, an RGB black of 0 is not black. It's a mixture of colors. Otherwise it will print gray.

If I saw these three on a store shelf I would not know the difference in each. They just look like the same sauce with a traffic light, or rastafarian theme.

Overall, they are good.

Thanks - checking on color (black) now - I have no idea, but thanks for the tip!
Thanks for posting your designs, luckydog. Different people look for and see different things in labels. These are some really good suggestions, and you're smart to get the (2nd, 3rd, 4th....etc) opinion. You're right that "you'll never please everyone".
Thanks - checking on color (black) now - I have no idea, but thanks for the tip!

Try this CMYK value for the richest black:
50% Cyan, 40% Magenta, 40% Yellow, and 100% Black
I just got some stickers and they are black as night.