LAND OF THE GIANTS 2016 - Biggest Jim Competition


still a few days,
and I will measure up 

floricole said:
still a few days,
and I will measure up 
They look loooong floricle! Can't wait for the measuring!  :D
mrgrowguy said:
Not big enough to take any prises, but this one started to turn color and it's bigger than my last one
She really started stretching upwards after she stopped being mad at me. Lots of future contenders there too!
Nice work MR GG, your plant looking very good too!  If you want to enter the pod pictured above please get your state the measurements?  Hard to see exactly from the pics.
alkhall said:
Mine seem to be doing better, this is just one of the easier ones to measure:
Good going alkhall!  I make that 22.2cm long and 9.8cm around, do you agree?  
As a general point - it's hard to be exact on measurements on some of the photos so if folks could post a pic and measurements for official entries that would be great, many thanks. 
dennish said:
Good going alkhall!  I make that 22.2cm long and 9.8cm around, do you agree?  

As a general point - it's hard to be exact on measurements on some of the photos so if folks could post a pic and measurements for official entries that would be great, many thanks. 

I would guess that is about right.

I will post better pics and measurements when I get some ready for official entry.
Disaster!  One of the main branches of my WR Big Jim plants has completely snapped off under the weight of pods.  About 10 or so decent pods, many in the 20cm range already and wiped out whilst still growing! Grrr.  I'm in the process of building a bamboo fortress to support the remaining branches!


Here's the biggest which will be my entry for now, 23.1cm long and 11.2cm around, score 34.3.  I've take a pic of the reverse side just to show no funny business with the measuring, it had quite a long tail which I managed to snap off when measuring... every mm counts! 




Can someone please verify my entry / pics look OK and I'll add to the leaderboard, cheers.
dennish said:
Disaster!  One of the main branches of my WR Big Jim plants has completely snapped off under the weight of pods.  About 10 or so decent pods, many in the 20cm range already and wiped out whilst still growing! Grrr.  I'm in the process of building a bamboo fortress to support the remaining branches!


Here's the biggest which will be my entry for now, 23.1cm long and 11.2cm around, score 34.3.  I've take a pic of the reverse side just to show no funny business with the measuring, it had quite a long tail which I managed to snap off when measuring... every mm counts! 




Can someone please verify my entry / pics look OK and I'll add to the leaderboard, cheers.
dennish said:
They look loooong floricle! Can't wait for the measuring!  :D

Nice work MR GG, your plant looking very good too!  If you want to enter the pod pictured above please get your state the measurements?  Hard to see exactly from the pics.
You got some good ones! Too bad about the branch.
For my pod, I measured 16cm x 9cm pretty much on the nose. I might as well enter it, I have some new ones coming and all, but right now I'm battling BER on a few pods which get picked early.  My plant is heritage, btw
Cheers all and thanks for the cross-check Big K!  Here's the updated leaderboard, also including your improved entry mr gg!
Not sure I will last very long at the top but :party: for now!
Biggest Individual Pod Leaderboard
1. dennish, World Record Big Jim, 23.1cm long by 11.2cm circumference, total score 34.3
2. Skullbiker, World Record Big Jim, 22.4cm long by 11.1cm circumference, total score 33.5 
3. Ben123, World Record Big Jim, 19.2cm long and 11.6cm in circumference, score 30.8
4. Big Kahuna, Numex Big Jim, 16.2cm long and 10.6cm circumference, score 26.8
5. Coldsmoke/mrgrowguy, Numex Heritage Big Jim, 16cm long and 9cm in circumference, score 25
6. Ben123, World Record Big Jim, 14cm long and 8cm in circumference, score 22
7. Skullbiker, Numex Heritage Big Jim, 11.3 cm long and 8.5 cm circumference, score 19.8
8. mrgrowguy, Numex Heritage Big Jim. 11cm long and 8.1cm circumference, score 19.1
Team Challenge Leaderboard
CG Total Score = 65.1
1. Ben123, World Record Big Jim, 14cm long and 8cm in circumference, score 30.8
2. dennish, World Record Big Jim, 23.1cm long by 11.2cm circumference, total score 34.3
THP Total Score = 76.8
1. Coldsmoke, Numex Heritage Big Jim, 16cm long and 9cm in circumference, score 25
2. mrgrowguy, Numex Heritage Big Jim. 19cm long and 9cm circumference, score 25
3. Big Kahuna, Numex Big Jim, 16.2cm long and 10.6cm circumference, score 26.8
alkhall said:
Not ready to submit official entry, but...
Just measured one @ 26.2 and 10.2.
Sound like you have some biggies on the way, nice work!
I have a few currently of very similar size to my entry above which I am hoping will continue to grow... I'm watching out for BER, one of my bigger pods looks like it could succumb.
After a slow start, mine appear to be growing nicely.
No signs of ripening yet, but they are getting bigger.
Good luck to everyone with their Big Jims!
Here is one coming on.  It is not ready to harvest yet but at least I'm in the process.

Looks like I need to spend some time on my belly sweeping the floor.  There's a lot of litter for the compost pile!
I had to trash about a dozen pods that where pretty big because they was rotting from touching the ground with all the rains we have had. I picked these early before they started to and hopefully give the plant time to get a little taller before they next round starts developing. 


Seems the average was about 9 inches
or 22cm for the ones that I picked early. 
Anyone getting curled peppers, like how cayennes curl up? All but two of my peppers have been pretty regularly straight, but I have two that are curling back on themselves. One is way more curled than the other. I'll get a pic tonight if I remember.
Here is a pic for my previous post

It is entirely possible I have been over watering. It's been hot lately, but I'll cut back a bit to see what happens
alkhall said:
First ripe pod:
I used scotch tape to make sure the tape measure was taut and followed the contours of the pod.
My estimate is: 25 cm from tip to base of calyx, 10.1 cm around.
Have several more pods still ripening.
Very nice pod alkhall!  Do you have a pic which shows the whole length of the pod, the one above has the bottom clipped off...  Not that I don't think your measurements are accurate, just wanting to keep the comp honest and make sure we have a solid proof on entries, especially when it looks a possible winner at this stage - thanks!) 