• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Lavatungs newb glog.

Just another glog of a newb who doesn't know what they are doing. But with the plethora of info on this forum how hard can't it be right..?

Baby Trinidad Scorpions.

Most of them transplanted.

My propergation light.
Verigated leaves..?
Yellow veins anyone..? Thanks to the kind THP folks it turned out I was loving them too much.
Look at them now :)!

The result of using old potting mix.

The jungle!
I mean no offense, but is it possible a stray seed got mixed in? I know in the number of plants I have growing now that I started from seed, I have a couple that I question (supposed to be chinense that looks like an annuum).

Anyway, will be interesting to see what color it ripens. Maybe it's not a stray seed but a Bhut crossed with something, possibly Bhut x Goronong. Would be a cool pod, especially if it ripens red and has Bhut heat!
That's what I'm thinking. The dude started off with a Bhut and now its crossed. I've got about four of these growing and they all have the same pods.

But I also have real Bhuts growing too :D
I found this little guy hiding this morning.
The flowers are yellow so I'm guessing its a yellow 7pod..? I lost the label.

Either that or a Trinidad Scorpion. I've got Butch T's and Moruga's growing too but they are labeled.
Yellow flowers?? At this stage it could be any of the 4 types you mentioned .... hang about a week or so and you should be able to get a more positive ID. I would be leaning towards the Trinidad Scorpion types at this point .... looks less like the yellow 7 to me right now
Yellow flowers?? At this stage it could be any of the 4 types you mentioned .... hang about a week or so and you should be able to get a more positive ID. I would be leaning towards the Trinidad Scorpion types at this point .... looks less like the yellow 7 to me right now
I'm really hoping it is the trinidad scorp. It's the one I'm looking forward to the most.

long time no hear from!~!
everything looks great!!
by chance are you growing any of the ones i send ya last season??

let me know

thanks your friend Joe

long time no hear from!~!
everything looks great!!
by chance are you growing any of the ones i send ya last season??

let me know

thanks your friend Joe
Hey Joe,
Yeah my plants are finally coming along.
I didn't end up receiving those seeds. Bummer I was looking forward to the Jamaican Hot Chocolate.
My suspect ghost pepper is actually starting to look more like a Bhut everyday. Sorry about the blurry pics. Stupid mobile camera.
The skin is starting to get gnarly like a Bhut and the rounded bottoms are starting to point.
Cool looking Morouga !.......the suspect Ghost similar to my "Nagabon" ....it will be interesting to see the direction the pods take.
Here are some pix of the 'Casper' I got from Spankycolts last
season. Most of the pods were long and slender, but there
were some pods that had a different shape as you can see below.
The pods were red when ripe.

Here are some pix of the 'Casper' I got from Spankycolts last
season. Most of the pods were long and slender, but there
were some pods that had a different shape as you can see below.
The pods were red when ripe.

Hey Paul, the pods look similar hey. Same shape but different colour. What was the Casper like flavour/heat wise?
Hey Paul, the pods look similar hey. Same shape but different colour. What was the Casper like flavour/heat wise?
Hey Luke! The Casper had a medium heat and a not unpleasant
flavor, but I'm bad at describing flavors. The burn built a little, mostly
on the tip of the tongue and lips, but I only tasted a little sample, so don't
know if a more robust serving would heat up more.
Will be interesting to see what you come up with.
Hey Luke! The Casper had a medium heat and a not unpleasant
flavor, but I'm bad at describing flavors. The burn built a little, mostly
on the tip of the tongue and lips, but I only tasted a little sample, so don't
know if a more robust serving would heat up more.
Will be interesting to see what you come up with.
These bad boys have a searing heat and a flavour to die for. I wish I could send you some pods to try. I can send you some seeds if your interested...?
Thanks for the offer, Luke. My Casper wasn't all that productive,
but I did save seed from the best pods. For this season, I'm just
going with Bih Jolokia and Naga Morich from harvest seed, and
a Ghost Pepper overwinter for the Jolokia varieties. Maybe I'll give
the Casper another go next season.