• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Meatfreak 2012 Growlog

Tonight I started the new season. My growlist for 2012 contains the following varities:

Cayenne Golden
Cherry Chocolate
Chilhuacle Negro
Jalapeño Biker Billy Hybrid
Jalapeño Chichimeca
Jalapeño Craigs Grande
Jalapeño Farmers Market Potato
Jalapeño Hercules Jalapeño
Jumbo Jalapeño
Numex Jalmundo
Morron de Fabrica
Petit Marseillais
Santa Fe Grande

Aji Pineapple
Rain Forest

Yellow Chaco

7 Pot Brown
Arbibi Gusano Red F-1
Armaggedon F-1
Bolivian Bumpy
CGN 20790
Congo Trinidad
Fatalii White
Fidalga Roxa
Habanero Bazooka
Habanero Big Jamaican
Habanero Big Sun
Habanero Black Congo
Habanero Cappuccino Nugget
Habanero Chocolate Congo
Habanero Chocolate Hand Grenade F-1
Habanero Chocolate Lightning
Habanero Condor's Beak
Habanero Francisca ™
Habanero Giant White
Habanero Golden
Habanero Jaguar
Habanero Long Chocolate
Habanero Mustard
Habanero Pastel
Habanero Purple
Habanero Senegal Chocolate
Habanero Tasmanian Chocolate F-1
Habanero White Bullet x Maraba
Habanero White Pearl
Habanero Yellow Bumpy
Habanero Yucatan White
Habanero Zavory (in memory of aijjoe's niece Amanda)
Monster Naga
Peito de Moca
Pimenta Leopard
SB7J F-1
Scarlet Lantern
Scotch Bonnet Cappuccino
Scotch Bonnet True Jamaican
Trinidad Scorpion "FG"
Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate

Tabasco Short Yellow

Most of this list I got through the genorosity of people on this forum, thanks alot! Since I only have one heated propagator I needed to split up my list, so I went for all the Habanero varities first (as you can see on the picture below). Also a few other Chinense on there.


I sow 2 seeds per varity, so I can keep the best looking plant and give the other one away. Offcourse I'm not throwing them away, I will spread the heat among my friends so they can learn the magical world of pepper growing too ;)

I used coco-plugs as medium this time and putted them in a 60 holes tray. Looks like a tray of cup-cakes ready for the oven.

After I soaked them and let the propagator get to the right tempature (± 26°C) I sow all the seeds with this as end result.

All I have to do now is getting the grow area ready so when they sprouted they can be put under the CFL lights. I don't expect them to sprout for atleast a week so I still have some time. As soon there is free space I will sow the rest of my list with the Annuum to be the last ones, probally around january.
Wow Stefan. Just wow! You're going to need a greenhouse if you keep this up.

I guess a lot of folks are having issues with the SB7J seeds germinating, wish I knew why. I am glad to hear it's finally getting in gear and growing some leaves. Hopefully good things come to those who wait.

Something I've learned the past two years working with Chili Focus is you may need to use a basic tomato/pepper fertilizer with it to get your best growth/pod production. The first year I used the Chili Focus only. Growth and production were fair. Second year using it along with a granulated tomato/pepper fertilizer, something like 6-10-8, I got much better results. I'll be doing the same thing this season plus I'm going to make and use some worm tea.

Best of luck to you my friend.

I'll be watching you
Wow Stefan. Just wow! You're going to need a greenhouse if you keep this up.

I guess a lot of folks are having issues with the SB7J seeds germinating, wish I knew why. I am glad to hear it's finally getting in gear and growing some leaves. Hopefully good things come to those who wait.

Something I've learned the past two years working with Chili Focus is you may need to use a basic tomato/pepper fertilizer with it to get your best growth/pod production. The first year I used the Chili Focus only. Growth and production were fair. Second year using it along with a granulated tomato/pepper fertilizer, something like 6-10-8, I got much better results. I'll be doing the same thing this season plus I'm going to make and use some worm tea.

Best of luck to you my friend.

I'll be watching you

Thanks, Patrick! For now I'm gonna go with the mixture I use, but maybe later when they are in bigger pots I wanna use some worm compost also. As for the greenhouse I'm looking to rent some extra space, there's a gardeners place only 4min. away from me that rents ground for growing vegetables etc. It's pretty cheap so if that works out and I can get like 50m² that would be awesome. That way I can have even more plants and more vegetables + herbs :D

By the end of the month I'm sow the rest of my list and add some SB7J's again. I wanna grow this badboy :)
You're welcome Stefan. With your passion for growing do you think 50 meters squared is enough? :) I can't wait to see it. Best of luck to ya!
You're welcome Stefan. With your passion for growing do you think 50 meters squared is enough? :) I can't wait to see it. Best of luck to ya!

Probably not, but for now it will have too do :D

In the meantime after only 5 weeks my Big Jamaican plant is making buds already
Not sure if I should remove them since it's a bit too early for flowers already. It's still in a p9 pot, gonna repot it too a 4liter pot this weekend.





Wow, those are some healthy plants. Is the plant called "Big Jamaican" ?

Pinching the buds won't necessarily speed up the growth of the plant, or by not stripping the buds will slow it down.
Your plant is starting to branch out, so here comes the "burst" of new activity.
I don't normally remove the buds unless the plant is very short. Some of the annuums that I grow will have the buds removed especially such varieties as the "Big Jim's" "Ancient Sweets".....any of the long horn variety.
When planting out I set the plant about an inch lower in the soil. The last thing I want to see is a chili hanging down touching the dirt, so the first wave of flowers get stripped off. Usually that's done indoors, since like you I tend to get an early start. Last year at this time I had numerous peppers on the plants indoors. The only ones that were ripened red were the "Thai Dragon's". I made dinner for some friends and they'd thought I bought the chilli's. So I showed them the grow area...........it was shocking to them....... As their Antique collection has always been shocking to me..........who cares right?

Anyways cool looking plants, keep the updates flowing

Five week old MONSTER! Normally I would pinch this early but not sure about this one. It's going to be a tree.

Thanks patrick :) Im not sure either, but I let nature handle this. Since its this early the buds will probably fall off I guess.

Wow, those are some healthy plants. Is the plant called "Big Jamaican" ?

Pinching the buds won't necessarily speed up the growth of the plant, or by not stripping the buds will slow it down.
Your plant is starting to branch out, so here comes the "burst" of new activity.
I don't normally remove the buds unless the plant is very short. Some of the annuums that I grow will have the buds removed especially such varieties as the "Big Jim's" "Ancient Sweets".....any of the long horn variety.
When planting out I set the plant about an inch lower in the soil. The last thing I want to see is a chili hanging down touching the dirt, so the first wave of flowers get stripped off. Usually that's done indoors, since like you I tend to get an early start. Last year at this time I had numerous peppers on the plants indoors. The only ones that were ripened red were the "Thai Dragon's". I made dinner for some friends and they'd thought I bought the chilli's. So I showed them the grow area...........it was shocking to them....... As their Antique collection has always been shocking to me..........who cares right?

Anyways cool looking plants, keep the updates flowing


Hey Greg,

Great story :) The plant is about 13" heigh so it's very short. The variety is called "Big Jamaican", it's an Habanero variety from what I've read on the internet. I got 2 plants of it and both were first to germinate and are fast growers besides the Habanero Long Chocolate. They already got huge leaves and are even bigger and are branching out also. I will post some pictures of the roots when I re-pot them :)
Cool man,

If that's the same type of chocolate hab long that I'm growing, than you've got a winner.
That was one of the best scent/tasting brown pods that I grew last season. I actually overwintered one plant in search of the same flavor this season. I also planted some seeds as a backup option. I'm curious to see the shape of the Jamaican peppers that your growing. Maybe you'll have a S.B. Bonnet variety of some sort.
Good luck, and have fun with this hobby!

The pods are pretty big and longer then a regular Habanero, as you can see on the pictures below. The original seeds came from Semillas La Palma.

Interesting "lobed" ends on some of those habs. A mix of some sort, although the shape of the pepper never influences the flavor. The overall taste is what counts. Those are some nice size pods. I bet those plants grow tall and I can see from the photo that they produce well!

You're welcome Stefan. With your passion for growing do you think 50 meters squared is enough? :) I can't wait to see it. Best of luck to ya!

Turns out they didn't had any smaller then 220m² free so I guess I had no choice then too take it :lol: for only $9 a month you can't go wrong! Gonna be awesome, now I can even expand my growlist a bit more.
Turns out they didn't had any smaller then 220m² free so I guess I had no choice then too take it :lol: for only $9 a month you can't go wrong! Gonna be awesome, now I can even expand my growlist a bit more.

220m²? Now that's a garden! Hope you got all the seed you need to fill it up. If you need any more of mine let me know, happy to help.
220m²? Now that's a garden! Hope you got all the seed you need to fill it up. If you need any more of mine let me know, happy to help.

Thanks for the offer buddy, but I got it covered :) Gonna sow more seeds of the varieties I was planning and add some extras. The rest is gonna be vegetables like tomato, lettuce, radish, pea's, pumpkins, etc. Also some fruit, strawberry, raspberries. Need to check out what the best growing setup is when it comes to space between the pepper plants and such.

Your SB7J's are doing better now, guess it was my own fault also since I didn't gave them enough light, below some pictures of their current state.



The other one is behind it.
Sounds like you have a bit of farmer in you Stefan. Good luck with all of them.

Glad to hear the SB7J's are growing, they look wonderful. I'm really looking forward to seeing them produce.
Those look great man. What was the light issue?

I stacked them, you can see it on the photo, previous page. So that kept the light away from the small ones.

Thanks, Patrick :) Looking forward too it also, hope they produce the same unique pods like their mommy ;) Gonna keep those 2 in my own garden so I can keep an eye on them.
Today I sow the second and last part of my growlist, according too the cosmos agenda today was a good day so why not :) The list grown alot bigger then it originally was since I got some more space to put the plants I added some more varieties :)

No germination yet
100% germination

7 Pot Brain Strain - 2/0
7 Pot White - 4/0
Aji Cajamarca - 2/0
Aji Habanero - 2/0
Aji Pineapple - 2/0
Arbibi Gusano Red F-1 - 2/0
Armaggedon F-1 - 2/0
Biquinho - 2/0
Blondie - 2/0
Bolivian Bumpy - 3/0
Bonda Ma Jaques - 3/0
Caloro - 2/0
Cayenne Golden - 4/0
CGN20790 - 2/0
CGN21566 - 3/0
CGN22207 - 3/0
Cherry Chocolate - 6/0
Chilhuacle Negro - 4/0
Chupetinho - 2/0
Clavo - 3/0
DaNang Mkt - 3/0
Doux très Long des Landes - 4/0
Fatalii White - 3/0
Fidalga Roxa - 3/0
Guadeloupe Black - 3/0
Habanero Chocolate Congo - 3/0
Habanero Francisca ™ - 2/0
Habanero Lewd Chocolate - 3/0
Habanero Pastel - 3/0
Habanero Pink - 3/0
Island Delight - 4/0
Jalapeño Biker Billy Hybrid - 5/0
Jalapeño Chichimeca - 5/0
Jalapeño Craigs Grande - 5/0
Jalapeño Farmers Market Potato - 5/0
Jalapeño Hercules - 5/0
Jalapeño Jumbo - 4/0
Jalapeño Numex Jalmundo - 5/0
Joe's Long Cayenne - 3/0
MadballZ - 3/0
Monster Naga - 2/0
Pimiento de Padron - 10/0
Rain Forest - 2/0
Santa Fe Grande - 4/0
Scarlet Lantern - 3/0
Scotch Bonnet Cappuccino - 3/0
Scotch Bonnet Foodarama - 3/0
Scotch Bonnet Safi - 3/0
Scotch Bonnet True Jamaican - 3/0
Scotcht Bonnet TFM - 3/0
Trinidad Scorpion "FG" - 3/0
Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate - 3/0

First they pre-soaked 8 hours in water.

After 3 hours of work this is the result, doesn't contain alot of space and easy too see wich ones have germinated. My previous results were way better with this method then using those cocopellets.
Skipped a week with updating my glog because not much happend. The big plants are in a crate and don't get alot of light. As result they arent as full and low as they used too. The ones that were behind are finally showing more activity. I also re-potted 2 of my biggest plants.

What do you think, Greg? Maybe a bit too early too re-pot?


Habanero Chocolate Lightning & Big Jamaican




SB7J finally starting too grow




Some more pictures.

I'm planning on re-potting these this weekend too 4liter pots.

