• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Meatfreak 2012 Growlog

Tonight I started the new season. My growlist for 2012 contains the following varities:

Cayenne Golden
Cherry Chocolate
Chilhuacle Negro
Jalapeño Biker Billy Hybrid
Jalapeño Chichimeca
Jalapeño Craigs Grande
Jalapeño Farmers Market Potato
Jalapeño Hercules Jalapeño
Jumbo Jalapeño
Numex Jalmundo
Morron de Fabrica
Petit Marseillais
Santa Fe Grande

Aji Pineapple
Rain Forest

Yellow Chaco

7 Pot Brown
Arbibi Gusano Red F-1
Armaggedon F-1
Bolivian Bumpy
CGN 20790
Congo Trinidad
Fatalii White
Fidalga Roxa
Habanero Bazooka
Habanero Big Jamaican
Habanero Big Sun
Habanero Black Congo
Habanero Cappuccino Nugget
Habanero Chocolate Congo
Habanero Chocolate Hand Grenade F-1
Habanero Chocolate Lightning
Habanero Condor's Beak
Habanero Francisca ™
Habanero Giant White
Habanero Golden
Habanero Jaguar
Habanero Long Chocolate
Habanero Mustard
Habanero Pastel
Habanero Purple
Habanero Senegal Chocolate
Habanero Tasmanian Chocolate F-1
Habanero White Bullet x Maraba
Habanero White Pearl
Habanero Yellow Bumpy
Habanero Yucatan White
Habanero Zavory (in memory of aijjoe's niece Amanda)
Monster Naga
Peito de Moca
Pimenta Leopard
SB7J F-1
Scarlet Lantern
Scotch Bonnet Cappuccino
Scotch Bonnet True Jamaican
Trinidad Scorpion "FG"
Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate

Tabasco Short Yellow

Most of this list I got through the genorosity of people on this forum, thanks alot! Since I only have one heated propagator I needed to split up my list, so I went for all the Habanero varities first (as you can see on the picture below). Also a few other Chinense on there.


I sow 2 seeds per varity, so I can keep the best looking plant and give the other one away. Offcourse I'm not throwing them away, I will spread the heat among my friends so they can learn the magical world of pepper growing too ;)

I used coco-plugs as medium this time and putted them in a 60 holes tray. Looks like a tray of cup-cakes ready for the oven.

After I soaked them and let the propagator get to the right tempature (± 26°C) I sow all the seeds with this as end result.

All I have to do now is getting the grow area ready so when they sprouted they can be put under the CFL lights. I don't expect them to sprout for atleast a week so I still have some time. As soon there is free space I will sow the rest of my list with the Annuum to be the last ones, probally around january.
Stefan your plants look fantastic! Thanks for the updates on the SB7J's. I ended up with one, possibly two that made it. Looking at all these new seedlings are you sure the 220m squared garden is going to be big enough? :halo:

Thanks, Patrick. About the SB7J's both seeds I planted actually germinated and they both are about the same height (bit taller then on the picture above). They are still slow growers, but they are forming buds and one is about too open very soon :D Can't wait too see some pods on it. Both are going into the greenhouse as soon the risk of frost gone.

Holy Habanero chocolate lightning.... Did you sell your cow for those seeds?

Not my cow but a chicken, anyhow it's my fault it got so tall (about 27 inches). I left it standing on the floor for like 3 weeks and as you can see it wanted light ;)
All of those plants look like skyscrapers! They will simply
erupt when they get out to the greenhouse!
Small update on the problem seedlings, by the looks of it most of them will survive and are forming bigger and new leaves. Here's a few pictures.




Good to see the problem seedlings getting their act together Stefan, congrats!

Looking at the larger plants the stems on those babies are thick, you got a fan working them? Redwood peppers!
No problems with the seedlings, they just look a little wet, the new growth looks fine and the yellow leaves will just drop. Keep the soil on the dry side. If you don't have holes in the cups the water will have no place to drain (mold). Your big plants look "Super!"

Good to see the problem seedlings getting their act together Stefan, congrats!

Looking at the larger plants the stems on those babies are thick, you got a fan working them? Redwood peppers!

Thanks, Pat! Yeah I did have a fan running from time too time, but removed it when it got too crowded :lol: As soon as those seedlings are bigger I will install it again.

No problems with the seedlings, they just look a little wet, the new growth looks fine and the yellow leaves will just drop. Keep the soil on the dry side. If you don't have holes in the cups the water will have no place to drain (mold). Your big plants look "Super!"


Thanks, Greg. Yeah I still tend too give them too much water, although I should know better by now. Thanks for the heads-up :) The cups have holes so the water can drain.

Read through the Glog. Great read so far. Love all the varieties. Keep up the good work.

Thanks, Jamison. Nice you stopped by to have a look :)

Awesome lookin so far meat....haven't seen mine in 5 weeks, that should `change in a few days :fireball: wahoo!

You better share some pictures with us! Looking forward too see those :)
Some more close-up photo's.



Unknown Chinense from Karl.




Thanks for the seeds, Patrick ;)



Habanero Bazuka flower, my apologies for the poor quality (I use my smartphone to make pictures). This one is also forming a pod already like alot of other plants are doing also.
Nice. Still going strong. You are going to need a vacuum sealer and a dehydrator at the end of this season! I'm sure it's in here somewhere, but I'm being lazy. What is your soil mix? Is that coco?
Some more.

Habanero White Bullet x Maraba flower

Habanero White Bullet x Maraba

Habanero Yucatan White, first pod is ripening off

Habanero Jaguar

Habanero Long Chocolate

Nice. Still going strong. You are going to need a vacuum sealer and a dehydrator at the end of this season! I'm sure it's in here somewhere, but I'm being lazy. What is your soil mix? Is that coco?

Yeah, it's coco. Since I didn't want any bugs in the house because of the soil I used this. The mix is with some perlite and vermiculite. Later on when I repot it's only coco and perlite.
That bazuka flower is pretty sweet. I know what it is like using a phone for pics. It can be frustrating. Looks like you have mastered it though.
The seedlings and plants look great!
The flower pix are awesome.
Lookin great... What do ya know of the Madballz? I have a couple growing and wondering what I might expect...

This is the first year I'm growing them as well, but they are a cross that 2 members discovered if I remember correct. The pods color when ripe looks rusty and their mother is a Bhut Jolokia. No idea yet on how they taste :)

Hey mate! Your plants look awesome! Keep on going.. happy growings to you

Thanks, you too!
Nice update! The Habanero Cap Nugget is an awesome
little plant - should produce well for you. I notice pods
forming on the others, won't be long, now! Good luck
going forward.