• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

MeatHead 2014

Thought I'd start a new glog as my 1st year grow plants have now gone, and all remaining plants are intended for the 2014 season. Currently have growing with hopes of keeping through winter-
Yellow bhut jolokia
Brain strain
Aji limon
Chocolate Trinidad scorpion
Black Hungarian
Chinese 5 colour.
Have all healthy plants bar 1 out of 6 inch pots and in either permanent or semi permanent homes. Due to messing up the labels I'm not sure which is which on the Chinense varieties. Have 1 seedling that was seriously struggling, but it's starting to throw out new leaves so there's hope for it yet. Hoping we either have a mild Winter here, or I can get some lights set up in our spare bedroom to get them through until Spring. Have a few more varieties I have yet to plant, but thinking I may wait til the end of January to start those seeds. 
Anyway, enough babbling. On to some pics!
Green pot is an Aji Limon, bag TBD Chinense, Venus fly trap and pitcher plant on the cooler in the back, cayenne I'm trying to decide whether to OW or not in the red pot and some cilantro in the cup

Another couple of TBD Chinense's and the struggling seedling that's popping back (over watering was the cause I think)

Chinese 5 colour and 2 more Chinense's

Aloe vera and a couple of strawberries for my wife

More tbd Chinense's

Black Hungarian (already putting out flower buds that are getting pinched off for now)

Last 2 Chinense's
HillBilly Jeff said:
Great looking updates man!!!!  I was way behind on your glog.  I think scorpions throw different shaped pods, just like not all Bonnets are classic A pods.  Everything is looking wonderful. 
Thanks Jeff. This is all new to me so no doubt I'll have more questions throughout the season!
Jamison said:
Here's some Butch T's.  You can see the variance. 

Unripe Choco Scorps

Choco Scorps.

As you can see there is a ton of variance in the pods.  Hope this helps!  If not at least I had fun looking back on the years of growing chiles!
Thanks Jamison! The second pic definitely looks similar to what some of the pods on my plant are looking like. I may just have to completely overlook the first pods on my OW's and try to get a better idea from the second round pods. 
JJJessee said:
I found a picture of my Choc Scorps from last year
I'm definitely seeing similarities between my pods and both yours and Jamison's. The only hting now throwing me off is the colour being yellow not brown. Might be either funky yellow bhut/fatalii pods throwing scorpion shaped pods, or my chocs are actually yellows. Going to wait for the first round pods to clear out before trying to make a final judgement. 
thirdcoasttx said:
Thats brave! I have to wait till friday to go into full on spice mode. I don't think blowing up a customers toilet would be good for business!
Haha. Didn't end up doing it yesterday as the pod was still a little green. Will be checking it for sure after work this afternoon though. 
So it turns out what I thought was going to be an aji lemon is now another mystery. It's finally got some open flowers, and they're definitely not Baccatum-

Plant shot-

Going to be interesting to see what pods this one puts out. 
My yellow mystery scorp/bhut is now turning into more of an orange mystery. This pod still has some green on it, but the yellow that it was showing is now orange, which adds even more to the confusion as I didn't plant any orange pods at all in this batch

Another pod on the same plant that's started ripening. More orange than yellow as well

No doubts on this plant. Has to be a yellow bhut


Bishop's crown baby

Blackberries are well on their way to ripening

Got my first ripe sangria pepper! I make an effort to taste every variety I'm growing, even the ornamentals so this one will be tested tomorrow after work

Last but not least, today's little harvest. Black Hungarian's are proving to be much faster at ripening than the jalapeno's I grew last year. Have a few more on the same plant that are ripening as well. The yellow pod is from a Jamaican yellow mushroom. Definitely doesn't have the mushroom shape, but hoping that's just from early season pods on a still small plant. This is the second ripe pod off this plant. Didn't get a pic of the first due to chomping half of it straight off the plant. Delicious flavour, though not a lot of heat. The other half went in an omelette, and was outstanding.
Devv said:
One just has to at least taste a pd from every plant. No need to eat a whole pod unless you like the burn twice syndrome :D
Haha. Double burn isn't too bad for me, as long as I have no plans other than to stay home the next day. Learned that one after eating my first whole scorpion then going fishing the next morning lol. Anything hab heat and under I generally have no problem with though. Seems to just be certain supers that cause that problem. Never had any trouble with bhut's for some reason, which is one of the reasons they're near the top of my faves.
thirdcoasttx said:
I don't know what those mystery pods are but they are beautiful!
Thanks tctx! I'm actually loving the colour, just wish they'd hurry up and fully ripen. I want to find out how they taste! I thought for sure the one would be done by last night, but it's still showing a little green even with the change from yellow to orange.
Funky Nardello pod

SB7J poddage. Looking good so far

Green anole. Got a few of these hanging around now. 

My aji lemon mystery has a few pods set. Hoping they don't drop so I can see what they turn out like

Today's little harvest. Got home from work to find 4 of the scorpion mysteries ripe. Going to give one a try after dinner tonight. Tried the one sangria I had that was ripe. Was actually surprised that it had a decent flavour, and actually reminded me a little of the cayenne's I grew last year, and had no heat that I could detect. Should make for a great powder if I can get enough of them.


Sunflowers growing quickly. Definitely considering digging it up and bringing it with us when we move

That's it for now. Thanks for stopping by!
Ate one of the yellow/orange mysteries after dinner tonight. Didn't think to get a photo of the innards til after I'd already taken a sample bite. One surprise was a total lack of seeds in this pod. Decided afterwards to check the others, and half have a decent amount of seeds, and half have none. Ended up eating the rest of the pod after taking a quick pic. Very fruity, with slight floral undertones. Heat was maybe slightly above hab level heat. Enough to give me a good burn with a little sweat, but definitely nowhere near superhot level. Based on flavour and heat level, my (very uneducated) guess is this plant is either a fatalii with some very off shaped first pods, or some sort of unexpected cross. Either way, definitely a keeper. Delicious peppers.
Devv said:
All those Nardello's grow like that, made a stir fry with a few. A nice pod.
Liked your review!
Didn't know that. This is the only one I have curling upwards, all the other pods are either turned sideways or growing straight down
Finally have some more fatalii's ripening. 


Primo's looking outstanding

Little aji pineapple pod

Bonda ma Jacques has a few flower pods forming

Unknown Mexican is definitely ripening. Hopefully will get to taste test in a few days

Black pearl is podding up nicely. Love the colours of this plant, but it's looking to be a very slow grower


Purple flash podding up nicely as well

That's it for today. Thanks for stopping by!
The Choc Scorp is not cast in stone yet as far as stability, so yellows and reds are possible.Variety is the king these guys ,and scorps in general.I got some reds last year from the choc seeds and 2 different browns; the reds were huge, one of the browns produced a lot of very smooth (weird)  wavey tapered pods, and one was text book scorp shaped and all bumped upafter the first round of pods.The smooth ones I didn't care for at all , but the other was fairly good.Mysteries are fun as long as they aren't the only plant of a type you really wanted.
That garden is cruising along quite nicely Chris. :party:
gnslngr said:
The Choc Scorp is not cast in stone yet as far as stability, so yellows and reds are possible.Variety is the king these guys ,and scorps in general.I got some reds last year from the choc seeds and 2 different browns; the reds were huge, one of the browns produced a lot of very smooth (weird)  wavey tapered pods, and one was text book scorp shaped and all bumped upafter the first round of pods.The smooth ones I didn't care for at all , but the other was fairly good.Mysteries are fun as long as they aren't the only plant of a type you really wanted.
That garden is cruising along quite nicely Chris. :party:
Thanks DJ. I'm leaning more away from it being a scorpion now, mainly due to the fact it only put out 3 scorp shaped pods, and all the others (including all new pods) are more bhut/fatalii shaped. 
This is what the majority of the pods on it are looking like now

thirdcoasttx said:
Awesome lookin pods whatever they are!!!
Thanks Daniel! Tasty too!
Found this little guy ripe when I got home. My first ripe unknown Mexican

Popped this little guy straight after dinner. Absolutely delicious! Had a quick juicy burst when first bitten into, and had a sort of annuum taste to it as well. Heat was probably around 10k shu's, and as it was only the first ripe pod I expect later pods to be hotter. Long lingering burn, but the type of burn that makes you want more. I can definitely see this being a constant snacking pepper. As soon as I was finished this one I wanted more!