• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

MeatHead 2014

Thought I'd start a new glog as my 1st year grow plants have now gone, and all remaining plants are intended for the 2014 season. Currently have growing with hopes of keeping through winter-
Yellow bhut jolokia
Brain strain
Aji limon
Chocolate Trinidad scorpion
Black Hungarian
Chinese 5 colour.
Have all healthy plants bar 1 out of 6 inch pots and in either permanent or semi permanent homes. Due to messing up the labels I'm not sure which is which on the Chinense varieties. Have 1 seedling that was seriously struggling, but it's starting to throw out new leaves so there's hope for it yet. Hoping we either have a mild Winter here, or I can get some lights set up in our spare bedroom to get them through until Spring. Have a few more varieties I have yet to plant, but thinking I may wait til the end of January to start those seeds. 
Anyway, enough babbling. On to some pics!
Green pot is an Aji Limon, bag TBD Chinense, Venus fly trap and pitcher plant on the cooler in the back, cayenne I'm trying to decide whether to OW or not in the red pot and some cilantro in the cup

Another couple of TBD Chinense's and the struggling seedling that's popping back (over watering was the cause I think)

Chinese 5 colour and 2 more Chinense's

Aloe vera and a couple of strawberries for my wife

More tbd Chinense's

Black Hungarian (already putting out flower buds that are getting pinched off for now)

Last 2 Chinense's
Got back from vacation yesterday. Had a great time seeing some new places in the US. Have a ton of pics that I'll post up later. Right now, it's pepper update time.
Had quite a few ripe peppers and a few tomatoes waiting for me when I got home, so it was straight into harvesting. My first decent haul for the year! Mainly consists of fatalii's, with some nardello's, lemon drops, black Hungarians, my first brain strains and a lonely SAFI red hab, along with a few lime green salad tomatoes.


A couple overall shots of my garden. We're going to be moving to our new house in about a month, so they'll be getting a lot more room very shortly!


A few SB7J pods. This plant is absolutely loaded with peppers.

SAFI red hab is turning into a monster! The plant is only just over 2ft high, but the canopies well over 3ft wide, and it's absolutely loaded with pods



Sangria's looking nice with a mixture of ripe and unripe pods

Black pearl finally has some pods ripening. This is one slow going plant

That's 10. Will have more pics later
Essegi said:
Looks so good!:)
  Thanks Essegi!

maximumcapsicum said:
Great update! I can't wait till I have that many ripe pods! What are you going to do with them? The blank Hungarians look particularly enticing. How often you gettin pulls like that?
Keep it growin bud!
Thanks Adam. The fatalii's will be getting frozen for sauces and powder. My wife wants me to pickle the black Hungarians so going to give that a try once I get enough. The Safi is getting stuffed for dinner tonight. This is my first decent pull off a few plants, but the black Hungarian has been putting out ripe pods for a while. Very productive and quick to ripen as well.
maximumcapsicum said:
Sounds like a solid plan. Be sure to post pics of your projects!
Will do! IT's a toss up between lemon drop and fatalii powder for my favourite on seafood. I can't get enough of it.
HillBilly Jeff said:
Nice pepper shots.
Thanks Jeff! Didn't get a chance before we left to contact you but my black Hungarian seeds are ready if you're still interested.
Devv said:
Nice update!
Sounds like your vacation was a blast, and coming home to ripe produce is a major bonus.
Plants look fantastic!
Thanks Scott! Yeah we had a great time. Had a few more ripe tomatoes but some seem to be experiencing BER at the moment. Not sure if it's from not enough calcium, or too much water too quickly from the storms we got.
More updates. Yellow bhut's are starting to ripen

Scotch bonnet TFM's are putting out pods as well. 

Bhut Indian carbon has set it's first pod

What I had thought was supposed to be a lemon drop looks like a tepin. Unexpected surprise as I'd thought no tepin seeds had sprouted

Bishop's crown podding up

Another one of my unlabelled plants from last year podding up. Not going to make a guess until they ripen

Primo's budding up

Nice big Nard pod!

CGN21500 putting out some blossoms

My wife's banana pepper busted out some pods while we were gone

That's 10. More pics later
BER is caused from reduced Calcium uptake. Could be the ph, soil, or watering.
I have always had a BER problem except this year. I've been hitting them with a foliar application of epsom salt and calmag. So far just one BER tomato.
Devv said:
BER is caused from reduced Calcium uptake. Could be the ph, soil, or watering.
I have always had a BER problem except this year. I've been hitting them with a foliar application of epsom salt and calmag. So far just one BER tomato.
pH should be right. I'm thinking it may be that I just need to add more calcium for the tomatoes. Not having any problems with the peppers at all. Picked up some gypsum powder from kelp4less to help with the problem, so hoping that does the trick. One quick question though, would I be better off doing a root drench or foliar feed? 
HillBilly Jeff said:
Last year was the first year I ever had it, but I epsom salt them all the time.
Nice ripening bhuts!!!
No rush on the blacks.  Don't need them until February lol
Thanks Jeff. And no problem with the seeds, let me know when you're ready and I'll send them out for you. 
Last bunch of plant updates for today.
CAP215 plants exploded while I was away. Easily doubled in size, and probably very close to needing to be repotted

More Scotch bonnet TFM pods

Bonda ma Jacques flower

Couple of tomato pics. Not sure which variety these are as I need to space the plants out a bit more because they've become too crowded


That's it for plant pics today. Will get some vacation pics up when I get them organized. 
Tom's in my garden seem to BER before peppers. So I guess they handle the calcium uptake process better.
Foliar is the way to go to get fast results, which is why I use the calmag that way now.
Last season I used calmag as a drench, no help there...
Devv said:
Tom's in my garden seem to BER before peppers. So I guess they handle the calcium uptake process better.
Foliar is the way to go to get fast results, which is why I use the calmag that way now.
Last season I used calmag as a drench, no help there...
Awesome. Appreciate the info Scott! 
Thanks all! Appreciate the positive feedback! After seeing the major growth spurt on my plants after getting some good rain vs using tap water, I think one of my first projects when funds allow at our new house will be getting gutters and rainwater tanks installed. Pretty sure I can convince the better half that it'll be a worthwhile investment if I can convince her of the savings we'll have on our water bill.

As promised earlier, time for some vacation pics. My wife's vacation actually started before mine, as she was able to take 2 weeks off while I was only able to take off 1. My parents and sister arrived the Wednesday before last, and as that Thursday was my scheduled day off we spent the day showing them around the French Quarter. Found a new store that wasn't there the last time my wife and I were there called Pepper Palace, so naturally I had to check it out. Great selection of sauces and powders/rubs! Also found these bad boys sitting in the fridge, and as I was in need of a caffeine hit promptly snapped one up.

Tasted great, though it had no discernible pepper flavour at all. No heat either unfortunately, and even after getting my wife and Mum to try it they said the same, and their tolerance is much lower than mine. Someone who may not eat spicy food at allmay find it hot, but none of us found anything at all. Still a tasty drink though,
Some San Francisco pics. This is Alcatraz as viewed from Fisherman's Wharf while it's clear

Alcatraz with the fog rolling in

Pier 39 sea lions


Alcatraz cell. 5 foot wide, 7 foot high and 9 foot deep. 

San Fran seagulls are not only the size of ducks, they can fish better than me too!

We made the mistake of walking both up and down Lombard Street. Seemed like a good idea at the time. That's one steep arse hill! And surprisingly (to us at least), isn't even the most crooked street in San Francisco. 

Flew from San Fran to Vegas, then jumped straight into a rental car to travel to Flagstaff for the night then to the Grand Canyon the next day. All I can say is that pictures do not do it justice. We only saw a portion of it from the south rim, and the size of it is just overwhelming. And as someone who has a fear of heights, gave me a great case of the heebie jeebie's too lol.


Sadly I didn't take any pics of Vegas. Waiting for the better half to upload hers so I can steal them lol. Definitely a great place to visit, and looking forward to going back again. 
One last pic. My wife found this little guy hanging around while walking the dogs just before we left. Seems I may have found one of the culprits for the shed skins I'd found. Speckled king snake, approx 3 foot long. Let him go as he didn't look like a venomous snake when I looked at him, and after researching and figuring out what it was I'm glad I did. Harmless constrictor, and great for keeping rat and mouse numbers down, and a beautiful snake as well.

Runescape said:
Awesome pics, man... esp this one. Crazy that you went to alcatraz...
Thanks Rune! 
Time for a quick update. While checking out the small pods I'd already noticed growing on one of my TFM Scotch bonnets, found this monster hidden near the bottom of the plant

First Bahamian goat peppers have formed

Along with my first yellow 7 pots

Very close to having my first ripe MoA! I really want to fast forward the next few days so I can give it a taste! 

My wife was gifted a couple of dwarf palms as thanks for helping with computer issues at her church. I think they'll look good in amongst a nice flower bed at the new house

Purple flash is starting to get a few ripe pods. My wife absolutely loves the colours on the ornamentals now.

Today's small pull. Fatalii's, lemon drops, nards and my first yellow bhut, along with a couple of danko's, a lime green salad and a black sea man tomato

And a nice blackberry haul. 

That's all for today. Thanks for stopping by!