• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

MeatHead 2014

Thought I'd start a new glog as my 1st year grow plants have now gone, and all remaining plants are intended for the 2014 season. Currently have growing with hopes of keeping through winter-
Yellow bhut jolokia
Brain strain
Aji limon
Chocolate Trinidad scorpion
Black Hungarian
Chinese 5 colour.
Have all healthy plants bar 1 out of 6 inch pots and in either permanent or semi permanent homes. Due to messing up the labels I'm not sure which is which on the Chinense varieties. Have 1 seedling that was seriously struggling, but it's starting to throw out new leaves so there's hope for it yet. Hoping we either have a mild Winter here, or I can get some lights set up in our spare bedroom to get them through until Spring. Have a few more varieties I have yet to plant, but thinking I may wait til the end of January to start those seeds. 
Anyway, enough babbling. On to some pics!
Green pot is an Aji Limon, bag TBD Chinense, Venus fly trap and pitcher plant on the cooler in the back, cayenne I'm trying to decide whether to OW or not in the red pot and some cilantro in the cup

Another couple of TBD Chinense's and the struggling seedling that's popping back (over watering was the cause I think)

Chinese 5 colour and 2 more Chinense's

Aloe vera and a couple of strawberries for my wife

More tbd Chinense's

Black Hungarian (already putting out flower buds that are getting pinched off for now)

Last 2 Chinense's
thirdcoasttx said:
Dang that tfm is awesome. Blackberries look delicious too! Be sure to let us know how that MoA taste!
Willdo! Hopefully only another day or two til it's ready.
GA Growhead said:
We ate our first blackberry yesterday. :D
Your TFMs look very annuum. More like Jamaican mushrooms.
Nice haul! Tomatoes looks awesome. Still waiting on my first.
Love homegrown blackberries. Much better than store bought.
I have to agree after looking closer about the tfm too. Bit disappointing as I love bonnets, but I did enjoy the mushrooms I tried last year. And if all the pods can get that big, they'll make some great poppers!
Last year was the first yeild of blackberries for us. I love the wild blackberries that grow all around, but these thornless ones we are growing were amazing! The berries get huge. Can't wait till we can eat more. They really just started turning red.
Jamison sent me a few yellow mushroom pods last year. I though they were great. I have a few plants growing. Definitely not the same as a bonnet in taste, but they have there place. You have MOAs, which look wonderful BTW, to cover the bonnet flavor!
Everything is looking good your way!
Glad the Vacation was a good one. We went to Sedona as a home base in '05 and hit the Grand Canyon just before sunup, Just spectacular views there. AZ is such a beautiful state!
You must go back and do Vegas, just the people watching is enough for me to go there...LOL
And of course some slots and craps are fun too.
Still haven't made it to Ca. yet, but someday...
Have a great week!
Pods look great man! I was thinking the same thin about the TFM.... Looks like the Jamaican Yellow Mushroom Jason sent my way. A handsome pod to be sure.

Your plants look pristine. Mine are full of bites and blotches! They don't seem to mind too much though.
GA Growhead said:
Last year was the first yeild of blackberries for us. I love the wild blackberries that grow all around, but these thornless ones we are growing were amazing! The berries get huge. Can't wait till we can eat more. They really just started turning red.
Jamison sent me a few yellow mushroom pods last year. I though they were great. I have a few plants growing. Definitely not the same as a bonnet in taste, but they have there place. You have MOAs, which look wonderful BTW, to cover the bonnet flavor!
Ours are thornless as well. My sister in law got nearly twice as many as our haul off it while we were on vacation. Hoping to have enough left on it to get a batch of jelly out of them.
After actually checking out my plant, instead of just looking for pods and not paying attention to the pods, the TFM is definitely an Annuum.

I know I definitely got a TFM pod in a box last year, but I'm thinking being totally new to anything other than grocery store peppers at the time I saved seeds from the wrong pod lol. 
Runescape said:
Almost exactly my reaction when I first heard the name lol.
Devv said:
Everything is looking good your way!
Glad the Vacation was a good one. We went to Sedona as a home base in '05 and hit the Grand Canyon just before sunup, Just spectacular views there. AZ is such a beautiful state!
You must go back and do Vegas, just the people watching is enough for me to go there...LOL
And of course some slots and craps are fun too.
Still haven't made it to Ca. yet, but someday...
Have a great week!
Thanks Scott. Agree with the views at the Grand Canyon. Pictures do it absolutely no justice after seeing it myself. Absolutely breathtaking.
People watching at Vegas was definitely a highlight. Would've loved to see more shows but the prices for some were ridiculous. Definitely have to save more money before our next trip. San Francisco was great. It was nice going from  hot and humid to mid-high 50's during the day. Though when we did a hop on hop off tour, a jacket would've been wise for the ride across the Golden Gate bridge. I'm sure the temp dropped to around 30 with crazy wind, and I was only wearing a t shirt!
maximumcapsicum said:
Pods look great man! I was thinking the same thin about the TFM.... Looks like the Jamaican Yellow Mushroom Jason sent my way. A handsome pod to be sure.

Your plants look pristine. Mine are full of bites and blotches! They don't seem to mind too much though.
Thanks Adam! Answers just above on the TFM. Complete noob mistake on my behalf last year.
Not all are looking great. I have a few that are looking ab it worse for wear. I think that it may be a case of for some reason they haven't liked all the rain we got recently, while the others absolutely thrived. Either that, or there's something else I haven't worked out yet.
Today's little haul. Fatalii, a lone lemon drop, my first ripe serrano and a few banana peppers that are destined to be stuffed tomorrow night

More brains ripening

Sea of MoA's

And a sea of SB7J's

Hard to see all the pods, but my yellow bhut plants are absolutely loaded. Between these and the fatalii's, I can see some experimenting with a yellow sauce this year


Still have a couple of my OW's that are yet to be determined, but 2 of them have at least one monster pod on each. 
Plant one

Plant two

That's it for now. More after a bump.
Spicegeist said:
Good luck with the yellow sauce... yellow chinenses are awesome!
Thanks Spicegeist! And definitely agree. Love the yellow Chinenses!
thirdcoasttx said:
Bump. I just made a yellow sauce yesterday with all the fatalli I pulled gave most away for fathers day gifts did manage to keep one for myself. Lookin good as usual!!!
Thanks Daniel! Did you make a fruit based sauce with the fatalii's? 
I used a modified recipe I found here on thp that Texasblues posted. It contains mango, carrots, garlic, vinegar, and instead of brown sugar I use agave nectar and instead of a few store bought habs I used a shit ton of fatalii and scotch bonnets. It came out pretty damn good if I do say so myself. Might just go crack open my jar now. well I guess its a bit more on the orange side but it has yellow peppers in it.
Hasn't been all fun and games here since we got back. I have a few plants that are looking a little sad, but think it may be a case of them not handling the water from the storms we got recently. 

Red bhut.

My smaller aji chuncho. For some reason this one's yellowing a little and not is growing a lot slower than the one I've shown in the growdown thread, even though they're both in the same mix

Haven't noticed any problems on any of the others, but did find what I believe may be a flea beetle on one of the tomato plants. Going to have to keep an extra close watch on them as I had found a couple of hornworms on one of the tomato plants before our vacation as well.
On a brighter note, have my first CAP215 flower buds forming. 

Still have a ton of blackberries waiting

Tepins loading  up nicely

Only a portion of the bishop's crowns hanging on this plant

thirdcoasttx said:
I used a modified recipe I found here on thp that Texasblues posted. It contains mango, carrots, garlic, vinegar, and instead of brown sugar I use agave nectar and instead of a few store bought habs I used a shit ton of fatalii and scotch bonnets. It came out pretty damn good if I do say so myself. Might just go crack open my jar now. well I guess its a bit more on the orange side but it has yellow peppers in it.
Looks killer! I made a mango sauce last year using orange habs that was great on wings. May have to try it again with fatalii's in place of the habs. Thanks for the idea!
Didn't get a chance to update yesterday as I had to go straight from work out to our property. Driveway and slab are getting put down tomorrow, so had to cut the grass. Not having a mower, and having the grass at least 2 foot tall, decided to hit it with a weed eater first to try to get it manageable. Bad idea! I was nearly completely wrecked halfway through. Luckily my boss offered to use his ride on and do it for us today as a housewarming. Getting closer and closer to having our own home and land!
Yesterdays little haul. 

Our land

Thai fire putting out some pods. Already have a sauce I'll be using these in

Got my first CGN21500 pod!

Today's pull. More fatalii's, yellow bhuts, nard, serrano, lemon drops, a SAFI red hab and a red brain

Couldn't get a pic as the pod was buried in too deep, but I also have my first SB7J pod starting to get colour! Hopefully the pulls will start getting bigger pretty soon so I can start sharing pods around.
Edit to add-forgot to post this pic. Best looking yellow bhut I pulled. 
Plants, pods, harvests and property look great!
You're going to be rolling in pods when all of those ripen!
How much land is that? Looks like you'll have plenty ;)
OKGrowin said:
that land looks nice, next glog will be big eh?
love the sea of moas, your plants are loaded
Thanks OK! We've got just over 1/2 an acre. Would love to do either a bunch of in ground gardens or raised beds, just depends on what the boss allows me to do. Or whether I can convince her to allow me more room lol.
Devv said:
Plants, pods, harvests and property look great!
You're going to be rolling in pods when all of those ripen!
How much land is that? Looks like you'll have plenty ;)
Thanks Scott! Already starting to roll in pods lol. I had no idea how prolific fatalii's are! Nards are producing great too even though the plants are still pretty small. Got just over 1/2 an acre, which is more than enough for now. Eventually I'd love to have at least 5 acres, if not more. One day maybe.
Today's update. Even though I told myself tomorrow would be the day I'd pick it, I just couldn't wait any longer. I HAD to try my first MoA! And after giving it a taste test, it has easily become my number 1 favourite. Holy crap they're good! And huge pods too! Definitely going to have to try stuffing some of these.

Not an "A" grade pod, but beautiful and delicious either way

Only had the cell phone handy so not a great pic, but this may explain why I haven't seen many squirrels here lately

Today's pick. More danko's, fatalii's and yellow bhuts along with a SAFI red, brain, black Hungarian and the MoA. 1 and 1/2 nards is due to using half a nard to add into a sauce recipe for tonights dinner.