• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

MeatHead 2014

Thought I'd start a new glog as my 1st year grow plants have now gone, and all remaining plants are intended for the 2014 season. Currently have growing with hopes of keeping through winter-
Yellow bhut jolokia
Brain strain
Aji limon
Chocolate Trinidad scorpion
Black Hungarian
Chinese 5 colour.
Have all healthy plants bar 1 out of 6 inch pots and in either permanent or semi permanent homes. Due to messing up the labels I'm not sure which is which on the Chinense varieties. Have 1 seedling that was seriously struggling, but it's starting to throw out new leaves so there's hope for it yet. Hoping we either have a mild Winter here, or I can get some lights set up in our spare bedroom to get them through until Spring. Have a few more varieties I have yet to plant, but thinking I may wait til the end of January to start those seeds. 
Anyway, enough babbling. On to some pics!
Green pot is an Aji Limon, bag TBD Chinense, Venus fly trap and pitcher plant on the cooler in the back, cayenne I'm trying to decide whether to OW or not in the red pot and some cilantro in the cup

Another couple of TBD Chinense's and the struggling seedling that's popping back (over watering was the cause I think)

Chinese 5 colour and 2 more Chinense's

Aloe vera and a couple of strawberries for my wife

More tbd Chinense's

Black Hungarian (already putting out flower buds that are getting pinched off for now)

Last 2 Chinense's
Glad to see all the harvesting going on!
Food pic looked great! I wish my MoA's would do something, they're stalled :tear:
The holes in the peppers look like what I had last year, they mainly went after the Reapers taking 6 or 7 out of 10. However I never found the frass in the ones I cut open. But after a few I just threw them ;)
The holes in the Tom's; bugs? or birds? We don't have bugs bothering them, just an occasional stink bug leaving a sting mark. Now the birds hit them hard if we don't pick them early. We have to pick them as soon as they to the  go yellow-pink stage.
Devv said:
Glad to see all the harvesting going on!
Food pic looked great! I wish my MoA's would do something, they're stalled :tear:
The holes in the peppers look like what I had last year, they mainly went after the Reapers taking 6 or 7 out of 10. However I never found the frass in the ones I cut open. But after a few I just threw them ;)
The holes in the Tom's; bugs? or birds? We don't have bugs bothering them, just an occasional stink bug leaving a sting mark. Now the birds hit them hard if we don't pick them early. We have to pick them as soon as they to the  go yellow-pink stage.
Thanks Scott. Hope your MoA's kick in again soon! Have you tried them before? I can always send a mixed box with one or two MoA's if you haven't and would like to try some. 
The holes are definitely bugs from what I've seen. I've just been chucking the one's I've found with them in it, will get a pic if/when I find some more. Picking them early won't seem to help either as I've found a couple of green toms with the holes in them as well. I'm hoping it's just slugs and snails as they're easy to deal with.
Measured the big nard after my wife got home, as my tape measure was still in her car. Topped out at just over 10 inches.
Ok so just had my first taste of a chocolate scorpion. Unlike every other superhot I've tried so far that has had heat that slowly builds, this thing was instant! Seriously glad I didn't do a whole pod! Killer heat, surprisingly great tasting pepper, and I think I have a hell of an endorphin rush just from a quarter size bite.
Looking good Chris-
1. The Grand Canyon is a site indeed , pictures do no justice. It isn't the biggest canyon , but by far the grandest.
2. Now that Yellow Bhut actually looks Bhutish-many do not. Looks like you have a winner.
3. Yellows make really good sauce- and that recipe sounds great- I always use pineapple and mangoes, and sweet onions-the rest varies , though I will say I've gone to coconut blossom sugar. I had a pleasant surprise when I found 3 qts from last year had lost a vacuum , and apparently fermented(that smell is unmistakable), which I usually don't mess with, but I tempted fate, and it ended up being really good.
4. My one favorite Choc scorp from last year has produced several offspring , which I discovered in my hectic plant out- it is the same way(BAM heat) whereas the other 3 were kinda lackluster. I also ended up finding seedlings under the Big Black Naga's old haunt, and a few others as well.The funny part is that these are some tough little guys compared with the over coddled plants(all with sub normal root balls from the Fungus Gnats) I put in the ground ,as they apparently don't even flinch in the high sun according to my wife-the others still wilt considerably in the heat.
I'll see them tomorrow as I'm demobilizing the vessel tonight in Fourchon.... :rofl:
Runescape said:
Lol, how long did the heat last?
Heat lasted a good 10 minutes, maybe a bit longer. Glad I only went with a small bite instead of popping the whole thing like I was originally thinking of doing lol.
gnslngr said:
Looking good Chris-
1. The Grand Canyon is a site indeed , pictures do no justice. It isn't the biggest canyon , but by far the grandest.
2. Now that Yellow Bhut actually looks Bhutish-many do not. Looks like you have a winner.
3. Yellows make really good sauce- and that recipe sounds great- I always use pineapple and mangoes, and sweet onions-the rest varies , though I will say I've gone to coconut blossom sugar. I had a pleasant surprise when I found 3 qts from last year had lost a vacuum , and apparently fermented(that smell is unmistakable), which I usually don't mess with, but I tempted fate, and it ended up being really good.
4. My one favorite Choc scorp from last year has produced several offspring , which I discovered in my hectic plant out- it is the same way(BAM heat) whereas the other 3 were kinda lackluster. I also ended up finding seedlings under the Big Black Naga's old haunt, and a few others as well.The funny part is that these are some tough little guys compared with the over coddled plants(all with sub normal root balls from the Fungus Gnats) I put in the ground ,as they apparently don't even flinch in the high sun according to my wife-the others still wilt considerably in the heat.
I'll see them tomorrow as I'm demobilizing the vessel tonight in Fourchon.... :rofl:
Thanks DJ. I was definitely surprised to learn when we went that the Grand Canyon isn't the biggest. I'd always assumed it was. 
That yellow bhut is great! I've picked a couple of off shaped pods that were more fatalii like, but the vast majority have been bhut shaped
I may have to search around here and see if I can find the coconut blossom sugar and give it a try. Does it add a different flavour to the sauces compared to regular sugar?
I was surprised with the instant heat from that choc scorp. Enjoyed the flavour too, and thinking it would be great smoked and used for either sauce or powder. 
maximumcapsicum said:
Looks like my reapers for sure. I bet its a scorcher.
Poppers look good. Right now I am debating... popper or candy? How to choose how to choose...
Thanks Adam. Definitely a scorcher! Tastes great too. I messaged seacowboy last night asking about the seeds, and he said it could've possibly been a mislabel and they were reaper seeds instead of brains, so I'm going to go with reapers for now. 
I haven't tried making pepper candy yet, but sounds like a very interesting idea. Do you have a recipe for it at all? Could always do a coin toss. Heads for poppers, tails for candy. Lol.
sp33d said:
Beautiful pods!! Love those chocolate scorpions..my favorite pepper of all time...great glog
Thanks sp33d! Those chocolate scorpions have some size about them too. Averaging 12 grams a pod so far.
Quick update for today. Finally looks like I have some tepin's starting the ripening process. 

Along with some Bishop's crowns

Have my first CAP 215 pods formed, would love it if they stayed set and don't drop off, but not holding my breath on it


Today's harvest. As usual, lots of yellow. I've nearly filled a gallon freezer bag with fatalii's already

Getting closer to the correct shape on the MoA's as well


CAP 215's got some new shoes today


Along with the little serrano that got topped by my niece. This one should be a lot bigger than it is, but I pretty much neglected it after the accident as I wasn't sure if I was going to keep it or not
I see you're getting larger and larger pulls, good on ya!
Those MoA's are looking superb! Thanks for the offer on the MoA's, I may take you up on that after July has passed. I'll be doing a lot of traveling and want to make sure I don't miss them. I don't know why but they seem to be one of the few that are just sitting there doing nothing.
Keep doing what you're doing!
Haven't had much time to update lately due to just completing stage one of a two stage move. We decided to move out of our old duplex early and stay with my in laws while our house is finishing up being built due to finding out after we came back from vacation that 2 of our neighbors had been arrested for attempted robbery and assault. Didn't want to stay living with a fear of it happening to us so got the hell out. Have been slacking on photo taking too so this will only be a very short update.
Had the crap scared out of me a couple of days after moving. I was going to pick a pepper near the bottom of this plant, and didn't notice this guy until he started moving. After getting a hold of myself and realising it was harmless, I let it go on it's way. Beautiful speckled kingsnake

Finally had my first yellow mushroom ripen. This thing made an absolutely outstanding popper


Finally have tepin's ripening as well. Popped the first one I found to get a taste, and absolutely loved it. Great flavour, and a surprising heat level for such a small pod. Definitely a keeper, and with the quick hit then fade of heat will make a great snacking pepper.

And finally, a lazy Saturday morning pull. 
Runescape said:
Lol, man that tepin is loaded...
So all your plants got moved to the in-laws?
That tepin's crazy! Wish I could get a good shot showing all the pods that are on it. 
Yeah all my plants got moved. Took 4 trips in my truck to get them all over, and that's with an 8 foot bed. 
thirdcoasttx said:
Lookin good buddy. Thats a pretty cool lookin snake. Was it difficult to deseed that mushroom to make a popper?
Thanks Daniel. That's only the 2nd speckled kingsnake I've seen since moving here, and almost want to catch one for a pet lol. Don't think so on the mushroom pepper, my wife actually did them that night but I didn't hear any complaints about it.
Seacowboy said:
Thanks for the fresh box of fun.  This isn't quite the full box it started at as since I used a bunch over the weekend.  Keep up the good grow and good luck with the move.
No problem! How'd you like the MoA's?
Chocolate scorpions are really starting to ripen up nicely


Yellow 7 pot is loading up nicely, but taking forever to ripen on the older pods

Still lots of colour on some SB7J's even after a good pull

Bishop's crowns finally ripening. My wife's eagerly waiting on these as they're her number 2 favourite for stuffing behind Brazilian starfish

Something decided to make a snack of a bhut Indian carbon

Only had the one pod damaged, and finally have some colour on another pod. Hoping the yellowish colouration is temporary, if not I've got another cross on my hands

More helpful troopers are on the way. Found some assassin bug eggs on one of my yellow mushrooms this afternoon

Quick pic of my father in laws pride and joy. Muscadine's! 
Seacowboy said:
Great flavor but not as hot as I had expected.
New grape vines at the new place?

I haven't tried one whole yet, all I've done is a few small slivers and making stuffed peppers. Gave me a good hit of heat, though I'm sure my tolerance is a lot lower than most on here. I just loved the flavor of them.
Not my grapes unfortunately. They're just a small bunch of my father in laws. Will definitely be starting some after we've moved and settled in though.