hard to fairly judge from a picture but you might need to crack your inlets open a bit further judging by the white stuff spewing from your purple beast.unless of course you have been elected the Pope of BBQ.
“Pope of BBQ”

Yeah, man. I’m still having trouble dialing this cooker in. I think I’ve only cooked on it two or three times so far. First time I fired it up, I filled the charcoal basket and dropped two starter tumbleweeds on top and lit it that way. Left the lid open and the intakes wide open until the coal were definitely lit, and it still took almost 3 hours for the white smoke to stop. The next couple of times that I used it, I dumped a fully lit chimney starter of coals on top, and it did the same thing. I’m having trouble getting that nice, thin blue smoke that we all aim for. I’ve tried both lump and briquettes; no difference.
I’m hesitant to try putting the tumbleweeds BELOW the charcoal (and lighting it from the bottom) because I think, since the flames will be going straight up, it’ll be nearly impossible to get the temp down once the entire charcoal basket is lit. I could be wrong though. Might be worth a shot