Mill's 2010 season starts

I hear ya. I've only lost a couple of plants, but the ones I lost were the ones I wanted the most. I fried the only lance seedling that popped up when I brought a floro light home from work. I also have a tray of seedlings that are just dragging along. Couple are goners I'm sure, but I keep hoping they will come around. Not sure if they are going to be worth setting out or not. I guess I will find out when they start to get some sun if they are going to come around or not. Aphids have killed me this year.

Here's hoping our season improves in the future!
I really do love when I pull a cup up and see all those roots hanging out in the bottom of the other cup. Especially when they have all those hairs all over them.
Looking Good Dude,
But for the love of god get those seedlings out of the peat pots. Jan 16?
Just curious are the daytime temps in Knoxville this time of year?
Just put them in the peat pots about two weeks ago, they look 100% better since then. I just had some laying around and decided to use them up this year since they were not doing to well anyway. Everyone hates on peat but I love it.

Daytime temps swing this time of year from low 30's to high 70's. It really is a crapshoot as to what temp you will have on any given day.
I thought I would not have the patience, but it pays off knowing how hard these are to sprout. They are supposed to grow pretty well as soon as they sprout but what the hell, I dont have much else to do.
So here is an update of my overwintered plants. None were showing any signs of growth so I cut them back and repotted into more manageable containers till they show new growth.

Everything came out of 5 gallon pots.



Aji dulce yellow before


Aji Dulce after


Some starts sunning

Fatalii before


Fatalii after


Here they are all together. In used yogurt containers.

Naga, Orange Manzano, Fatalii, nother Naga, Aji Dulce, Tree Hab.

I am really hoping so SS. They are all inside soaking up morning sun from the big south-east facing patio door from sunrise till about noon and get moved up to the front porch to get sun from about 3 till sundown. Lets hope some thing pops here soon.
The tree hab looks kind of odd sitting in that small yogurt cup. Thanks for the update millman.

I like the looks of your neighborhood, got some space between homes.
Yeah it does look pretty funny.

I love living where we do, its basically all family except for a few and we are one of the few. Every house has tons of land and are spread pretty thinly. Only problem is our neighboors on the other side are dirty people, but they are family so we cannot say anything. They throw their trash into their back yard and it gets so bad it blows over the 8' fence separating us into our yard, its disgusting.
This is a Google Earth shot of our property and neighbors. Outlined in red obviously, just under an acre. 1300sqft house with a 900sqft detached garage/ heated cooled office space. This shot was taken before we did a lot of outdoor work. The driveway between the two buildings is gone and the deck and yard are now there. half the woods have been cleared to make room for more yard. The house to the upper right of mine is the one you can see in the pictures, and the two new big houses on the hill are what used to be woods in this pic below.

right now I have an 8x8 bed going. If it grows well for me this year I will double it for next. I am really hoping to have 3 16' beds 4' wide. I already have their location set and they would receive daylight from sunrise to sunset, this one now only loses about 2 hours at the very end of the day.