Mill's 2010 season starts

No more studying? Cool, whatcha gonna be when you grow up?

Good luck with the coco, I'm interested in how it goes for you. You know I might do the same thing. I think I may amend it a bit with some perlite though. You going to go straight coco?
I am either going to be a Civil Engineer/Environmental Engineer, or Biosystems Engineer. Havent quite decided yet.

Picture update next post.
We shall start in the raised bed, romaine that the bunnies got a hold of is coming back in, nine plants just like this one.


Spinach is looking pretty good I think


Sugar snap peas, and you can make out some onions, the onions line two sides of the bed three rows deep, 75 sets.


Volunteer tomatoes in my beds, looks like I dont need to sprout any.



Overwintered Red scorpion and yellow devils tongue


A lot of buds starting on them


other overwintereds, none showing new growth yet.

Yellow scorpion cardi, thanks Chris.


Clockwise from the biggest, Yellow Bhut, Choc hab, C. Praetermissum, Anaheim


Two C. Rhomboideums


And still tiny Lanceolatum

Those volunteer tom's look like crab grass to me.

Will you have time for the little ones to produce for you millman?
Awesome pics Mill, Plants are looking wonderful.You have those Rhombs. going great! They look so cool. And i cant wait to see the fruit on that yellow Bhut.
there is a lot of grass sprouting in the big bed, around the lettuce andpeas but there are a lot of toms there too. All the ones in the small up close shot are toms, wait a couple weeks and we will see though.

patrick, if the plants grow like they ddid last year I will get fruit from the seeds I just started in late july, which is fine by me. Most of the ones I just started though are going to be used mainly for seed though, so I don't need a lot of fruit from them.
you've got some good stuff going on there. I like the raised bed set up. Your overwintered at the front of the raised bed pic is starting to kick in with lots of new growth too. What plant is that one?
That Rhomb looks awesome! I love all the lateral growth.Are you going to keep it indoors all year?..Oh yea, everything else you have going looks excellent also.
Wayright, the rhomb will most likely stay inside all year. I have a big 4' tall chamber that I have them growing in that will hopefully contain them all year.