Mill's 2010 season starts

patrick said:
You got an updated pic of all those "crab grass tom's" Millman?:P

Nope, the toms were crowding out the rest of the plants in the bed so they had to go. The stuff growing around the onions was crab grass but there were a lot of toms mixed in too.
The rain hasnt been too bad for us SS. At least we get a break ever 3 days before the next storm clouds move in. I think we have gotten 5in in the last 2 weeks or so and are up to about 17 or 18in for the year. Well ahead of schedule. Sucks for my containers as they have been constantly water logged, but the plants in ground are loving it.
Toms acting like bullies eh? Good to hear you put your foot down Millman.

The gang is looking good. You talking to them yet? I've started to.:crazy:
10 Days from the pictures above

Yellow Scorpion Cardi




Dang Millman some of those are BUSHEEEEEE muthas. Got a jungle going on in one plant! Looking quite good my brother.
Thanks Patrick. After I had those crazy issues earlier on I though I would never recover, but seems to be picking up for me.
Thanks guys. That yellow scorpion is by and far the front runner for the super-container. I need to mix more mix up before that happens though.
Very good looking plants you got. I would really like to see the Yellow Scorpion in the super container. Hope it will lead to a great harvest. :)