You crack me uptexas blues said:Dude if you do it before Passow...that would make you the new Naga Overlord! That in theory could start a gangland style war over turf and power. It could go on for years and cost thousands of be it then. Who amongst us can control our animalistic lust for heat and the watching of others inflicting pain on themselves in such an orgiastic culinary fashion? Nay..I say unto you that when that day doth come upon us and the bringer of death arises and......
(sorry 'bout that)
Someone get JayT some Naga's pronto!
Maximo! Maximo! Maximo! Maximo!...
Cheers, TB.

JayT said:LMAOROFL!!!! Nah, IGG is the original maverick. I can never supplant him. Nor will I try to. Hell the guy gargles Jersey Death sauce in the morning. I just love nagas and poppers and if, no, when I have nagas again, I will make and eat the poppers. I am just humbly proud to be mentioned in the same breath as IGG for pepper eating supremacy. hee hee. You know I just had an idea... AJ...oh, AJ...