food My Badass Burrito!

Tell that scheezey sweet thang' to come on over and talk teh Teddy Bear.
I'd give her a handful of pills to take.
"They're just like aspirin only...better!
Then I'd take her upstairs and treat her like a sister.
I'd plow that burrito's field.
Farmer style.
texas blues said:
Tell that scheezey sweet thang' to come on over and talk teh Teddy Bear.
I'd give her a handful of pills to take.
"They're just like aspirin only...better!
Then I'd take her upstairs and treat her like a sister.
I'd plow that burrito's field.
Farmer style.
Disturbing on SOOOO many levels.
texas blues said:
Tell that scheezey sweet thang' to come on over and talk teh Teddy Bear.
I'd give her a handful of pills to take.
"They're just like aspirin only...better!
Then I'd take her upstairs and treat her like a sister.
I'd plow that burrito's field.
Farmer style.
i like the way you think
Daaaayum, sicmin. I'd be more upset about this post if I wasn't about to have a burrito of my own
amys burriot.jpg
Those Amy's burritos are disgusting! Something about the spices, they are very musky. Like an overload of cumin or something.
For a quick snack I think Amy's burritos are pretty ok. I always have a couple in the freezer for an emergency burrito crisis.. .such as last night.
Of course it helps to zazz them up a bit. Sour cream, cheese, hot sauce. All is good.
I used to buy frozen cheap bean burritos and use them as enchiladas.
I'd throw them in a pan, cover in sauce and cheese, and bake. 
It'd feed a lot of people for a little $$
(hmm...don't know how much longer that's going to be something I used to do!)
frydad4 said:
I used to buy frozen cheap bean burritos and use them as enchiladas.
I'd throw them in a pan, cover in sauce and cheese, and bake. 
It'd feed a lot of people for a little $$
(hmm...don't know how much longer that's going to be something I used to do!)
Yeah and don't forget the black olives and sour cream.
And do top it with minced green onion.
That makes it authentic and for realz gangster.
Cheapass Busch and pickled on the side make it mac daddy pimpin' guud.
Fiddy you're a mac daddy gangster pimp!
Money n' blow, mom's n' ho's before bro's.
You got that all wrong.  Its bro's before ho's you hippy!  Unless we are talking about Bear that Guy.  Then he is all about mom's, and faces, and pizza flavored combos.

Green Chili-
Couple Chops
olive oil
chicken broth/stock
3 stalks celery
couple maters
half onion
1 T minced Garlic
bag/can fire roasted chilis---use about 9-10 if using fresh
hot pepper of your choice

Burrito of your choice, we used
1 steak
green chili

First brown chops-

Put in stock pot and add chopped garlic, onion, tomato, celery

and chilis

I used this

de-glaze pan with little chicken stock

add to stock pot and cover with stock until everything submerged and simmer about 2-2.5 hrs on stovetop---I usually put this in crock for about 8 hrs, but not tonight

when bones remove easily from chops remove, cool and chop/shred

add back to pan and continue simmer about 30 min

Burrito fixins



I want a side of two each whole lime's cut into 8ths. and 7 or 8 pickled 'peno's in a bowl on the side.
And I also want a frozen margarita.
Hold the ice.
And the mix.
And the salt.
Just gimme' the tequila straight up in a margarita glass just because I'm feelin' fabulous.
BB that bigass burrito platter is straight up comfort food.
And goodern' hell.
Bigass Badass Burrito Music...
"you runnin' round all panties on!"