food My Badass Burrito!

sicman said:
you will be taking your finger back after this,maybe just give me a thumb.
potato,egg,cheese,4 strips of bacon and the very last of buddy's taco sauce :mope:
Not sure about potatoes... But who cares? Bacon is good with that and i'd eat all anyway!
Lenny i was kinda of hungover this morning also.  the burrito made me a new man,truth.
like tb said that burrito was plenty big i couldnt have ate anymore if i wanted to.  its sunday and im taking a rest day. its time to get drumk yall.
Big Badass BBQ pork burrito with coleslaw cheddar and Judy's super badass Bhut Moruga






Bit into this monstrosity and I love it except one thing. The three minutes in the super turbo oven 6000 wasn't enough time to melt the cheese. 45 seconds in the trusty microwave fixed all that. Hmm microwaves aren't just for hot dogs. Who knew?

It ain't how it tastes but how much it costs.
Busch is best ice cold anyway as its for slammin' down, not sippin'.
I never bother actually tasting it, just make sure its cold.
And waaaaay cheaper than Grolsch flip tops.
Onliest 'thang I like for the Grolsch is I can use the rubber washers for strap locks on my guitars.
Most excellent'!
Good sir, I must insist ! 

Busch "lite" is absolutely UNDRINKABLE.   The cheapest budget supermarket wino slop here (Europe) at 35 cents a can (big, 0.5 liter) is 10 times better than that dishwater.

Grolsch IS a slammer/guzzler, not a sipper.  A "German potato masher handgrenade" model bottle would set me back about 80 cents here. 

And for goodness sake, don't use those rubber thingies for strap locks. It doesn't work. Get some real straplocks !  

Esp. if you play an SG, because those things BREAK ALL THE TIME. 