food My Badass Burrito!

texas blues said:
Fitty its been a long time since I made it.
I reckon a pound of butter
1/2 cup white wine
1 or 2 minced medium shallots
Bigass tablespoon minced parsely
57 to taste, it don't take much,  maybe a 1/3 cup
But I'm guessin' here.
Fact is I stole that 'thang from a joint in Anchorage, AK.
I worked there for about 6 months back in the day.
Now that I think about it, double the amount of parsely, shallots, and 57 as to what I posted.
That should be pert near close.
Chris your Tri-Thai is shown as unavailable.
What is that senor?
texas blues said:
Now that I think about it, double the amount of parsely, shallots, and 57 as to what I posted.
That should be pert near close.

Chris your Tri-Thai is shown as unavailable.
What is that senor?
Ah thanks for the heads-up, it must be out of stock! Fixed, guess I might need to display products out of stock luckily I had enough for 1 more order lol
What in the HAEL are you two doing? I mean, I love seafood and all, but this is kinda screwing up the burrito thread don't ya think?
Seafood stuff -->
Although TB, I have to hand it to you. That seafood enchilada thing you made is about the most unhealthy seafood meal I think I could come up with. Looks frigin great though. Send the leftovers my way.
Jeff H said:
What in the HAEL are you two doing? I mean, I love seafood and all, but this is kinda screwing up the burrito thread don't ya think?
Seafood stuff -->
Although TB, I have to hand it to you. That seafood enchilada thing you made is about the most unhealthy seafood meal I think I could come up with. Looks frigin great though. Send the leftovers my way.
Simmer down Beavis...we are keeping it real :) 
Siccy that some bigass burrito goodness right there.
Dang goodern' hell simply done comfort food I sez.
And served up on only the finest paper china!
damm strate. I love the toasted color on there and all gooeyed up with chez and salsa.

If you'r talking about couch tennis or pocket pool, you're set!
A little Dong-Pong...
Nice job, Sic. 

That's the first burrito on this thread that I know exactly how it tastes by looking at it...and I want one...BADLY!!!!!
Fuckin breakfast of champions!!! That's why you played so well today!! 
texas blues said:
Siccy that some bigass burrito goodness right there.
Dang goodern' hell simply done comfort food I sez.
And served up on only the finest paper china!
Scoville DeVille said:
damm strate. I love the toasted color on there and all gooeyed up with chez and salsa.

If you'r talking about couch tennis or pocket pool, you're set!
this burrito was awwesome!
my sweet wife just made another batch of them up and i weighed one.      .560 pounds.   so half pound burrito in the morning makes you true pimping.
eat one and::

frydad4 said:
A little Dong-Pong...
Nice job, Sic. 
That's the first burrito on this thread that I know exactly how it tastes by looking at it...and I want one...BADLY!!!!!
f**kin breakfast of champions!!! That's why you played so well today!! 
frydad4 said:
Oh My!, this was good! If you like fish tacos, this Mahi Burrito will blow your nuts off! 
I got a GREAT fresh fish hookup. The guy works for a charter fishing boat. 
In an effort not to overcrowd his freezer, I've agreed to take fish that he keeps from the excursions, when he has extras. 
I'm so nice. 
The thing with Burritos is that once you've purchased a pack of tortillas, everything you make becomes a burrito until you run out. 
Today's dinner is a shout-out to my favorite waterfront diner, a bar/restaurant at Black Point Marina in Miami. It's close to home, and the fish is always fresh. I have spent many a drunken stupor enjoying cold beer, fish dip, and blackened sea-meat at that wonderful establishment.
I blackened some fresh mahi, with extra cayenne. 
At Black Point, blackened fish always comes with slaw and seasoned fries. I will be no different. 
I made a homemade Slaw with Central American crema instead of mayo. (slaw mix, crema, olive oil, lime juice, blackening seasoning)
Seasoned crispy fries
Fresh sliced tomato
Rolled up and crisped in the sandwich bot. 
Gratuitous pinky selfie was considered, but I was eating it too fast. Next time...



I ate it all in one bite.
You are a bastard!  I am not worthy to even look at at that photo!!
sicman said:
breakfast before i go play tennis


i dumped some salsa and louisanna all over it before scarfing.
as i type this i only can think that maybe this was not the best idea before a round of tennis?
Wow!  Amazing!  Looks so freaking good.