food My Badass Burrito!

So I figure its time I join in on one of these, although I didn't get to go as crazy as I had initially planned due to my fiance forgetting a few of the ingredients requested and a crabby baby 10 month old blocking my intention to run to the store--I had to stick to meat, pods, garlic, onions, and cheese... Anyway, I figured I would keep with the specific theme of this site: I mean, who comes to a place called TheHotPepper and only uses Jalapenos? Just doesn't seem right to me... But, I digress, the show must go on.
So I started with 3 strips of thick center cut bacon, chopped garlic, and a Butch T from Mr. Taylor that I still had in my freezer bag of goodies.

Fried that up til it was beginning to get crispy. Did NOT drain the grease, that would be a horrid mistake, considering most of the heat ends up in that grease!
At this point, I add in my last frozen red Brain Strain and a pound of chorizo. 

Now, NORMALLY I would've realized one thing; That's a lot of capsaicin for ~1 pound of meat, and there isn't really proper ventilation. Unfortunately for me, thinking isn't my strong point with me having a 10 month old cutting enough teeth to be considered a shark that keeps me up all night--so, about 3 minutes into this portion of the burrito cook off everyone in the condo all begin to pay for my mistake. I'm surprised the neighbors didn't call the CDC on me; pretty sure this constituted as at least a level 3 biohazard according to the law here in Missouri. I knew at this moment that it was time for me to go get my hazmat cooking apron on to finish the job. 

By this point the peppers have pretty much caramelized. Can't complain about that one bit. Nice thing with Chorizo, you don't need to add nothing else but your pods, its got all the flavor it needs if you bought it from a place who's quality is worth more than a mexican foodstamp. Although, to be fair, I did add minced onions and chopped garlic.

I'll get the rest of the pictures (including pre-roll and halfway mark) up as soon as my phone decides to take its medication and quit herping its derp.

At this point I heard the voice from "Field of Dreams" telling me "if you eat this, you are dumb.". Challenge accepted! For the record, my fiance made me sign my will before going any further here.

Not the prettiest thing in the world (woman forgot sour creme, avocados (for guac), and a few other things), but just looking at it I began to wonder if this was such a good idea any more. Although, as I pointed out earlier, I am strongly lacking sleep at this point, so thinking doesn't bode well for me these days. Time to dive in!

At this point, my entire face burned. To be fair though, it could've still been from the fumes. I saw my life flash before my eyes a few times as I came to the conclusion that this wasn't just a burrito, this was a pure hot pepper challenge that should've been video-taped and put on youtube, NOT just a forum post. I ate this thing hours ago, and my face is STILL tingly from it! Pretty sure I'll be feeling the aftermath tomorrow.
I managed to conquer the champion of hot burritos... At what cost though... at what cost.
I call that a straight up all 'meriken burrito.
Just meat and cheese on a bigass tortilla.
And it was smart to cook the Butch T first rather than add fresh chopped at the end.
The pain would have been so much more.
I say goodern' hell!
Oh if there is one thing I have learned, its that bacon absorbs capsaicin beautifully; hence I always toss a pod in while the bacon is frying. Then I toss in a second pod while the meat cooks, so it ends up a double whammy since the meat absorbs the bacon grease as it cooks.

The brain/butch T combo had a vicious right hook though. Done this way every bite was like biting into a fresh pepper. Next time I think i will do a double reaper once my plant throws out a few. May even wrap it using a quesadilla... Like a boss.

I think I can at least safely say I have the hottest burrito of the thread; I considered waiting til thursday, but the chorizo threatened to leave me, and I am a sucker for fresh high quality chorizo.
Okay, so I smacked the wife around and showed her what a burritio wrap looks like and now we are ready to go again.
Home made corn salsa

The hot stuff- Chipotle and Chris' great powder.

There has been way too much seafood in this thread so here we have seasoned shredded chicken.

Added black beans, cilantro rice and cheese to the other ingredients.


And the eating......Yum.
Hey y'all.
Mention was made earlier about enchilada style baked shrimp burritos.
This also has rice in it and while I say I don't eat rice, that's really BS because I eat it in sushi. Since there is no ambiguity going on
then I reckon I have to say I DO eat rice.
Now for the gettin' down brown.
BB with olive earl, chopped garlic, onion, home made sun dried tomato, and a big splooge of sriracha. Sauteed that and added 1/2 cup rice and a cup of H2O. Put the lid on a simmered till almost done and then added diced jalapeno and cilantro and turned off the heat.

Let that cool down a bit and then tossed in a couple fistfuls of bay shrimps, and a shit-ton(official SoFlo measurement)
of sour cream and shredded scheddar scheeze.

Rolled it up in flour tortillas and then covered with more sour cream and cheese and into the oven at 3 fitty.

Just look as that brown cheeze crust!

Absolutely incredible y'all!
Shrimpy & savory, and rich but the crust is awsometown!

The only downside is how filling and heavy this stuff is.
I ate just the one plateful and it felt like I ate a sack of D batteries.
No matter.
It was goodern' hell.
Actually Chris the bay's work best for this as they all get mixed up.
Big prawn's like those beautiful fat ladies, and I'd have to chop 'em up.
I like to be liking bigass skrimps like those for a bigass shrimp cocktail.
mmmmmm shrimp cocktail!
texas blues said:
Actually Chris the bay's work best for this as they all get mixed up.
Big prawn's like those beautiful fat ladies, and I'd have to chop 'em up.
I like to be liking bigass skrimps like those for a bigass shrimp cocktail.
mmmmmm shrimp cocktail!
I know, just busting your little Texans, on another you have access to bay scallops? Those could be awesome as well!
Chris every once in a while I see fresh sea scallops, the big fat ones. I haven't seen bay scallops here in Texas.
The only place I reckon they would have them would be Central Market down in Plano.
But who wants to drive an hour each way just for scallops?
Hopefully my local store will still be getting in fresh redfish in the next few days.
I got a jones goin' on for it.
CH I reckon that is something similar to cannelloni and mannicoti. Seen them made with crepe's as well.
Its all good.
I'm quite sure Essi uses pasta for his.
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Yeah bay scallops are the size of dimes and awesome in certain dishes! 
Oh man!
Years ago in Alaska we'd slap those baby's in a baking dish with a couple dollops of whipped butter and topped with breadcrumbs.
The whipped butter was , butter(obviously) shallots, white wine, parsley and get this...HEINZ 57!
it'll blow your mind its so good.
Serve it to the womenfolk and even the next door neighbors grandmaw' be throwin' her brassiere and drawers atchoo'.
Like a rockstar!
texas blues said:
The whipped butter was , butter(obviously) shallots, white wine, parsley and get this...HEINZ 57!
Hey you got any idea of the proportions here? I gotta have this.
That sounds like a panty-melter. 
frydad4 said:
Hey you got any idea of the proportions here? I gotta have this.
That sounds like a panty-melter. 
Fitty its been a long time since I made it.
I reckon a pound of butter
1/2 cup white wine
1 or 2 minced medium shallots
Bigass tablespoon minced parsely
57 to taste, it don't take much,  maybe a 1/3 cup
But I'm guessin' here.
Fact is I stole that 'thang from a joint in Anchorage, AK.
I worked there for about 6 months back in the day.
Sounds good, not far off from my mussel and clam recipe
Little neck clams(50) steamed in white wine, garlic, butter, fresh parsley, and Tri-Thai.
  • 1 1/2 cups white wine – we use Simi Chardonnay
  • 1 stick / 8 tbsp non salted butter
  • 1 pinch of sea salt
  • 4 cloves chopped garlic
  • 1/4 cup fresh parsley
  • 1/2 tsp Tri-Thai
Soak the clams in ice cold water for an hour. This will wash and purge sand from the clams and we accomplished this using our kitchen sink. Do not completely submerge if possible.
Place all ingredients in a 3Qt sauté pan; if you do not have one just make sure the pot or pan is at least 3 Qts. Place on high heat and cover.
Steamed Clams - Clams are steamed and ready when majority of the clams are open.
The sauce is wonderful for dipping fresh baked breads or poured over your favorite pasta.