• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

My grow log is stupid

Been growing peppers off and on -depending where I live for maybe like thirteen years. Did a bit of vocational horticulture school, but I screwed off more than anything so I really don't remember a lot of it. Right now I'm growing in closets and my garage under lights, in containers and in the ground outside, and getting ready to start up my various hydro systems.

I'm kind of an undisciplined grower. Kind of lazy sometimes. If I was more on it, I'm sure my production would be better. I spend a lot of $ and time amending soil, messing around with fertilizers and such but am easily sidetracked and I don't always do things the right way. Sometimes my gardening sessions rapidly deteriorate into drinking beer outside and killing the squirrels that like to mess around with my plants.

Anyway, I like checking these out and know others do and appreciate any future input on the bs I will later post. I think this sums up my garden-

This is a orange hab I planted last year. It was one of those "extra" plants you don't have room for. So I stuck it in the crappy unamended dirt outside my backdoor right next to a massive spanish dagger plant. Threw a bit of mulch around it, but no fertilizer. It ended up producing all winter and just picked some a couple days ago when I pruned it.
I'm just going to set them in a glass of water. After watching my Red Savina cuttings grow roots I don't see why I can't do it with other peppers.
Satch said:
I am over in the Mount streets, back by the John Muir school (Genesee & Mt Herbert). Where are you close to? We should have an end of the season chili roast...

I have a few home made earthboxes going, let me know if you are going to put some together. I made some with 5 gallon buckets and 22 gallon rubermaid bins.

Right on! I'm around Moraga Ave. I'll drop a line on checking some earthboxes for sure, would help out big!

patrick said:
I'm just going to set them in a glass of water. After watching my Red Savina cuttings grow roots I don't see why I can't do it with other peppers.

If it works, you can't beat simplicity! I'm definitely gonna try it soon, thanks!

lee said:
That plant looks good man.
A good tip when taking cuttings is to cut of the ends of the leaves, check out this link.


Lee, I appreciate the help and input with the link- saved right to faves. Just gettin going on this and want it to take off!
boutros said:
This is my hydro plant that came out of a mystery mix bag. Guess its some sorta NuMexy? Guajillo? Idk. Took a nighttime pic cause the daylight ones are kinda crappy.




those look very similar to the NuMex Sandias I have growing...great pepper to dehydrate and use as a base for chili powder...they have a great deep dark red color...
Yeah Huntsman, I suspect its the same thing. I hear they're pretty good.

And thanks for the input AJ! I think that's exactly what I'll do with them. I plan on a half harvest of the plant, then running one salt flush cycle through the waterfarm and see if it changes the taste of the rest I pick.
RIP my favorite plant

Not only am I stupid- I'm also a lazy dumbass!

I get home from work today and see my best plant, a Bhut looks sorta wilted. Further investigation reveals a snap off at the base.


Here's the foliage in a pile


There were green pods and buds all over it. And I only have one backup (not as developed) Bhut in some coco coir.

After I was done screaming and throwing shit around the yard, I took some cuttings and am gonna clone my old Bhut.

The moral of the story is- don't be a POS like me, SUPPORT YOUR BIG PLANTS!!!
that's terrible boutros...but I bet the stump will sprout out again...its like you did an extreme cutback on it..
That is terrible.:shocked: Sorry to see the carnage.:( Hopefully the cuttings will take and you'll be able to have ten more Bhut plants! (for the following season) :)
Now that bites! I'll add my hope that the cuttings all do well for you and the stump starts another plant all over again. Best of luck to you man.
Hey belated thanks Aji, SS, and Patrick on my Bhut. That tragedy really had me all shook up! Taken appropriate measures on all my plants that needed it.

Anyway, it's been a good year I guess. Harvested a lot of stuff that goes into immediate use like Anaheim's and Hungarian Wax, etc. Plenty of various habs. Nothing to get too photo happy about. Too lazy! Processing them is work enough!

But to give just a little proof that there actually were some peppers grown here, I have a few random photos, two old and one newer-


Some of my mystery hydro plant picks- Sandia I guess?


Old photo, mostly a bunch of stunters that you pick to get stuff goin'


Newer one of some habs and stuff. Not dehydrating all these, just had to put them on something. And not lettin the kids eat em either-

Still waitin on all the good stuff like Nova's Nagas, some 7's,fatalii, bhuts, etc. Getting close!

The weather has been god awful. God awful to me means anything over 80F, lol. And it is a busy time of year with fishing and football starting up, so I'm letting the lamer plants go but will keep some of the good ones through most of winter.

Going to streamline next year! Learned a lot. Definitely love coco coir outside. The nutes get a bit pricey though. Will buy Botanicare in bigger sizes next year if I really go big on coco. And like the hydro store soils, Happy Frog and Ocean Forest. It really blew away my Miracle Gro and Sunshine crap. My container plants did way better than my in ground stuff overall. The soil here is pretty jacked for the most part. Had some issues with bacterial leaf spot and some blight in areas, but dealt with it appropriately. Never really encountered that around here before. I really plan on disinfecting any seed in question I save. And won't trade any of it just in case! That'd be LAME! I'll buy stuff I trade with from someone reputable. Folks from here no doubt!

To wrap up the longest post I ever think I've done- Many, many thanks to all of ya who traded w/ me, all your input and insight- it was a hell of a year because of it and is greatly appreciated! Would have been a bad season without! THP for life!

Maybe my garden won't be as stupid next year lol!
Silver_Surfer said:
Great lookin' load of pods boutros.

You speak as if your season is over, it's not. ;)

Lol, thanks SS. Felt like it was winding down that day. Was kinda cold, lol.

I picked these Thursday morning before work and figured I might as well take a photo, even if it ain't the greatest one. Took It at the end of a busy day, shoulda done some labels I guess, but whatever. Have picked a lot of stuff before this but not atone time, and have much more on the way. Still had some different stuff to get to that day but ran out of time.


Took a pic of some smaller groups out of the pile.


The Choco Habs are pretty small, they're third round harvests off of the plant. 1 and 2 are just Orange Habs. Different plants one's all pointed the other ain't. The peach habs were a surprise. I didn't even know I was growing them! Found it mixed in with a buncha oranges in the lower yard.

The Scotch has the ol' ? cause I know it's kinda a hot button issue. That's just what it was labeled as. The Bonda Ma Jaques are third round harvests- the longer "it's orange!" came out of the same pack of Bondas. Not sure what it is.

"Wha?" came outta a pack labeled Tabasco. It's a really thick fleshy sorta hot pepper. Clearly not Tabasco, but who cares? Surprises are kinda fun now and then. The 2nd Gen Tree Hab (as labeled) is a pretty cool plant. Seeds from my buddy Smokemaster.

Still waiting on some later started plants. Bhuts, nagas, sevens, fatalii, congos, Madame Jeanettes off the top of my head.

Not a spare second anymore these days processing all these peppers!
Nice looking selection Boutros!I'm guessing your next step is a hot sauce magnate!I'm having great luck with the seeds you sent me this spring.I have the Pigeon Pea to almost 4' now.Not sure if it will bloom this year,but I have patience,just not with my Sports teams!I'm ready to fold this year and start fishing again!Looks like your Cal boys on right track!
The Calaloo are also doing great!,I'll post some pics in "other growing" soon.Keep up the great pepper growing,I'm sure your going to get a great second crop for Xmas!
Hey Scoville, perfect timin'... Forgot these pics! My first real good n hots! This is how the Jonahs you sent came out-



These are goin' in a pot of ham hocks and black eyed peas for Sunday ball! Many thanks my friend!

I know what you're sayin on sports though. I'll tell ya, I would love to see you guys pull a few surprises in your division! Cal did end up havin a good day, wish I didn't miss SC/Washington though.

I'll bet that stuff is doin' very well over there! Look forward to your pics. Send me any of your good fish pics anytime too! I kinda had a lame year with it, too few trips out. No tuna yet...