food My obsession with heat and food...JoynersHotPeppers

a chest freezer thread would keep me up at night, but credit card debt would follow quickly behind it's creation ...
I'd be out a couple grand before page 3, probably ...
please don't do this, it might jeopardize my engagement, lol! =) haha ...
grantmichaels said:
a chest freezer thread would keep me up at night, but credit card debt would follow quickly behind it's creation ...
I'd be out a couple grand before page 3, probably ...
please don't do this, it might jeopardize my engagement, lol! =) haha ...
It all works out.  Fresh stir fry, salads and grilling when the garden is kickin.  Soups, stews, chile, beans and sauces from the freezer when it's not.  Don't knock it till you stock it!
Which chicken meat pairs best w/ the Walkerswood? ... light, dark, or either? ... I'm trying to get an idea of how I want to divide up three dozen wings between a number of styles, for myself (don't think Danielle's planning on having any) ...
I figure I'll do one dozen on the Weber a la Booma, w/ the Vortex and the MH Hot Ass Whang and ACV/H2O spray ...
That leaves two dozen for indoor cooking, and I'd probably break those down into ports of 6-8x wings, for myself, for a meal ...
For another 8x, I'm going to try buddy's rice flour bake + wok ...
But for one batch (8x) of them, I'm thinking about going w/ a jerk version a la some one's I feel like I've seen you post ... and I'll have some of that pimento wood by mid-week ...
I guess I could take a swipe at Pok Pok'ing the last of them, for THP - but I couldn't find the thread where we were having that discussion, and it had my links to the recipes I would have used ...
grantmichaels said:
I like frying in the enameled CI wok ... it holds A LOT of heat because of the mass they have to have to have a flat bottom at the burner and still be completely rounded on the inside ...
I am sure the same applies, I find 11 mins at 375 is a perfect wing every time with one exception..wimpy skinny wings. 
JoynersHotPeppers said:
I am sure the same applies, I find 11 mins at 375 is a perfect wing every time with one exception..wimpy skinny wings. 
I bought the "premium" one's by the dozen, because the skin was fully intact on all of them, and that wasn't the case w/ the two-dozen family packed one's ...
JoynersHotPeppers said:
I love the whole wings at Costco, 6 6 packs of perfect wings. 
Yesterday we shopped twice in one trip.
We went to Publix, and the cart was piled up, and they can't pack groceries for shit here, so we took it outside and loaded it as a base later throughout the back seat and the trunk, and then took the two carts back inside and shopped the edge of the store, and took another cart and a half out ...
It was ridiculous.
I told Danielle on the way home that if we're going to spend family-of-six money at the grocery store, we might as well just drive the extra 10 mins and check out Costco.
grantmichaels said:
Yesterday we shopped twice in one trip.
We went to Publix, and the cart was piled up, and they can't pack groceries for shit here, so we took it outside and loaded it as a base later throughout the back seat and the trunk, and then took the two carts back inside and shopped the edge of the store, and took another cart and a half out ...
It was ridiculous.
I told Danielle on the way home that if we're going to spend family-of-six money at the grocery store, we might as well just drive the extra 10 mins and check out Costco.
Seriously, you would save a ton on protein and many other things. I simply vacuum seal what is not already done for me and always have a freezer full. I love getting their 2 pack of whole chickens for the smoker! 
Yeah, next trip. Yesterday's shopping trip was really stupid, the most obscene ever ... by a good bit.
Lots of things were 10x for $10 ... now we have 20x cans of Rotelle, 10 boxes of stock, 20 quarts of Gatorade ...
By the time it was over, all I could do was drink beer and air fryer a pre-made Cuban and spray witch hazel on my starfish after watching half-a-week's work go to Publix ...