food My obsession with heat and food...JoynersHotPeppers

Some of this tonight...

while making beans for the smoker...
According to Google 1hr 40 mins, but I know it is more than that.  I will be down to Rehoboth this Summer, not sure when yet with starting the new job.
JayT said:
According to Google 1hr 40 mins, but I know it is more than that.  I will be down to Rehoboth this Summer, not sure when yet with starting the new job.
Ok, I have plenty of venison left so we will work something out. If only to stop by to take some back with you....
JoynersHotPeppers said:
If you treat it like a fish steak meaning tuna or halibut you cannot go wrong...unless of course you cannot cook fish correctly :)
We are creatures of our upbringings.  No venison or fish growing up.  So I never really learned, I have been getting better, but it is still a work in progress.  
tctenten said:
We are creatures of our upbringings.  No venison or fish growing up.  So I never really learned, I have been getting better, but it is still a work in progress.  
I can help where needed, to be 100% honest, I never had it other than fried growing up. Last year I cooked it like a steak for my dad and he was kind of freaked out then minutes later it was all gone :) If you are like me which I imagine is not far off....I care far too much for the creatures I harvest and want to eat them exceptionally well! 