Need Your Vote!

Thanks sinensis!  Really just "winging it." I know the popsicle guy just won on his trade name "King of Pops" so I kinda used that as a benchmark. He's got many flavors so I kinda thought I might do the same. Could be a venture in folly, hope not, but I do sincerely appreciate your time to cast a vote. It means more than you might suppose.
Edit: didn't realize they asked for a zip code, but the one you entered is local 29403, 01, 05. Not exactly fair "if" that is a requisite. My sales events downtown pair me up with a "National" as well as "International" audience. "All" votes should count regardless of origin. I take great pride in knowing my stuff goes abroad. I will certainly research this point.
Thanks for making mention.
sinensis said:
i think it would have been helpful if you put what you actually want us to vote for in bold in the OP. like, it's asking for a product. is there a specific sauce you're promoting? (i'm not super familiar with your sauces, but i am guessing you may make more than one.)
also would be helpful to give us a charleston area zipcode, since it asks for a zipcode to vote. i put 29403.
finally to describe the site's voting workflow would be helpful: you click your link, start typing something in the box, it takes you to a registration page, you put in your registration info (there is no email confirmation, so it seems safe to put in a fake one), and then you are taken back to the place where you can actually vote.
anyway, i put warrantman pepper co., and i hope that's good enough for them. good luck and hope you win!
Dude.  This wasn't a Mensa quiz. 
That was as weird a vote-casting circus as any I've seen. How many hundreds of categories and NOT ONE HOT SAUCE?
But yeah, I entered you in the first category that came up, without reading what category it was. Repeatedly.
And I live next door to Nulle...
Good luck, mang! You deserve to win most of those categories....except crabcakes, that's a Chesapeake thing, ain't it?
stettoman said:
That was as weird a vote-casting circus as any I've seen. How many hundreds of categories and NOT ONE HOT SAUCE?
But yeah, I entered you in the first category that came up, without reading what category it was. Repeatedly.
And I live next door to Nulle...
Just moved in next door to you and Nulle, Stetto - and there goes the neighborhood!
voted again, and this time i noticed that some categories have ads right next to them asking you to vote for them in that category!

wtf? haha