• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

OCD 2017!!!

Well it's 2017. Finally! Last year was a success, as far as the ground plants were concerned. Virgin, clay ground. My Chinese got smacked by hail twice! No room for error with those. Out of 12 plants I got ONE BBG. First and only. That variety is cursed. Tried for the past 3 years and some sort of calimity happens.

This year I decided to try 21+ different varieties of the BBG. I have 9 Reaper crosses. 21 and counting other varieties. I built a hoophouse and some COB led's. Planning on getting them outside in March sometime. That might be a delusion, beings I'm in Colorado. We shall see. There is only a few varieties that I've grown before. The rest are all new. I'm planning on isolating most of them.

Just started some Lemon Drops for Throwdown Growdown. I will wait a couple weeks before I start the others. Everything needs to be in order before I germinate. No turning back at that point. I want two plants from most varieties. Plants need to be woody by ground day. That's the only way I have a chance at success with late maturity varieties. If I have extras, I'll give away to my friends of THP.

My list is growing, but not much. Here is some of the varieties that made the cut.

Naga BBG (Red)
Chocolate BBG
Orange BBG (ISO)
Tobago Treasure x BBG
Red Gum Tiger Mamp
BBG Peach Ghost Jami
BBG Cluster
BBG Yellow (large)
BBG Scorpion
Aji Jobito x BBG
Red Gum Nagabrain Tiger Mamp
Peach Bhut BBG
BBG Apocalypse
Bhutla x BBG
Srtsl x BBG
7pot Lava Chocolate x BBG
Bleeding Borg9
Tommy Gum
Orange Naga BBG
Peach Naga BBG

Reaper x Red Mayan Habanero
Reaper x Yellow Scorpion
Reaper x Purple Bhut
Reaper x Pimenta
Reaper x Peach Bhut
Naga Reaper
Brainstrain x Reaper
Sepia Reaper x Neyde
ButchT x Reaper

Congo x ButchT
Peach Ghost Scorpion x Primo
Apocalypse Scorpion
Black Bhutlah Scorpion
Chocolate Primo
Baby Morich
Scorpion XXX (Holiday)
Fidalgo Roxa x Grao De Bode
BOC (Gary)
Andy's King BOC
Bhut Peach
Jigsaw x Habanero
Giant Trinidad Scorpion (Randy)
Taba Naga
Perfect red Bhut (Rick)
Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw (Jukka)
Scotch Brain (ISO)
Naga Brain Yellow
Rocato (Chinese) (Jukka)

3Way Caribbean Red
4Way Caribbean Red
Sicman's Mystery (Red, Purple Spots) (Jason)
SB7J (UFO) (Justin)
Venezuela Tiger x SRTSL
Mustard Moruga Brain
Black Panther
Aji Lemondrop
Aji Pineapple
Aji Amarillo
Goats Weed

Thanks for stopping by. Wish you all the best of luck in 2017.
randyp said:
Thats a great list Chuck.You will be busy busy busy. :onfire:
Thanks Randy. I'm feeling it already. This warm weather has got me pumped. I'm growing your 3 year old Scorpion? I believe.
tctenten said:
Nice start Chuck.  I have 2 T-8's and a T-5.  I like the T-8's better.  I am sure you will love them.
Your right Terry. I like the T8's. I put 6500k bulbs in them. The plants are loving them even more.

stickman said:
Man! That's an ambitious list, and you say you'll be sowing more!? :P  Good on ya Chuck, we're pullin' for ya!
Thanks Rick! Yeah, I've got some more to start. I have a hand ful of Chinese and my Annuum's as well as a mutant, thanks to Jason ( JUR-Z-Devil). Candle Light!

Superhot Sim said:
Incredible grow list and loads of different flavours , looking good Chuck , well set up for a steller season....Watching keenly.
Thank you Sir! My plan is to isolate as many as I can.

Devv said:
Dang Chuck! now that's a list!
Good luck with it and don't kill yourself over it ;) I'm already making giveaway plans, due to way too many plants. And I cut my list short at planting...LOL But growing them is way fun :P
Yes Scott, I'll try and take your advise and not die before I see pods. I'll have some giveaways as well. I'm going to keep them until plant out. They are easy to manage now, but wait until a couple weeks from now. Then it's a frantic transplant extravaganza. Got my led light ready for them.

Well today I tilled the garden. Weird, Its only February. I tilled it anyway. Taking advantage of the warm weather. Get some air in there and let it dry a couple days. This weekend I'll cover with a load or two of compost. Then I'm going to cover the hoophouse and build some walls. I will till once more and make rows with plastic mulch. That should warm the ground. I'm still wanting to get plants in the house mid to late March. That will be 6 weeks earlier than usual. I'm sure Winter will be back with vengeance. Not going to be ignorant when it comes to weather in Colorado.

I got all the plants under the 8's. Transplanted the aerobabies to soil. NO SHOCK! WooHoo! Not letting them go to long this year. A month is perfect! I'm holding back from firing up all three. Cleaned it up and put it back on the shelf. I'll have more photos in time, but right now these should suffice. What's a GLOG without pics. LOL!


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Hey Chuck, you got it goin' on fer sure! Looks like you'll beat me to transplant since in 6 weeks our ground will likely still be half-frozen, but as soon as it can be worked I'll do soil prep and lay down the IRT.
Keep up the great work!
Curious how the BBG Clusters are doing?  The only cool pictures I have seen of these are on the Buckeye Pepper site.  Also, what is the BBG Apocalypse?  Is that just the obvious cross?  That sounds pretty awesome.
stickman said:
Hey Chuck, you got it goin' on fer sure! Looks like you'll beat me to transplant since in 6 weeks our ground will likely still be half-frozen, but as soon as it can be worked I'll do soil prep and lay down the IRT.
Keep up the great work!
We shall see Rick. I just know Winter will be back. It dropped to 25 last night. Suppose to 23 tonight and 53 high tomorrow. Those are some great seeds you received from Charles. What a stand up guy.
bpiela said:
Curious how the BBG Clusters are doing?  The only cool pictures I have seen of these are on the Buckeye Pepper site.  Also, what is the BBG Apocalypse?  Is that just the obvious cross?  That sounds pretty awesome.
Hey Ben! The Cluster is a new one for me. I first saw it in Justin's garden. The seeds came from him. They are hanging in there. The BBG Apocalypse from what I've found is indeed Apocalypse x (BBGxSRTSL). I'm pretty sure that is the one I'm growing. I would have to check my notes.


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Devv said:
looking good Chuck! Both the plants and soil. It's all in the prep...This is going to be your year!
Thanks Scott. Going with a load of compost this week and a load of composted wood chips next week. Dang I need to grab some soil samples to send to local extension. Need to know how my soil is doing after sitting all Winter. If it's high on the ph scale, I'll add peat or something. I probably shouldn't over think it, as last year all my plants did excellent. I'm just curious to see what's in the stuff. LOL
randyp said:
Good stuff Chuck.You have a huge list compared to me.I have a 3 day spell in the 60's at the end of this week and I think I just may turn my beds over after reading your happenings. ;)
Good luck Randy! Can't wait to see the jungle of plants.

PaulG said:
Quite the grow going there, Charles!
Very ambitious and varied - some great
sounding varieties I've never heard of!
Tell me about it Paul. Some many new varieties in the past few years.

dennish said:
Great final list and progress in germination Chuck, nice work!  
As others have said, I'm sure your 'hoop house' will add a whole new dimension to your grow.  Following with interest! 
Thanks Dennis. I'm hoping it will improve pod production. You and John are the reason for me building a hoophouse. Seems to work you guys well. I'm so ready.

I'm going to germinate some more this weekend. And damned if I didn't order another BBG cross. Fords got a limited amount of Pumpkin BBG.


Had to go to town. Me and my boy picked up 1 yard of fine compost and 1yard of a little bigger stuff. Will update once I get it in the garden and do some tilling. I will get another yard down the line of the ultra fine for my potting mix. $70 dollars for two yards. They will have a special in a few weeks on their compost. I'll have side boards for the trailer.


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