beer Official Brewdown Thread!!!

wheebz said:
wait is it leaving the residue inside of the pot or on the bottom of it where the flame is hitting?
Or is it actually on the burner stand itself

The residue is on the outside of the pot where the flame hits.  It is on the outside of the pot and on the burner stand where the flame hits
RocketMan said:
Sounds like you got some dirty propane. When you get it filled next time go to a different place. If that doesn't do it you may need to adjust the flow, more air, less propane however aim betting it's the first one.

JMHO, cheers
I think you are on to something because I use this pot to heat my strike and sparge water on the kitchen stove which uses natural gas and it does not leave any kind of mark on the pot.  I did not know you could get 'dirty' propane.  I thought propane is propane.  I will try getting it changed somewhere different next time.
tctenten said:
10-cent YO!
Name: TBD
Grains:  Maris Otter
Hops:  Saaz
Yeast: Belle Saison
This wil be my 4th all-grain brew and the first one that I came up with a recipe.  Wheebz made it super easy with the grain and hop limitations…thank you Wheebz.  This will be the first time that I try to brew to a "style".  I am shooting for a Belgian Blonde Ale.   
Good luck tctenten, nice to see I am not the only newer all grain brewer here!
Short of literally providing a recipe/plan, I have no problem w/ you helping anyone with their beer along the way ...

It would be cool if it were in-thread though, so everyone can learn from everyone's brewing ...

Rising tide, and all ...
jbeer32 said:
Good luck tctenten, nice to see I am not the only newer all grain brewer here!
RM and HTH have been at it a year or two longer, and who knows re: FB, but I know Ozzy and 1010 started a few months after me, and I'm just at one year ...

I think I did six one-gallon kits, two batches from Wheebz recipes, and eight of my own so far ...

Maybe I'll brew #17 this weekend ...
grantmichaels said:
RM and HTH have been at it a year or two longer, and who knows re: FB, but I know Ozzy and 1010 started a few months after me, and I'm just at one year ...

I think I did six one-gallon kits, two batches from Wheebz recipes, and eight of my own so far ...

Maybe I'll brew #17 this weekend ...
So we are all mostly newer all grainers.  That is what is cool about this BD.  I know I have already taken in and learned a bit already about this and that here and will throughout this whole thread.  It would be cool if everyone brewing here could sample everyone's final product but I know that would be impossible.  My brother has done a handful of one gallon kits.  It is a good way to experiment and not waste a lot in doing so but it is a lot of work for just a handful of beers which is why he is no longer doing them
OK mash is done.
Brix 11.5  gravity 1.045
my targets are  OG: 1.065  
The ph seemed low around 5 according to the test strip.  Not sure why, most of the time I am a bit higher.  
I am going to try and ferment this a bit warmer than my normal 67f/68f.
RocketMan said:
Sounds like you got some dirty propane. When you get it filled next time go to a different place. If that doesn't do it you may need to adjust the flow, more air, less propane however aim betting it's the first one.

JMHO, cheers
I just chatted with someone from northern brewer and this is what he said about my problem:
NB: I have not heard of dirty propane, usually that is a case of incomplete combustion. This can be altered by adjusting the amount of oxygen allowed into the venturi of the burner, basically adjusting the burner until you have a brilliant blue flame.
So you are correct in your second guess in that I have to adjust the flow to get a good blue flame.  Thanks for that suggestion.  I never realized the color of the flame because it the burner sits so low to the ground that I have never ventured to get a good look at it. I just get it going and wait for the boil.
jbeer32 said:

I think you are on to something because I use this pot to heat my strike and sparge water on the kitchen stove which uses natural gas and it does not leave any kind of mark on the pot.  I did not know you could get 'dirty' propane.  I thought propane is propane.  I will try getting it changed somewhere different next time
Honestly it's probably not the propane but the cylinder that they pumped it from. I'd have to research it but I'd bet that it was not maintained properly at some point and needs to be cleaned or what ever they'd do to it to purge the bad stuff out of there. Also the propane that they got that yours came from could be contaminated with other gasses / elements that's causing it. Just my 2 centz
RocketMan said:
Honestly it's probably not the propane but the cylinder that they pumped it from. I'd have to research it but I'd bet that it was not maintained properly at some point and needs to be cleaned or what ever they'd do to it to purge the bad stuff out of there. Also the propane that they got that yours came from could be contaminated with other gasses / elements that's causing it. Just my 2 centz
Thanks, I will definitely look into that  :cheers:

Bubbles already. This is the quickest I have had bubbles in my brews so far. It has been about 6 hours since I pitched the yeast. It is 75f in my ferm chamber.
i'm having a lazy night ...

i'm just going to pour this open-fermented sourdough-starter starter into a swing-top and top it off w/ my Mild and some isohop for bittering, i think ...
