beer Official Brewdown Thread!!!

RocketMan said:
Ok, what exactly makes an IPA a NE IPA?
That research is the fun part, but a turbid mash with ample protein contributions is often considered a key component, and some folks talk about the interaction of some yeasts and late-hopping ...
I have forgotten some of the details in the past six or eight weeks ...
almost all late addition hops at a rate of around 3lbs per bbl on the dry hop alone
super fruity yeast strain
dextrose @ around 8-10% of fermentables
cloudy as fuck
needs to be drank within 2 weeks because the lipids and super high protein content oxidize and turn it to shit
it was basically up to everyone that wanted to do it
I am down to judge and do that stuff whenever, and now that its a little colder out we can resume with it if there is a consensus to do so
I thought we were going to just brew whatever we wanted and have them judged as which were "best" regardless of style ...
Since it was a weird non-objective thing last time between wheebz and his brewing partner, or something - hard to remember ...
I only remember at all because one of them dinged me for color on my kolsch even though I used Kolsch malt from Cologne that's indicative of commercial Kolsch's ...
I'd spec'd previous that I was going to come in darker than American BJCP SRM ... but either wheebz or his homie wasn't considering that at judgement time ...
Anyways ...
Since there doesn't need to ba a full cardinality of all entries, and we're just naming a best ...
I'd skip the BJCP number system and just say which one's the best - and provide feedback on how to improve each entry ...
Seems more useful, and more people will participate more often if they can brew whatever they want each time ...
Being inspired to brew different styles doesn't need to be mandated.

Since I'm *NEVER* planning to compete, evar - I don't really care about numbers ... just tell me how to improve my beer for the re-brew and I'm happy.