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Okay I admit it...

hmpf....I love potted meat and sardines on saltines...

makes Linda gag when I eat it...

***Edit*** and I am referring to the potted meat and sardines...

Dude. It made me gag when I read it. Hurl!

I like eating lemon wedges - peel and all. It's a good cleanser after you've had strong foods - garlic, peppers, whatever.

I used to - until my dentist told me it'll cleanse the enamel right off your teef.

Be careful!
Peanut butter and bologna on toast dipped in bean w/bacon soup that has a whooooole lotta fresh cracked pepper in it. Oh and cooters. I really like those. Can I say that?

Teef? Come on LDHS it's "toophers". Teef is just one tooph.
I used to - until my dentist told me it'll cleanse the enamel right off your teef.
Be careful!
I could see that if it was something I did every day, but I don't eat them that often. Still, it's amusing when I eat one in front of someone who's never seen one eaten like that before - the look of puzzlement, then the "did you.... just put that WHOLE thing in your mouth, peel and all???", followed by a look of pure shock...... You'd think I'd just eaten a mini nuclear reactor or something.
i'm mexican... so as long as i have tortillas and food, i'll make a taco or burrito...

leftover spaghetti...? spaghetti burrito... leftover liver...? liver tacos... peanut butter and jelly...? peanut butter and jelly wrap...

oh... and i LOVE arby's horsey sauce... it's like a mild horse radish/mayo sauce... i wish i could buy it in bulk...