seed-plant-vendors Ordering Pepper Seeds

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I recently ordered some seeds fom It took a long time because of US to Australia customs. But they were passed and the packaging bubblewrap made sure they arrived intact. I should mention that the good folks from peppermania threw in two packets of varieties that I hadn't ordered. I love when companies do that. :dance:
First order from took about 10 days, no problem since it's coming from far away. Second order I placed there on the 13th of January, I never received a confirmation email that payment was accepted and the order was shipped like I did with the first order. After a couple weeks, I started to wonder if the order was ever shipped and if they had maybe missed it. I sent an email to confirm that the order was shipped, no reply. I sent another one about a week later, this time he replied and said it was shipped on the 17th and that 1-2 weeks is possible. It's now the 15th and I haven't received anything. I sent him an email 5 days ago telling him I haven't received anything, still no reply. I'm going to give it a couple more days and then file a claim with paypal to try to get my money back. Only have 45 days from payment to file a claim and that's coming up fairly soon. It's a shame because they have such a good selection, including some varieties I haven't seen anywhere else. :(

So, from my experience...I've had very good results with Tradewindsfruit, The Hippy Seed Company, Peppermania, and Pepperlover. One good result with and one negative result (as of now).

Update on the order, it arrived today, finally! After ~40 days, the mail was post marked January 14th. I have no idea why it took them so long, but I'm glad they're here. Maybe some customs dickhead dicked around with them or something. I was a little worried about ordering from them in the first place because of the name "semillas", I thought that might throw out a red flag for the customs people thinking I was ordering pot seeds. I'm guessing customs dicked around with them for one reason or another.

But anyway, I'll change this one to a positive. They could have been a lot more prompt returning my emails but at least they did get the order in the mail in a timely fashion, it isn't their fault the mail system took almost a month and a half to get the package here. I'll probably order from them again because of the great selection, although next time I'll probably order them way ahead of time just in case there are any issues like this.
Update on the order, it arrived today, finally! After ~40 days, the mail was post marked January 14th. I have no idea why it took them so long, but I'm glad they're here. Maybe some customs dickhead dicked around with them or something. I was a little worried about ordering from them in the first place because of the name "semillas", I thought that might throw out a red flag for the customs people thinking I was ordering pot seeds. I'm guessing customs dicked around with them for one reason or another.

But anyway, I'll change this one to a positive. They could have been a lot more prompt returning my emails but at least they did get the order in the mail in a timely fashion, it isn't their fault the mail system took almost a month and a half to get the package here. I'll probably order from them again because of the great selection, although next time I'll probably order them way ahead of time just in case there are any issues like this.

The customs guy probably messed around with them and exchanged them for cash crop seeds! lol..kidding. Glad ya got your seeds.
I recently bought seeds from Andonatura in Brazil. Shipping took 2.5 to 3 weeks. Packaging could have been better (greeting card sandwich). Would benifit from at least a piece of thin foam. Some seeds were crushed but I have had good germination from the four varieties I got. The only reason I mention this site is because of the varieties available that are interesting. I have not seen them elsewhere. All seeds are priced $5.00 which is more than some of our beloved stateside providers. It is certainly less than others. Shipping and handleing is high. The biggest risk I guess you could say is the lack of description for the varieties; heat, flavor, etc. I know many people here crave the South American seeds. There was a problem (with the website) at the time of ordering. It was corrected immeadiatly upon my communication with them. I was provided a tracking #. Movement was fast early on and then slow. Here is the link;

The customs guy probably messed around with them and exchanged them for cash crop seeds! lol..kidding. Glad ya got your seeds.

Bastards! :)

Received my order from world of chillies [sic] today. Took about 2 weeks I think, not too bad coming from across the pond I suppose. Some fancy packaging and 2 free seed packs...royal black and jalapeño. Kind of weird to include free jalapeño seeds, everyone has jalapeño seeds. :lol: I already have about 4 or 5 varieties of jalapeños, I appreciate the gesture though. Might grow the royal black, probably not this year though. I already have black prince and pimento de neyde.

Also came with a small book "Little book of chillies [sic]" Seems like mostly common knowledge or easily found information, but I might check out the recipe section in the back.
I've actually had some good luck with ebay so far, seeds have come quickly and everything has been what it is supposed to be (knock on wood)...

Although as a rule of thumb with ebay seed shopping you pretty much wanna be comfy with rolling the dice and possibly having to classify your pods.

Just ordered a mixed pack of 50 seeds (25+ species) for $6.50 w/ shipping oh yeah...! :onfire:
Gonna try peppermania out here methinks, lotsa good info/advice on here, thanks!
Hey everyone! I am searching for a seed supplier that can ship to US, Florida to be more specific. I haven't bought any seeds before but I saw and both have what I want, Bhut Jolokia and Trinidad scorpion. Anyone have any trouble ordering from these guys to the US? I see TheHippySeedCompany is located in AUS so I wanted to make sure there isn't a problem with customs. Any help on this matter would be appreciated!
Hey everyone! I am searching for a seed supplier that can ship to US, Florida to be more specific. I haven't bought any seeds before but I saw and both have what I want, Bhut Jolokia and Trinidad scorpion. Anyone have any trouble ordering from these guys to the US? I see TheHippySeedCompany is located in AUS so I wanted to make sure there isn't a problem with customs. Any help on this matter would be appreciated!

Lots of folks in the US order from THSC w/no problems. Fairly certain pepperlover is in the US.
Hey everyone! I am searching for a seed supplier that can ship to US, Florida to be more specific. I haven't bought any seeds before but I saw and both have what I want, Bhut Jolokia and Trinidad scorpion. Anyone have any trouble ordering from these guys to the US? I see TheHippySeedCompany is located in AUS so I wanted to make sure there isn't a problem with customs. Any help on this matter would be appreciated!

Pepperlover is in the US and is very fast, ~3 days for me. THSC is pretty fast too, considering it's coming from Australia. My order took 5 days. Around 7 days seems to be the norm. You shouldn't have any trouble getting seeds from THSC here.
I ordered from Trade Winds Fruit and received my seeds one week after ordering. Got 'em germinating right now. I'll post again if there are any issues, but given the largely positive things I've heard about TWF in this thread I don't foresee any. Hurray, 2011!
I ordered seeds from PepperMania over the weekend, and they made it from TX to CA by Wednesday morning. Very impressive, and I squealed like a little girl when I saw them in the mailbox. Don't laugh- I know you fellas do the same thing, you just don't admit it! ;)

The seeds were bubble-wrapped, and she included a bonus pack of Aji Limo Rojo, and a packet of mystery seeds. I can't wait to see what pops out of them!

Thumbs up- I will definitely be ordering from her again next year.
I can admit to squealing! I ordered the Aji Lima Rojo from Beth and they are growing fast and Larger than my others. She just sent out another email with some stuff I don't think I can live without.

Good Luck with your season and welcome from central Texas.

Uk seeds is such a great resource. They also have the 16 mil scovie extract for a fraction of the cost you see on elsewhere. Unfortunately theyre saying theyre being swamped with orders, havent gotten anything since I ordered 3 weeks ago.
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