seed-plant-vendors Ordering Pepper Seeds

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These are one of the reliable for ordering pepper seeds. I did order from these seeds company before.

-- asiasgarden from

Also I did order seeds from Cappy and Junglerain as well. Just order the seeds from them. There seeds look very good.
I ordered some seeds from Australian site.

Anyone else have reviews about them? Good or bad? Products and service?

My seeds arrived fairly quickly, and there was a good amount of seeds in each envelope. Everything looks great so far. I've just sowed some and will update on germination rates.

I hope they turn out alright. I don't like to gamble with international customs when buying seeds.
As of today (Dec. 2, 2010) Baker Creek ( has apparently dropped several of their Thai pepper varieties, namely the Garden Bird Seed, Den Chai 198, and the Thai Little Red Chilli. Remaining on the hot peppers page are Thai Burapa, Thai Red Chilli, and Thai Yellow Chilli. This may be a good thing, as there was some ambiguity and confusion about what actual cultivars some of these names represented...
tried purchasing seeds from baker creek a while back. didn't go through with it. they were pushing me to get the phytosanitary certificate that wasn't really necessary. but then i do understand that they were just trying to be on the safe side. being from a 3rd world country, phytosanitary certificates or any other whatever licenses that are "required" by law isn't really something that even the local customs office bother with.
Phytosanitary certificate? That seems silly...

When I was growing mostly tomatoes and herbs, and only a few mainstream peppers like Jalapeño and Anaheim, Baker Creek was a great seed source. The catalog is a work of art, the prices are quite reasonable, the seeds germinate well, and they actually have a pretty nice selection, as long as you don't need seeds for the latest, trendiest C. chinense.

My trouble started when I began obsessing around the various Thai peppers. Nobody really seems to really know what's what as far as which names go with which cultivars, or even which species some of the Thai peppers are in. I would gladly accept Dewitt and Bosland's taxonomy, but none of the seed suppliers, even those based in Thailand, seem to be aware of it...

I understand that all pepper taxonomy tends to be obfuscated and ambiguous, but Thai pepper classification seems to be especially confusing, and the seeds hard to obtain. There is one cultivar which everyone seems to agree on and which is readily available: the old standby "Thai Chile." It's one of my all-time favorites, and will always have a place in my garden.

Maybe one day someone will offer a dependable supply of clearly-indentified Thai pepper seeds, and I will finally be able to grow and eat Prik Ki Nu Suan.
I just received my order from pepper gal, fast shipping, and all varieties had at least 10 extra seeds in the packets. I just wanted to thank thepeppergrowingman for starting and maintaining the list in this thread and everyone else for contributing.
Phytosanitary certificate? That seems silly...

Maybe one day someone will offer a dependable supply of clearly-indentified Thai pepper seeds, and I will finally be able to grow and eat Prik Ki Nu Suan.

I get my seeds from a local Chinese market. The package has a picture of Thai peppers and the print is completely in Thai. I've grown them the last two years. They work for me. :)
I have to put another plug in for Judy at Pepperlover, I received my order yesterday and like all others who used her services she has been consistent with order handling, friendliness, professional and giving. Judy threw in a couple other gifts including some douglah seeds(which aren't even listed on her site) and some powders.

Definitely would order again from Pepperlover and would recommend to others.
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