Ozzy's All Grain on deck

Makes sense ...
The boiling point for DMS is around body temp ... upper 90's ...
So ... yeah ... doesn't have to be all that hot to evaporate it, and if you make the stream thin enough, it could be performed with high throughput ...
Fun stuff did a blind side by side of my DFH 90 clone and the real McCoy

So the real 90 is "A" and my clone was "B". Not a great clone recipie o guess. Color was not very close. Taste was pretty similar, but fortunately, I liked mine better . The smell surprised me the most. A had a much sweeter fragrance. Almost a honey, fruity smell. B had more hops up front on the smell. I really can't believe the sweetness on the DFH beer. I honestly almost don't like it as much now lol.
Well, anyway I don't think I'll call it a DFH90 clone anymore. I will have to come up with my own name because I would say that this is not a clone.
So, this gets to something I've been doing ...
I loaded up a whole bunch of recipes and compared them all ...
I used a German pilsner beer in hopes that the Rheinh* would keep the ingredient quantity smaller ...
What I found was that there's no recipe integrity out there ...
I checked out beersmith cloud, I checked out Brew Toad, and then I kept Brewing Classic Styles and AHA Gold Medal Winners and another Reddit resource based on medal-ling recipes ...
It's the kind of data you scrape into a db and then run selectors for style names and then against a list of grains ...
I didn't clean it up, but I poked through and plotted the db cursor and here's the deal ...
Recipe integrity doesn't exist for recipes online.
If you compare Brewing Classic Styles recipes with Award Winning Recipes, there's little differences ... little bits of mix and match between the breakdown of the 2-row + maris or munich, and then the percentages of the specialty grains doesn't move much ...
It's worth mentioning that I couldn't scrape Papazian's recipes from anywhere, which I think would be interesting, because I have this feeling that there'a a whole bunch out there that are riffs on those, that the error percentages of the data would drop a bunch if I could lock those relationships in addition to the AHA's and BCS one's ...
Anyways ...
The recipes out there on Brew Toad, and on Beersmith Cloud, and I'll posit HBT too (but that's just anecdotal, gut feeling, unverified) are too highly regarded with such a wide margin of difference in ingredients that it's impossible to trust the recipes.
It was so bad ...
I don't know ... it was pretty stark ...
I got the impression it would be best to just get a skeleton in place and then run iterations on it, instead of jumping around using one's from out there ...
Yeah. At least it's in the ballpark taste wise. Like I said, I liked mine more so I'm pretty happy with it. It at least got me in the ballpark of the taste I like.
Ozzy2001 said:
Yeah. At least it's in the ballpark taste wise. Like I said, I liked mine more so I'm pretty happy with it. It at least got me in the ballpark of the taste I like.
Totally ...
That reminds me, too, that I need to look at my grains leftover at this point and see if I can brew the 2nd iteration on the D.E. or if I need to order anything tomorrow to arrive in time for the weekend! =)
Oatmeal stout racked into secondary. FG 1.010. Puts it at 5.64%. It's not very dark, but you can definitely taste the roasted malts. Sample I got my hydrometer reading tasted pretty damn good. Super smooth. Can't wait to taste it carbonated.

Can't wait to taste it carbonated. I'm going to let it age another week or so though.
Also going to wash the yeast out of here. It fermented great and the beer already taste good.
That Stout does look tasty Ozzy!!
Grant, I read a lot of recipes when I first started, mostly on Home Brew Talk and Aussie Home Brew but I also checked out BeerSmith and a few other more minor home brew websites and from reading all the replies to a recipe posted one thing quickly became clear. With most of the posted recipes while it would brew up ok and taste good, it wasn't what the same as the developer did it. I believe that a lot of the people that post recipes change something or leave something out that makes it that way. I mean it could be that you didn't use the same water that the original brew used however I still believe that the recipes posted are not the real one.  
So, whenever I find a recipe that sounds good to me the first thing I do is look at it and ask myself what do I want to do to make this My Recipe. Change the hops to give it the flavor notes that I think it should have, adding other ingredients like Orange Peel or something, etc...
RocketMan said:
Grant, I read a lot of recipes when I first started, mostly on Home Brew Talk and Aussie Home Brew but I also checked out BeerSmith and a few other more minor home brew websites and from reading all the replies to a recipe posted one thing quickly became clear. With most of the posted recipes while it would brew up ok and taste good, it wasn't what the same as the developer did it. I believe that a lot of the people that post recipes change something or leave something out that makes it that way. I mean it could be that you didn't use the same water that the original brew used however I still believe that the recipes posted are not the real one.  
So, whenever I find a recipe that sounds good to me the first thing I do is look at it and ask myself what do I want to do to make this My Recipe. Change the hops to give it the flavor notes that I think it should have, adding other ingredients like Orange Peel or something, etc...
Yeah ... it's a result of the fact that so many combinations lead to a 'beer' ...
Beer is plentiful ... but really good beer seems to be in short supply ...
Yeah. I will say I added a little more hops to this Oatmeal stout than the recipie called for. It was super low and I wanted a bit more hop flavor.
I'm anxious to try adding Brett to the sour batch I have going. I asked wheebz about adding some fruit to it too. This could end up being a fun experimental one time batch lol.
Could be an experiment that starts you down the path of sours =)
The folks who like them, become pretty passionate about them from what I can tell ...
Since I don't have a need for the keg it's in, I'm considering doing an experiment w/ the Charliewine batch ...
I'm probably going to kick it out of the keezer and let it flatten out by purging the release valve consistently and repeatedly, and pitch something into it ...
The proverbial Hail Mary, if you will ...
If mine becomes something good to drink, that would be outstanding. Lol my wife calls it the sock batch right now due to the funky taste. I have a good name for it, if it becomes worthy. Another Chappelle Show favorite character for me....Bucknasty. ;)
Indeed. I have the first couple seasons somewhere on DVD. 1st season was great l, but Charlie Murphy made it gold 2nd season. On the DVD he tells some great stories in the extras.
Nice ... I've also got a starter going for a medium-weight DIPA ...
Going to brew it tomorrow during the daytime, though, to give the starter ample time and so I can knock out more work beforehand ...
I *REALLY* prefer to brew AFTER I've made the space/time by working ahead, to brewing and then playing catch-up with work ...
Too distracting when there's ferm issues in the beginning etc ...