Ozzy's All Grain on deck

I am going to check when I get home, but I have not observed any bubbles yet other than the foam in the fermenting jug.
Ozzy2001 said:
There has to be, or was air coming out of it. It's probably much slower now though or maybe nothing at all. The first few days are always the busiest.
grantmichaels said:
I tried to coax him into going to interact with it the other night =)
I wanted to see some yeast convection ...
I probably missed it. I probably have spent a total of 2 minutes over the last three days checking on it. Basically just to make sure it wasn't making a mess inside the box. Ordered some stuff, and if by some miracle it gets here by Saturday, I will brew another batch.
At one point, there was probably a little jet-stream of yeasties riding the convection up the center and then fanning out 360" and rolling down the side (all around) ...
Ozzy2001 said:
Grant that Two Brothers coffee stout is super smooth. Very good. Lmao I would hope I could find it here. It's from Warrenville, IL.
That's cool you found it! ...
Amazeballs, right? ...
For my palette, the best example of a coffee-themed beer, ever ...
Yes very subtle. I don't like them super strong coffee taste. I love coffee, but I'll just pour a cup if I want some. It had a good sweetness too and smooth as a baby's bottom.
Yeah, nice ...
I'm trying to brew today - if possible ...
I'm doing 1700-2100 sqft countertops/day right now, and it's pretty consuming to say the least ...
grantmichaels said:
Yeah, nice ...
I'm trying to brew today - if possible ...
I'm doing 1700-2100 sqft countertops/day right now, and it's pretty consuming to say the least ...
So do you draw up the layouts for billing, quotes, or for fabrication; or a mix of all of it?
Ozzy2001 said:
So do you draw up the layouts for billing, quotes, or for fabrication; or a mix of all of it?
I digitize the templates into cad drawing, seam the tops and place the sinks and cooktop cutouts etc, and then break it all down and program people and machines to fabricate it all.
Ozzy2001 said:
I'm surprised you can do all that from home. That's a lot of sqftage. That's like 20-40 kitchens/day. You must get a lot of commercial jobs too I guess.
The first 7 years I worked out of the office ...
All of this work is single-family home work ... no commercial!
I miss commercial, cookie-cutter - believe me ...
Oh man, that's a lot lol. I draw and edit all of our house plans. As much as I love sitting at a computer some days I can only go so long before I get stir crazy. I mean at least if you had some multi family you would probably be able to copy and paste a little.
Ozzy2001 said:
Oh man, that's a lot lol. I draw and edit all of our house plans. As much as I love sitting at a computer some days I can only go so long before I get stir crazy. I mean at least if you had some multi family you would probably be able to copy and paste a little.
Each cell's a SFH ... the # on the right is the sqft of stone ...
It's intense.
And, I mean, yeah ... I just have to force myself to stand up and walk out the front door and take a walk etc ...