Ozzy's All Grain on deck

RocketMan said:
Someone gave away fresh hops and I missed it? Arggg, 
I remember Scovie giving away some hops a couple years ago that grew at his house. Ok, so what are y'all planning to do with them?
Oh and family and friends have asked that I not stop brewing but bottle it for them. What could I say, you buy and I'll fly and they said no problem :)
Sounds good ...
Keep brewing ... keep tasting ... I agree!
RocketMan said:
Someone gave away fresh hops and I missed it? Arggg, 
I remember Scovie giving away some hops a couple years ago that grew at his house. Ok, so what are y'all planning to do with them?
Oh and family and friends have asked that I not stop brewing but bottle it for them. What could I say, you buy and I'll fly and they said no problem :)
I still he a bunch of Cascade hops left if you want some. I have close to 2lbs.
Send me a PM with your addy and I can fit about 4ozs in a flat rate envelope.
Ozzy2001 said:
Going to rack the porter to the keg tonight. Do I need to chill it before carbing? Or is it ok to hook up the Co2 and put it in the fridge?
Sorry ... drunky ... the carbonation won't really go into solution as well while it's warm, that I know, but I don't think it will harm it to be in there getting started ...
Pics cause it happened =)

Thanks for sending them!


Poured nicely into the glass, I think ...

Had a really persistent head and lacing galore ...



And a color not all that dissimilar from my IPA ...


There's a very different hop taste relatively, mine was Columbus and Citra, and this one I can't put my finger on because my IPA game is super limited ...

There's a flavor I can't put my finger on, that's like the taste of my open-fermented saison, that was fermented out in the house w/ a fermwrap ...

Mine was more exaggerated, and there was some other shit going on with it, but yours def has a small bit of that same taste ... albeit not enough to be off ...

There was a lot of yeast ...


Enough that I was able to coat the whole cylinder of the bottle ...


I don't bottle, but I get a couple glasses w/ yeast like this to start of a keg, and I enjoy when it ends ... so I think you might have something to look forward to in starting to keg!

There's a huge difference in mouthfeel ... it's much, much, much lighter in body/weight than my beer ... almost sparkling ... but I mean, I do everything in my power to make syrupy, chewy, malty beers, so I'm sure that's why it's so divergent in this regard ... mine are probably 'wrong' lol ...

It has a little taste of my beer batches when my pH's were high and the water was unfiltered ... something I never put my finger on here, and still can't tonight ...

I changed to filtered, bought citric acid, and added temp control to the storage at the same time, and it went away, so it could have been any of those or something unrelated, but I do recognize it as a subtler instance of the same taste ...

Interesting, but nothing that prevented me from enjoying it!



Nice job filling, notably minimized headspace ;) ...

Poured nicely!


Sexy ...

Perhaps oddly translucent, but I have much more extensive familiarity w/ stout than porter beers ...


I can't see my finger through more of mine than not, but I can see it through your porter ...


That's cool ... because it's definitely a porter by taste ...

It's light in perceived mouthfeel, but I've decided that that is me, because I often feel that way about commercial beers too!

I thought it opened up a bit as it warmed, and was pretty tasty ...

So many ?'s now ... and intense desire to bottle some of mine and share, but good job and thanks for the gift and opportunity!

And now ...



Keep on truckin' ...

Probably the water difference. So what did you think?

This. Now I'm DYING to take readings next brew day!
Amarillo and Simcoe in the IPA. There is a small amount of Warrior too. And yeah, the head on it is frothy. Which is cool because a lot of IPAs I've drank have that too. Not sure what does that lol.

On the Oatmeal stout, that was the supposed Barney Flatts clone. I thought it was short of a "stout" as well. The color was low in Beersmith, but still not in the red. Still tasty, but not what I was shooting for.

Our water is definitely on the hard side. The ph is usually just short of 7.
Interesting that you use the "sparkling" term. That is how I feel mine are. Mine are definitely beer tasting, but definitely have that sparkling aspect to the mouth feel.

Last trip to the brew store, I asked about the tap water because they brew on premises and we share the same water. I told him I used bottled water and he said that it is too sterile for all grain brewing. I have not taken an ph readings on my mash... But I will going forward.

Going to keep doung it till I get it right.
there is no such thing as "too sterile" for all grain brewing
its lacking in the minerals you would want in your beer depending on style that is present in ground water, but in no way is it "too sterile"
and as long as your mash pH is between 5.2 and 5.6, you are fine
and always chill before carbonating unless you can do it under serious pressure