Ozzy's All Grain on deck

is that dude still around? i remember all the middle school kids talking about the black guy with silver hair.
im old too. so that was like 80 years ago.
Naw, this is old, but still jams really nice
Of course being a bit old school I usually have to ask,

When someone yells stop do you

A) Stop in the name of love
B) Stop, collaborate and listen
C) Stop, Hammer time

It's one of my things
Okay...Cascade Pale Ale is happening tomorrow.  I'm going to go ahead and weigh out all the grains tonight before this last beer kicks in.  Going to use some US-05 on this one.  I haven't used that yeast yet so I'm pretty excited about trying it out.  I'll grind all the grains up in the morning and probably start around lunch time or later afternoon.  Depends on when I fit taking my kids to see the new Star Wars movie.  
I'm also messing around with a new Imp IPA recipe using the Citra hops along with the Cascade I have left.  I'm pretty well stocked on beer at the moment, especially once I brew this batch tomorrow.  So I may try out the Imperial Stout recipe i have first so that can age then I'll follow up with the Citra ImpIPA.
As it stands now, I have a case of the 2nd round of the ImpIPA left.  A case of Oatmeal Stout/Porter.  A 12 pack of the metalic dbl choc stout (which I've found is actually way better drinking it out of the bottle, due to no nose effects).  And about a case and a half of the Toffee Porter left.  My wife and I have already drank at least a 12 pack out of the keg.  So while I am stocked up pretty good right now, that can all disappear pretty quickly with the holidays approaching.  My father-in-law loves the ImpIPA.  So I know he'll drain a few of those.  My wife will also help on the Oatmeal Stouts once we kill this keg.  And honestly, my sister-in-law will help with this porter too.  Its too good not to :).
In other news, I've got my brother-in-law itching to buy a brewing kit.  He paid for a sack of grain, so I still owe him about a case and a half of beer.  If he does indeed buy a kit, I'll try to get him on the forum, because I'm sure he will have questions, and this is a great spot for help.  Plus I also give him pepper plants, and he loves the purees and jellies I've given him.  He talked about growing some peppers again next year, so he may as well jump on in here.
Well, just polished off this last beer, so I better get weighing grain now.  The beers have caught up, so I'm glad I bought the digital scale so I don't f this up lol.  :D

Oh damn, I just remembered that I have that sour batch to check on in another couple weeks.  Hopefully, it taste something like beer.  If not I'll just dump it out.  But if its good thats another 2 cases of beer to drink ;)

trying to kill the wheat keg ;)
Oh damn, I just remembered that I have that sour batch to check on in another couple weeks.  Hopefully, it taste something like beer.  If not I'll just dump it out.  But if its good thats another 2 cases of beer to drink ;)

Those sour beers can take a range of time to come into the doneness window, I guess, huh?
grantmichaels said:

trying to kill the wheat keg ;)

Those sour beers can take a range of time to come into the doneness window, I guess, huh?
Yeah, Wheebz said 5-6 weeks. It's been 4 now. I really hope it turns out. A nice raspberry sour sounds pretty good.
tctenten said:
Suprised you haven't gotten into mead. The OG are pretty high on them. Really hope I like mine. Otherwise I tied up a bubbler for 3 months.
Haha ... I had one the other night ... it was okay ...
It's not the strength of the big beers that I key in on, though ... it's the body ...
I decided to sit down and put some hours of work in, to keep my next three days more reasonable ...
When confronted with brewing that stout and using up my 2nd freezer for it to ferm and crash, versus having it remain empty to receive 3x kegs from a 10-12 gal batch, I had to post-pone it ...
My wheat keg is about done, and then the Zorg will take it's slot, freeing up the 2nd freezer ...
The other 3x in there, the Miyagi, the Bhut Stout, and Wheebz saison, are all 2/3 full still ...
So, I'm going to scale the stout recipe up, shape it up a little bit more, and then brew 10-12 gallons of it, and split it into 3x corny's to ferment using US-05, S-04, and WLP090 side-by-side ... and then after tasting those at FG time, decide which to treat with oak etc ...
Those three will hog the freezer, so after that, I'll do a 10-12 gallon batch to split into a series of side-by-side's of saison yeast out in the brewery at room-temp ...
And then I'll just have a lot of beer, and plenty to give away, certainly ...