Ozzy's All Grain on deck

wheebz said:
You know what I love? Tequila and hookers and blow
grantmichaels said:
I decided to sit down and put some hours of work in, to keep my next three days more reasonable ...
When confronted with brewing that stout and using up my 2nd freezer for it to ferm and crash, versus having it remain empty to receive 3x kegs from a 10-12 gal batch, I had to post-pone it ...
My wheat keg is about done, and then the Zorg will take it's slot, freeing up the 2nd freezer ...
The other 3x in there, the Miyagi, the Bhut Stout, and Wheebz saison, are all 2/3 full still ...
So, I'm going to scale the stout recipe up, shape it up a little bit more, and then brew 10-12 gallons of it, and split it into 3x corny's to ferment using US-05, S-04, and WLP090 side-by-side ... and then after tasting those at FG time, decide which to treat with oak etc ...
Those three will hog the freezer, so after that, I'll do a 10-12 gallon batch to split into a series of side-by-side's of saison yeast out in the brewery at room-temp ...
And then I'll just have a lot of beer, and plenty to give away, certainly ...
You could try with 3 different toasts on the oak, light, medium and dark toast. I used a dark toast in the Bourbon barrel Vanilla Stout I made.
What's the best was to toast the wood? Oven?
RocketMan said:
You could try with 3 different toasts on the oak, light, medium and dark toast. I used a dark toast in the Bourbon barrel Vanilla Stout I made.
The ones I have were already toasted when I bought them. I would imagine the oven would work but I think a gas touch would do the job quicker and easier.

Hops came in and again thanks. I'm going to have to figure out something special to do with these.

Broken down into 2 2 ounce bags, vacuum sealed and going into the freezer.

Finally have some krausen forming and fermentation picking up. Does US-05 start slow? Took a little over 18hrs to pick up. I was starting to get a little nervous lol.
Ozzy2001 said:
Finally have some krausen forming and fermentation picking up. Does US-05 start slow? Took a little over 18hrs to pick up. I was starting to get a little nervous lol.
I pitched the S-04 dry and it lagged getting going, and then went gang-busters ... and then it went some more, actually ... 'bout to update my thread ;)
I rehydrated it, but being that I have never used it I was curious. I had the same experience as you with the 04. That was the yeast I had with that extract imp stout that quit early.
Can't wait to do that AG recipe I have with the vastly improved experience/knowledge that I have now.
Ferment still chugging along. Curious to see when it craps out. I want to bottle this one sooner than later.

I think I'm going to pull a sample of the sour batch too this weekend and see how it taste. I may just force carb it in a PET bottle to get the full effect as to whether I want to bottle the whole batch.