Ozzy's All Grain on deck


Beautiful day to try these out on the deck. Plowed snow this week and now it's 70 lol.

It's intermission between prelims and finals for my son's swim meet so I'm taking that time to relax.

These beers turned out great! The blackberry wit isn't carbed up all the way yet, so I won't completely review it yet. However, it's pretty damn tasty as it is. The blackberry is subtle, which is how I like the fruit wits. Too much is no bueno. I do think I may make a purer next time though to get more of the blackberry color. The amount of vanilla bean is spot on for me. It's even more subtle than the blackberry.

The Blue Moon clone is dynamite. Wheebz's recipe is awesome. I'm going to make a whole 5 gallon batch of this soon, for this spring. It is sooo good. I will have to try it without an orange slice in it, but I had to for the first one. It's how I always drink it.

I will post the recipe up at the beginning of thread when I get time.
completely off topic
i had a read discussion with Tomme and bob sylvester
i dont even know how to describe this, but there are so many things I am doing wrong with my beers its just amazing. 
I mean these are the godfathers of saisons and wild beers, and I thought i had a mind on it, but jesus christ Tomme is liks a legitimate yeast farmer
I said from day one that Bob Sylvester is the most underrated brewer in the country, fucking amazing saisons and sours, i have to do a collaboration
absolutely have to
i dont know if bob remembers me though, i mean shit its been like 3 years since I lived down there, but St Somewhere was a godsend to me even before i moved there
wheebz said:
completely off topic
i had a read discussion with Tomme and bob sylvester
i dont even know how to describe this, but there are so many things I am doing wrong with my beers its just amazing. 
I mean these are the godfathers of saisons and wild beers, and I thought i had a mind on it, but jesus christ Tomme is liks a legitimate yeast farmer
I said from day one that Bob Sylvester is the most underrated brewer in the country, f**king amazing saisons and sours, i have to do a collaboration
absolutely have to
i dont know if bob remembers me though, i mean shit its been like 3 years since I lived down there, but St Somewhere was a godsend to me even before i moved there
he knows you ...
i admit quite readily that he only 'knows me' because he knew you ...
he's very nice ... very helpful ... and i love his politics ...
one of the higher points of last week was when he liked my BBQ post on FB ... granted, it was a shitty week, but ...
Shit just realized I posted those wits in the wrong thread. Lol oh well.

Here's the imp stout.

Still pretty green. Still not carbed up all the way either, though it's not far. I'll definitely have to try it next to a 10 Fidy, since it's a supposed clone.

A prett sure a little more aging will help it mellow out some. It's not too sweet or malty. I've just had so many ba aged beers lately that I'm having trouble distinguishing where it's at. I have some founders too, that I'll try next to it to compare. The Founders imp is my favorite, so I'll compare it to that and adjust. I think this will be a good base to try other secondary flavors like vanilla, chocolate, bourbon, etc.
wheebz said:
if you ever put fruit in any of my beers i will murder your face
Lol I'll send you a blackberry wit bottle. You can put a blackberry in it and rub it on your nipples for your lady lmao.
wheebz will murder your face for having multiple threads too, which is why i consolidated ...
that beer looks nice, though ... tiny bubbles ftw ...

i think i'll climb back on the horse this week ...
I did some comparisons of the imp stout.
Next to Founders.

The Founders definitely has more residual sugars left. Mine still has to age though to be fair. It's still pretty green with the astringency of the roasted barely to fade some along with all other mojo. My recipe is 56 IBUs according to Beersmith. Founders is 75 and is less bitter according to my tasting. So, I'm curious how it will change over time.

I also had it next to a 10Fidy, which the recipe was a supposed clone of. It's definitely closer to the taste of 10Fidy. Fidy has more roasted flavor than Founders. I had my wife taste them. She liked mine more lol. She also hates imp stouts so that may be bad.
tctenten said:
Beers are looking good Ozzy. What thread is the recipe for the blue moon clone in?
I posted it on the first page of that wit thread now.
I saw that tweet I actually picked up some coffee beans from a local coffee place that's really good that I'm going to use. I need to get on that one soon. I have so many brews I want to do lol. I'm also thinking about a pineapple pale ale sort of beer for spring/summer drinking.
A recipe for BS I saw said Sumatra with Kona cold pressed in the secondary.
In my experience the hints from the Social Media folks have panned out ... for instance, that's how I learned the base malt for the CCB barrel stouts based on Zhukov are Golden Promise ... from the Simpson's bag in the pic their Social Media person posted =) ... turned out to be the second best base malt to Maris Otter I've eexperienced to date ...
Ozzy2001 said:
Here's what I'm going to use. 4Hands brewery uses it in an imp stout I love.


Local shop has that golden promise. I've been wanting to try it.
Founders Sumatra beer will be available early May if you hadn't seen that. I can't wait to try that.
I get most of the Founders releases here, so that should work out for me too ...
I also have a coworker who lives there ... so I have Founders and OB covered now ... which means I'm in pretty good shape, for my personal favorites ...
Ozzy2001 said:
Here's what I'm going to use. 4Hands brewery uses it in an imp stout I love.


Local shop has that golden promise. I've been wanting to try it.
Founders Sumatra beer will be available early May if you hadn't seen that. I can't wait to try that.
Coffee looks good ... love pin-up ...