Ozzy's All Grain on deck

Trying to limit the accumulation of stuff. Right now my brew stuff, along with my pepper plants are in my sunroom...both will be evicted soon. To brew outside I would have to buy a burner.
grantmichaels said:
Costs less than a dinner out w/ the fam, I'm sure ... and you can do a seafood-boil/clam-bake thereafter, LOL ...
Very true.....I never understood the brewing outdoors. With all the attention to cleanliness and sanitizing it just seems wrong. Shit can blow in there, bugs, dust etc or do most just do it in an opened garage to mitigate some of those issues?
Well, at flame-out you are pretty sterile, and with a lid on and a plate-chiller shit's pretty closed, but I agree ...

I would only brew Red-Eye or Wheebz stout in that much quantity, so I probably won't brew outside until Fall/Winter ...
Bees are actually the biggest nuisance. They want that wort :). Other than that, I try to make sure it won't be windy or I move to the garage. I love pulling a lawn chair up and drinking a beer while I'm boiling.
grantmichaels said:
I think RM has done 10 gal of extract on the stove-top before, perhaps, if memory serves ...
Nope, only ever done 5 or 6 gallon batches and I've never had a kettle big enough to boil the full volume. Usually i'm boiling 4 gallons then running that through the chiller into 2 gallons of chilled water.
Interesting ...

I designed my outdoor system around being able to do a half bbl of decent-size beer, or 10-12 gallons of huge beer ... so that a BrewDay could fully utilize a freezer ...

In the future when I have recipes that are a bit more dialed in, I suspect I'll brew those outside, but it will still only realistically be 4-5x/year ...
You'd have to add a Santa Maria grill, or possibly a beautiful WFO could inspire some jealousy ...

I wasn't really allowed to covet coming up! ;)
Ozzy2001 said:
Lol nope. But it does dispense beer.
Cask, or a barrel ... that would make me a little envious of having a basement, I guess ...
Haha ... Oh God, so many possibilities ... so much shit I haven't used yet, LOL ...

BeerGun, MM3, iDip, the big kettle, digital refractometer ... all ready for maiden voyages yet =(
Assuming it's BG to bottle BD1 beer, tho ;)
Blichman Beer Gun lol

I already bottled my BD beer.  I wanted to send Wheebz my imp stout to check out.  Plus I wanted to me able to bottle whats left in a keg or something if I want to put something else in it.
You will use it first, true ...

I think I have to grab a capper ... can't remember if I had two before I sent one to tctenten, or not ...

I think I had two, though ... one being gifted by my mom's friend who gave me the 6.5 gal glass carboy ...
Ozzy2001 said:
Plus I wanted to me able to bottle whats left in a keg or something if I want to put something else in it.
That's the best part, not having to kill kegs to take their slots ...