Ozzy's All Grain on deck

Ozzy2001 said:
Blichman Beer Gun lol
I already bottled my BD beer.  I wanted to send Wheebz my imp stout to check out.  Plus I wanted to me able to bottle whats left in a keg or something if I want to put something else in it.
I have a different one, but pretty easy. I had some issues with foam, just caused me to waste beer.
Beer gun went pretty well. Definitely had a fair amount of foam doing the first one. Once I got past that though, it was pretty smooth sailing. I only bottled 6 beers. Probably took longer to clean up/prep than it did to bottle.
Pretty excited for Memorial weekend. I'm planning to brew the next BD beer, being a Kolsch and most likely an IPA.

Once my Father in law's cherry trees ripen up, I will definitely be doing a cherry wheat of some kind. I know he'll get a kick out of that. Not to mention it should taste pretty good. Still need to button down all of the details on that brew.

I have a stock of Simcoe and Galaxy hops though, that are getting dropped into that IPA. That's for certain. Can't wait!
So this Bru'n water is pretty cool. Going to dive into it a little more this weekend. Just briefly messing with it, it looks like diluting my water 50% and adding around .75ml of lactic acid will get my ph right for the IPA I just brewed.
I wish I had checked the ph of that mash. I added ph5.2 to the mash and assumed it worked. I would be willing to bet that's why my efficiency was so low on the golden stout, Kolsch, and that IPA.
Bru'n estimated my oh to be above 6 on that IPA without adding anything.
This is definitely an "ah ha" moment for me.
Sat down on Brewsmith for awhile tonight and figured up my cherry wheat recipe. Also finally figured out why my volumes had been so messed up. I had some of the settings wrong on my equipment and also had the mashes not configured properly. Should be a lot better now. Just need to keep detailed notes to make sure my losses are accurate.

Also have my lactic acid all ready and recipes figured through Bru'n water to hopefully get my mash PH dialed in on the upcoming batches.
Got the new high flow 1/2" dip tube installed now. Should have a lot quicker drain through the counter flow now. My old assembly was way too slow.

Mashing Wheebz Blue Moon clone now and then it's going in here :)
So I'm drinking the last bottle of the RIS extract kit I brewed one year ago yesterday (my brewversary). Lol it's actually not too bad. Very lacking in head retention. I forgot how high this one finished, but the sweetness is still there.

I've certainly come a long way since that first brew. I'd have to sit down and figure out how many batches I've done. But it's been a really fun journey thus far.

I'm really excited to see what this year will bring. For now though I need to empty out one of my kegs so I can put my next batch in it.
Yeah. As it warmed up, I could do it any longer and drain poured it lol. So sweet and flat. Now I have a glass of my last imp stout instead. I think I may beer gun the rest of that keg so the Blue Moon can go in there.

It was cool though to taste the first one again.