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Patio Peppers Growing in Edison, NJ

Yeah, i hadn't heard about Devil's Claw before either. The name escapes me without checking PMs and such, but the THP member who sent it described it as having sticky leaves and is a good flycatcher, which my girlfriend will appreciate. That picture Pam linked to is awesome. I'm happy to grow a new plant. :D If it can be used as a pain killer, all the better!
All is well over here. got some leggy ass plants, but nothing i can't fix. they don't appear to be getting any worse. i'll bury them an inch or so deeper to help them out a bit. I think i need another lamp though. I want brighter CFLs too.

I decided to monitor the temps inside so i made a hole in the lid of the hot-house and used my old meat thermometer. lights off it reads a consistent 80F. lights on it reads a steady temp of between 85F and just under 90F, so right where i want it.

Many of the pots haven't germinated which will make my final grow selection much simpler until i find a few locations to grow. i'm hoping to have at least 2 others. hopefully my 'Rents and my girl's 'Rents. My little brother (14yo) plays too many video games so i want to talk him into growing for me.
Thought i would share this is my grow log since it involves planting.

I'm starting up a small 5 gallon tank. This is my first time doing a tank the right way. I am doing the old fashioned method of cycling a new tank, but i'm trying to speed the process with some sacrificial lambs aka feeder fish to get the tank growing some healthy bacteria. I took some of the gravel from the tank i keep my betta named Alphonso in and have it in a container in the filter to help build more bacteria.

Where's the plant? There's 2 bulbs of aponogeton in this tank and i have 3 in a terrarium to see which grows better. Aquatic plants should be kind of fun. Plus year round growth.

Notice the skull in the first pic? Only a chilenerd would ever have that in an aquarium.


This is Alphonso. He likes fish peppers best.
Ever heard of fishless cycling? All you need is some pure ammonium, and work out the dosage. By pure, I don't mean 100% ammonium, but without perfume or other additives. Search the net, and you'll find some good info. I've tried it several times with success. The tankt is up and running very quick, and you don't risk any fish.
i looked into it, but it seemed like alot of work. i'm trying to not make it too difficult. i'm probably going to use premade cycling mixes soon. i just have no patience lately. heheh
fineexampl said:
i looked into it, but it seemed like alot of work. i'm trying to not make it too difficult. i'm probably going to use premade cycling mixes soon. i just have no patience lately. heheh

It's pretty easy, by now im sure your cycle is probably complete. If not, I've had fish for years and I won't lecture you, but I'll put myself out there if you have any questions let me know, and no Aquatic plants are not fun! I refuse to grow them lol, I stop when C02 generation is mentioned lol.

Something else fun you can try is build a hydroponic system that sucks water out of the fish tank and uses it for nutrients making your water clean and your plants healthy! I've never tried it b/c I feel like I'm asking for algae all over with that kind of light, but I'm dying to see the difference between hydro plants grown with Hydro Nutrients, VS. fish waste.
FiveSix said:
It's pretty easy, by now im sure your cycle is probably complete. If not, I've had fish for years and I won't lecture you, but I'll put myself out there if you have any questions let me know, and no Aquatic plants are not fun! I refuse to grow them lol, I stop when C02 generation is mentioned lol.

Something else fun you can try is build a hydroponic system that sucks water out of the fish tank and uses it for nutrients making your water clean and your plants healthy! I've never tried it b/c I feel like I'm asking for algae all over with that kind of light, but I'm dying to see the difference between hydro plants grown with Hydro Nutrients, VS. fish waste.
Lecturing i can do without, but advice is always welcome. I'm a total noob with it all, but i will learn it like i learn everything else. Step 1: Try it, Step 2: fail, Step 3: Read something, Step 4: Curse myself out for months wondering why i didn't make Step 3 the first step. :lol:
Oh and i should update about my hot-house!

I have some seriously leggy annuums and junk. I'm debating ditching them now and focusing on the chinense. My bhuts, fataliis, and a couple others are doing better than great considering the conditions.

and i'm growing something i should probably not be growing. It's more just a science experiment. it'll never reach the flowering stage. sorry Passow.
fineexampl said:
and i'm growing something i should probably not be growing. It's more just a science experiment. it'll never reach the flowering stage. sorry Passow.

Pictures! Hhaha
got a better dome today. my old one was fine, but this one seems sturdier. grabbed some rockwool too. I also found my supplier for soil mixes. The hydro store i go to carries pro-mix and every Fox Farm blend made. Nice!
fineexampl said:
The hydro store i go to

what place is this? I need Hydroton very soon as my seedlings are growing and the hydro store I shop at in Avenel has not had any for 3 weeks. I need to get some soon! Not sure of forum rules on spamming so if you cannot post the store just pm me :)
FiveSix said:
what place is this? I need Hydroton very soon as my seedlings are growing and the hydro store I shop at in Avenel has not had any for 3 weeks. I need to get some soon! Not sure of forum rules on spamming so if you cannot post the store just pm me :)

77 Hydro
37 Fairfield Place
West Caldwell, NJ 07006

This place carries it. http://www.77hydro.com/
The problem is that it would be over an hour drive for you.
FiveSix said:
what place is this? I need Hydroton very soon as my seedlings are growing and the hydro store I shop at in Avenel has not had any for 3 weeks. I need to get some soon! Not sure of forum rules on spamming so if you cannot post the store just pm me :)
It is the one in Avanel. I noticed they were out of hydroton matter of fact. Those guys in there are cool. :)
Yeah, I went in there the other week and ended up chattin with the guy for almost an hour, It's nice to have a local shop to go in an talk "shop" with the guys instead of going to home depot and they don't even know what section the hardware section is in lol.