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Patio Peppers Growing in Edison, NJ

Yeah absolutely. The prices in there aren't bad and the selection of ferts is just sick. I was thinking of bringing them some pods at harvest. Maybe make some friends.
FiveSix said:
Thanks alot man, hey a couple hours in the car is not a big deal if it means I can plant some seedlings!

No problem. I just checked it and it said about 1hr and 22 minutes from Monmouth to 77 hydro. Obviously your mileage may vary depending on your exact location.
Here's my setup.
3 lamps
"100w" daylight CFLs
1 18" daylight tube
heat mat
plastic dome and base

Got some sprouts yesterday and things were looking kind of dry so i added some water and a little magic juice that seems to have been working thus far. What sprouted? I saw some vietnamese mountain pepper, some tomatoes (steak), and some indian round chiles. I'll have to check tomorrow to see what else.

In other news, i found/stole a clamp light that was left in the basement at my job and bought 2 more this morning so both my hot-house domes are very well lit. It's not a pretty setup by any means, but it's working, so BFD.

My black pearl from last season is still alive. Had a flower the other day.

Off to a good season so far and it has yet to begin. :D
Good luck with everything. The plants in the pic from 3-7 look great. And I did go to 77Hydro to get the Hydroton since the closer store still never got it in. Friendly and nice.
animal deterent

fineexampl said:
speaking of hab spray...any suggestions? i want this cat to be in pain if it messes with my deck or my plants.

Use red pepper or cayenne pepper powder and sprinkler all around area and on the soil and it will keep Cats, Squirrels,Rabbits and lot of rodents out and the best thing about it is it's all natural and cheap, also if you have bird feeders add this pepper to the bird seed and it will keep the squirrels from eating it and does not affect the the birds at all they can't taste hot! and it's safe.

for problems with chip monks making holes mix cayenne pepper with vegetable oil and use as a spray this work great!:onfire:

it all works I recommend this to my customers who don't want to use toxic repellents in there garden. IT'S ALL NATURAL

I own a underground sprinkler company.

well thanks ed.

as it turns out, i had more problems with squirrels burying nuts in the pots than anything else. they never messed with any of the plants themselves. same for the stupid cat.

there was the possum that ate my homemade pepper spray though.
just checked my plants. hidden under many many leaves is a weeeeeee lil scotch bonnet plant i forgot about. It looks healthy as hell!

My question...assuming it IS indeed healthy. Should i nix growing out the whole plant and clone it into 2-3 individual plants? Would that increase voleume?

The other plants are looking good. Some are getting that nice purple tinge to the stems (sunblock). I have 10 established seedlings ready to harden off (weather permitting). My other seeds are taking off alright too. This batch in rockwool. The jiffy pellets can eat a dick. Only 3 out of a dozen did anything. I'll be all set for spring once i get some pots and soil.
bigt said:
The plants under the dome look great.
You should see them out of the dome. Some are even budding. :shocked:

One of my seedlings, no clue what variety, is simply gorgeous. Either a frutescens or anuum, not sure. Just beautiful for a plant just begun not long ago.
Went to GSHydro today. Picked up a submersible water pump, some baskets, and a mister nozzle fitting, and a bag of bat guano. Went to Lowes and bought a sturdy plastic container with a lid. The guy at the hydro store needed to order me some parts missing from the pump as it was the last one so i'm going back. No problem though. I'm going to bring him some scotch bonnet and naga seeds tomorrow for running a cool shop. Also my hot sauce contact info in case they want to buy, but i'm more interested in getting them to grow chiles in the shop.

Oh and BTW...they got the hydroton back in stock along with everything else. Yay!
Yeah i guess they do.

So i just mapped out the holes in the lid and it'll house 6 pods for holding the plastic baskets which will be filled with either hydroton or rockwool. No cutting yet though. And i just did a test run with the pump and some spare vinyl tubing. I'm pretty much in business. A little fine tuning and i'm set.
My aeroponic/hydroponic thing is nearing completion. I added some silicone around the mister so there's no leaks and i have a good seal. I need to cut a notch for the power cord and a refill opening and silicone that up. Run a quick 20min cycle with some bleach, rinse, fill with water, mark the water level on the outside, and i'm set to start planting. As a bonus i'm adding black spraypaint to the outside to prevent light on the roots and to absorb heat. There is a very good chance i will be growing something all winter long. I hope this works.

Teaser pic!!