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Patio Peppers Growing in Edison, NJ

bigt said:
Good thread - I posted a few pics I took this morning of my overwinter collection. Only 3 more weeks till 2009 seed starting! :)

Yep I just checked them out. In terms of the beginning of your 2009 season that is awesome. Be sure to post pics of the progress.
I'm having a bit of trouble with aphids on my now indoor plants. specifically my black pearl, but also the others i'm going to try and overwinter. I've neem oiled them to no end. i'm about to seek out pyrethrum(sp?), but i don't want to harm my plants. Does anyone know how i can combat these little assholes?
I have used pyrethrum a couple of times, excellent make-bugs-go-away spray. I just followed the directions on the bottle, worked very well. Then again, Im not a committed organic grower, I dont mind being heavy handed sometimes to get a result.
I bought and used pyrethrin/um or whatever, and so far so good. i'm not 100% committed to organic, but i hate the idea of harmful pesticides. I didn't like the $8 price tag though.
2009 has begun and as a few of you know, i've begun my planting.

I had some fun toying with the camera and learning some settings. Let's see how i did.

And yes, that is a Chia Herb Garden. It was a gift, but if it works, i don't mind.




wordwiz said:
You might want to move the plants a lot closer. They look like they are stretching for the photons.

I had the light 2ft above them to give light to the houseplants at first. I noticed the tomatoes reaching, decided to place the light directly on the unit.

give em a chance man. :(
The above picture of the Miracle Fruit plant needs updating already. Not only does it now have 5th leaf, but it has also grown a 6th! I'm finally figuring this sucker out. I'm also feeding it a steady diet of bat guano, worm castings, and other gross but organic nutrients. Months of NO growth to an abundance. I love it!

Here's my hot-house in an awful photo. The room was well lit, but the lights screwed up the photo.

The cilantro has been banished. It got moldy. I don't want it infecting anything else. In the meantime, i have the hydrogen peroxide.
Those seedlings on the left look like they are praying to the light and stretching out a bit. Have you tried to center the big light?
millworkman said:
Those seedlings on the left look like they are praying to the light and stretching out a bit. Have you tried to center the big light?
they're like that because i knocked them over with a power cord.
fineexampl said:
they're like that because i knocked them over with a power cord.

Ha ha ha, now thats funny. Yesterday I was moving a bunch of mine around and knocked four cups off the table on their tops. Crushed the little guys.
millworkman said:
Ha ha ha, now thats funny. Yesterday I was moving a bunch of mine around and knocked four cups off the table on their tops. Crushed the little guys.
Truth be told, the tall ones you see are all tomatoes. I don't care if i have to replant them. They aren't fancy seeds, just patio peppers. The peppers are all about no more than 2" tall and all i care about. I'll probably add another lamp soon as i get my ass to the hardware store. The warmth off the direct plant bulbs put off more light that the fluorescent bulb does.

I'm determined to have one of the more cost effective setups on the board. The hot-house was the most money so far at $40. The fluorescent was $7, plant bulb for it was $6, the burpee seed pots were $6, the jiffy pellets were $2 a package, and the fertilizer i got almost totally free at this point because of a clearance i stumbled on at the local hydroponic shop.

The municipal compost in my area becomes available in April. Since others have used it, i think i will too. It's free and i like anything free. I just hope they let me make two trips as i doubt i could fit more than one bucket in my Beetle and i doubt my girl wants compost in the Rabbit. (yeah, we're VW nerds.;))

Have i expressed how happy i am about the miracle fruit plant? well, i am.
In an effort to save cash, i've switched up my lighting. 12/12 schedule on a timer. I swapped out the 60watt regular plant bulb in the clamp light to one of those windy fluorescent jobs. Claims to put out 3x the lumens i was giving it, minus the heat so i'm back to regulated and with better lighting.
man, my cilantro is sucking. i don't much care. i still have seeds somewhere, but it's more of having to redo what i had already begun.

Today one of my devil's claw popped out to say hello. I should have a 2nd one coming up. Just trying different grow mediums and whatnot. Most of my peppers are too big too soon due to poor poor lighting and will need to be repotted sooner than later. I'm not happy with this, but what can you do? i'll pick up some supplies on Friday and take care of things. Also, i want to pick up some hydroton to use as a drainage medium in the bottoms of my pots later on. It's cheap. They should make good root anchor too. I don't know if that will work, but why not?

Here's some pics. Notice the dramatic growth of my miracle fruit baby. It's grown a full inch since living in the hot-house. I'm so pumped for this little guy. I'll have to build it a terrarium for next winter. That little plant is teaching me SO much.

the miracle fruit

devil's claw courtesy of a VERY kind THP member(and basil in the background)