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Patio Peppers Growing in Edison, NJ

Man my plants are suffering bigtime. both bhut jolokias and the chocolate hab are losing leaves and dropping buds like crazy. i can't get them to flower. They having a major issue with spider mites it seems. I think i may have overcrowded them. I just don't know what else to do with them. They are bright green so i thought they were going to be okay, but i just don't know anymore. As a last ditch effort i have bought a new 3-5 gallon (not sure what size, but it's big) container. I cut out the chocolate hab since it's the worst of them all and with some effort moved it into the new container. I fertilized early this morning and moved the plant later in the day. I'm hoping the added stress combined with a good feeding and watering, both of which were needed, that these guys will bounce back. The two bhut jolokias now have about 12in between them each so i think they'll be much happier. The BJ don't look nearly as bad as the choc-hab, so i'm just praying it all works out.

The other habanero is doing sort of okay i suppose. It has 4 fruits growing and seemingly growing well. It lost a bunch of leaves this weekend, but i don't know if it was because we got slammed with a couple days of 90+ heat after a relatively mild spell. Even as it is dropping some leaves, and no new buds, it has begun sprouting leaves all up the base of the stem. No clue as to why. Not even sure if that's a good thing.

The black pearl is doing fine. It seems to like the climate here and has grown out and has a ton of buds on it and a few fruits that seem to be growing. I hhave high hopes for this one.

Seriously...any advice would be appreciated here guys. I'm so confused here.
These guys aren't doing bad. The hab plant hasnt had ANY new flowers though.



nobody has any advice for me? :(
Well this morning i awoke to thunder. A little light rain, nothing too serious. I went out to move my plants away from the edge of the patio so as not to get wet. The bhut jolokia has new shoots coming out!! :D Not only on the top of the plant, but at the joints where the leaves had all fallen off.
millworkman said:
Woo hoo. I am hoping that my Jap will be the same way.
I hope so too. I don't care as much about the chocolate hab as i do the bhut jolokia. They are the ones of true interest to me. I've never seen a fresh bhut jolokia, but i've seen my share of habs aside from color variants.
Status report:

Yellow/orange habanero: 4 fruits, still not ripe. They are growing (upright), but not changing color. No new buds either. :(

Bhut jolokia: nothing. Tons of new shoots, but the buds aren't growing right. Way, way too small and hard to see. I don't know what i can do here.

Chocolate hab: quickly dying, appears to have a fungal issue, and looks horrible. I think this guy's a goner.

Black pearl: Doing very well. Tons of full size pods or near full size. Tons of buds and flowers, and a good, albeit small, producer. I took it's first pod tonight and quickly munched it whole. The pod was no bigger in diameter to the width of my thumbnail. The flavor was mild to medium hot with a somewhat smoky flavor and kind of nutty. The heat was no overpowering at all and quite pleasant. Lots of seeds, but alot of flesh too. I will grow these again next year. It's a gorgeous little plant too. The flavor would pair well with other chilis. I'd love to make a "black powder" for certain. I'll save some seeds and see how that goes in the spring.
Hi again.

SO since i came back from vacation on Wednesday, it appears that my little Bhut Jolokia clone has finally sprouted the roots i've been waiting for and i am going to plop him in some soil next week. I'm going to use some "ocean floor" potting mix i found locally. It's $8 a bag or something like that. It should work out nicely and perhaps i'll have a good candidate to overwinter.

I'm going to really baby this one i think. Treat it right from the get-go and see him into maturity. I will bot back down.

Black Pearl is still fine and healthy. Fruits are maturing nicely and a ton of new buds. :)
I have a bit of time so i thought I'd post some progress.

Pearl is still doing well. Lots of fruit, tons of buds. I think my 4 lonely hab fruits are ripening, but not as fast as i wanted them to.

I wanted to post about my Stevia plants. One isn't growing up much, but only because it's in a bad planter. No worries there. I just measured my other stevia and it is measuring in from base to top most leaves an astonishing 5ft2in in height. I never thought this thing would grow more than a foot. No flowers, no seed, but that's okay. I'll be harvesting the whole plant in the fall. The only pest issues i have had with it was just a bug that decided it's leaves would make a good spot to make it's home. Didn't affect the plant much at all once i got rid of it. This is a good little/big plant. Makes a nice tea as well. Julienne the leaves and add boiling water. Yummy stuff. I use stevia in my hot sauce btw. It's healthier than sugar too. :)
Black Pearl


this is my chocolate hab. i got mad and tried to kill it. don't you know that ****er is growing back?? lol

my 5ft2 stevia plant.
nice pics fine...the black pearls are very pretty plants..
Lovely chili and Tomato collection..man them caterpillars are big..eat plant in half an hour..hows your plants now my friend :)
Those plants do look good. Are you going to try and over winter the Chocolate Hab. It's looking very healthy even though it's trimmed way back. If so, next year, I'm sure it would be a strong one.
I know it has been said before, but anyway... the Black Pearl is beautiful, I know I wanna grow it next year. Don't worry about the Bhut too much, some plants always take longer than others and the hotties are REALLY taking a lot of time this year! Now that I've switched to a different fertilizer I noticed a lot of progress within two weeks time, some plants are full of flowers or little pods where none could be seen a few weeks ago.
thanks again

The chocolate hab is INFESTED with little buggy buggers. I've used a homebrew concoction of hab powder, soap, olive oil, and garlic to no avail. I used double strength neem oil and water mixture so i'll see how that does now. i think this is why it never grew right. i might trash it and start fresh next year focusing on what i have growing now.