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Patio Peppers Growing in Edison, NJ

Hey i thought i'd mention as well that i've been playing around with germination testing lately to see what will and won't work out next season. So far so good. I've been able to germinate nearly everything, which is a positive.

One interesting thing i'm going to attempt to germinate are cherimoya seeds. I ate one the other day and it's quite good. It'd go great in a custard pie. So, i cleaned off the seeds (there are tons) and removed the slimy membrane. I than took some of my Neptunes Harvest Seaweed fert and made a germination solution and did the old towel in a baggie trick. We'll see how it goes.
Good fortune has befallen the Patio of Peppers in Edison, NJ my loyal readers and fellow chilenerds!

ASIDE from the fact that my bhuts have sprouted about 4-5 additional fruit, i have even better news.

I've been using Neptune's Harvest as my fertilizer. Both the seaweed and the fish and combining them. As luck would have it i ran out of all but seaweed. I went to my usual supplier and they are out and the garden guy is a douche. I need a new supplier, now what to do? After a few failed attempts i stopped into "Garden State Hydroponics" just off Rt 35 in Woodbridge at 511 Avenel Avenue. www.gardenstatehydroponics.com 888-300-8711 I spoke with the two guys who run the shop and explained my situation. While they hold the opinion that Neptune's Harvest is crap, i have had good success with it and want to finish out my season with it. The guy there told me that he had a ton of fish fertilizer in the back, but nobody ever wants it. He brings out a case of Neptune's Harvest (fish, seaweed, and fish plus seaweed) plus two bottles, along with GALLONS of generic fish fertilizer. He says to me, How much are the two you want to buy? $12 each. He gave ALL the fertilizer to me for the cost of the 2 bottles. I now have a trunk full of fertilizer. I went from a shortage, to an overabundance.

Anyone want the cheap stuff? Just pay the shipping and it's yours. All i want is the Neptune's Harvest. The rest is up for grabs or i'm donating it to a garden club or something.

So yeah, if you need anything organic or hydro, the guys at Garden State Hydroponics are swell guys. :D I really had a nice visit there. I'll be going back for some bat guano and soem Fox Farm stuff next season.
oh man oh man, these bhuts are growing at an ALARMING rate! i'm wondering, should i put ribbons where i find pods? It's hard to find them until they ripen. Oh and are they ever pimply! spiny bumps fer days! :D Even more good buds bloomed today even. Why couldnt we have this weather a month or two ago?? jeez louise. And my orange hab has a TON of fresh buds. Now with my luck we'll get an early winter and it'll all be for nothing. Still, i learned what to do in the spring. It'll be much easier this time.
Send the sun here please..Some damn fine pictures my friend..Nice to see your plants enjoying the sun and having some really good growth ;)
talas said:
Send the sun here please..Some damn fine pictures my friend..Nice to see your plants enjoying the sun and having some really good growth ;)
I just spoke to the Sun King and he's sending you some now.

and some more shots of my bhut


Today ended up a harvest day. I want to try and squeeze one good harvest after this on the spicy globe basil. This little plant was plentiful and tough as nails. Good aroma too. I got one nearly ripe tomato which will finish indoors and a little handful of black pearls and some thyme. Right into the dehydrator with the basil and thyme. Just some prep for the off-season. I stuck my last hab from my own garden into the dehydrator whole so i can get a perfect pod to save for another day or some powder. Since i have no clue when i'll end up eating them, i threw in the last of the fresno peppers and cherry tomatoes. I know i didn't grow those, but thought i'd mention it. :D Here's a pic of today's mini-harvest.

The orange hab is on it's second and long overdue fruiting as well. Found the first new pod this afternoon. :D
chilehunter said:
plants are looking good, your harvest looks good.
fresh thyme is really tasty in certain soups (IMO)

thanks! thyme is my go-to herb. honestly, what other herb goes with almost everything? none.
ya....ya....the truth is out there somewhere...cool to see some german lingo going on out there! Nice plant's and thanks for sharing the pictures....can't wait to see the jolokia's when they ripen up!:hell:
BigDogDaddy said:
ya....ya....the truth is out there somewhere...cool to see some german lingo going on out there! Nice plant's and thanks for sharing the pictures....can't wait to see the jolokia's when they ripen up!:hell:
same here. i can't believe i got them to grow. i made some mistakes in the beginning. these photos chronicle my learning. next year i'll have really good plant because of this madness.

And my signature is X-Files related actually, but if you like German stuff, wait until you see my hot sauce line. Oh boy do i ever have plans being worked on. :onfire:
Chiliac said:
Now I'm curious!!!! :)
stay tuned to my cooking thread!

But back on task!

Holy crap! My bhut jolokia is STILL fruiting!!:lol: I just found some MORE baby's peekin their heads out. GOD i hope they make it to the end in shape.

This means i have 4 actively fruiting plants and i think my presumed dead chocolate is about to set fruit this week. :onfire:

Next year is gonna be a blast!:mouthonfire:
Does that mean you plan to overwinter them? This is going to be a cool learning experience. I am going to overwinter my best hab as an experiment.
JayT said:
Does that mean you plan to overwinter them? This is going to be a cool learning experience. I am going to overwinter my best hab as an experiment.
i'm not quite sure what my girl will tolerate. she's weird about bugs and such. if nothing else, the black pearl for certain.
this is what I plan on doing for wintering my plants, & this is what i've learned from here.
1) cut it back - roots & top - doesnt hurt the plant, it'll live
2) wash the remaining plant off really good.
3) buy new potting soil, in theory its bug free, place cutback plants in new soil.
4) & hope they survive & regrow next spring :lol:
I'll let the pics do most of the talking, but my NJ-BJs are doing very well. My hab is fruiting again, but poorly. My Pearl is just great. My basil is all grown back. My tomato plant is CRAZY heavy with fruit.

My first ripening bhut jolokia and some of it's friends.

Found this guy ripening this morning.

Some newborns.

My rapidly ripening black pearl.
It's probably just due to the angle, but the plant on the first pic looks like it's as tall as a tree! All of the plants look really good and very healthy! Well done!
Chiliac said:
It's probably just due to the angle, but the plant on the first pic looks like it's as tall as a tree! All of the plants look really good and very healthy! Well done!
It is as high as a tree, but it's because i have it on a table. It's about 3ft tall. I put it on the table so it's above the railing to allow maximum sun exposure. Thanks for the kind words though. :)