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Patio Peppers Growing in Edison, NJ

a katydid visited my peppers today.





my bhut jolokias definitely appear to have good proper sized buds. 2 flowers opened so far, one i killed in a moment of excitement, but no worries. i have my fingers crossed.

Also....given a few foliar feedings. Seems to have done no harm. I might be wrong, but i think it's the cause of the new life. One of my yellow habs is ripening, so the other 3 wont be far behind. First one to ripen will be eaten live by me on YouTube. I may even try to sing a new song about the pain as i eat it. About that same plant. It's budding again, but the buds looked like ass so i nipped em. Next batch should be okay and they say plants like to flower after a harvest, so i have time.
I don't know if the Black Pearls will taste any good, but its mother(or father) the Royal Black had a decent flavor from what I remember.

Are you working on any Hybrids Potawie ?

you say it takes a few generations to see any changes in pods ?
hmm interesting... so a couple of years at least.....
fineexampl said:
a katydid visited my peppers today.

I hope you eliminated the katydid with extreme prejudice...
AlabamaJack said:
I hope you eliminated the katydid with extreme prejudice...
Yeah i hosed him down with fresh made fertilizer in the gallon sprayer. Last i saw him he was on a shrub. He didn't seem to be causing any harm. Just seemed like he was chillin.

yeah did another fliar feeding last night. i always had good luck with it when i was growing my pot back in the day. can't hurt, right?
Hiya fineexampl nice little Black pearl there and your toms are bunching out nicely..that was a sizable plant to get from ebay..nice to see the seller treated it with care :)
Well i wish i took a picture, but alas i did not.

I harvested my first habanero from my own garden today. It was a bright orange and about the size of a cherry. I had my sister and BIL over for dinner and saved it as dinner entertainment. I broke off the stem and popped it into the ol mouth and chewed away. I figured i had to, being the first pod from my own plant.

The flavor was great. Nice and fruity with a hint of a smokiness to it. The heat did not show up for the longest time. I didn't think it was hot actually. I just kept on chewing. I ran for a drink to wash it down and as i did so the heat welled up and kicked in. I can't explain how insanely hot this tiny little hab was. I finished a beer, a glass of water, and half of 1qt of 2% milk before i could sit down again. This was light years hotter than any of the pods i've gotten at the grocery store. I never expected this from my own plants.

I've been burping hab flavor all night. Not a bad thing, just an odd thing. Even though the pain has gone, that little pod doesn't want me to forget who's boss.

In other pepper news, i'm planning next year's roster. I bought about a pound of habs last night and there were 2 pods that caught my eye as they were unlike all the rest. The shape was alot like a paper lantern or a figure 8 shape but in a habanero style. All the pods were ripe so i froze most for my next sauce run and kept about a dozen to dry. I dried the two odd pods and have kept them aside for seeds for the spring. They might produce some interesting offspring.

Also, i repotted my hab and black pearl each into bigger pots. The hab, because it just has had very little new growth and zero buds. I think it needed a reason to put energy into growing. The pearl i repotted simply because i now had a larger pot to give it. Both seem to have taken the transition well, but i'll know more this week. I expect they will be just fine.

The bhut jolokia's are finally flowering. I'm still prayin for them. They've had a rough summer. Same for the chocolate hab. I don't expect it will ever fruit. I'm okay with that, but it would have been nice if it had. It's still not dead though. It's suffering, but not dead.
My 3 full grown habs began corking i noticed today, so i picked them and snapped a shot with the cell.

The pic doesn't show how bright orange they are, but let me tell you, they are a deep orange. Very pretty color and they are quite firm compared to my store bought habs.
OMG! Is there anything more beautiful than ripe Habaneros against the deep green leaves of a healthy plant? fineexampl, I've really enjoyed seeing your garden go from seedlings to mature fruiting plants. Really nice! Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences.
PrairieChilihead said:
OMG! Is there anything more beautiful than ripe Habaneros against the deep green leaves of a healthy plant? fineexampl, I've really enjoyed seeing your garden go from seedlings to mature fruiting plants. Really nice! Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences.
aw shucks, thanks. :) though i have to admit, if i showed the gruesome pics, you wouldn't think they were so healthy. :lol: My plants are doing pathetically IMO.
Okay here's the deal. I've been hiding the bad pics, right? Right. My Bhut Jolokia was suffering. I wasn't treating it with the proper respect and treatment it required. I got my crap together and did some repotting and low and behold the plants started to show signs of life. I was loaded with buds that weren't reaching maturity so i plucked every single bud off both plants. All the buds grew back and 2-3 times the original size. Good stuff. The flowers still didnt look right to me, but i left them since they were beginning to bloom. I figured, what the hell, right? This is learning curve year anyway. I had alot of bud loss and flowers falling off left and right. I was fertilizing on schedule and only watering once a week, if at all and only if it was wilted. Perfect care for peppers, or so i'm led to believe.

Today after a horrible day at the office and a horrible commute i went out to the patio.

Ladies and gentleman, allow me to introduce to you...the Bhut Jolokia!!




4 pods the size of the first knuckle on my fingers! What's more? TONS of other flowers and TONS of other buds. Whatever i've been doing is finally working!

Oh and here's a shot of what the tomatoes, basil, and mystery wild growing pepper look like. The mystery wild pepper grew on it's own with NO CARE from me. It survives on runoff water and pure willpower. I have no done ANYTHING to it, nor will I.



Not much to report. The black pearls are finally ripening, which is good because i was worried about them. I should have a nice harvest off the one plant. Maybe a couple dozen off my one plant. Not too shabby. The bhut jolokia isn't showing signs of new pods other than the 4 i've found already. The pods have more than doubled in size and are QUITE bumpy and look exactly like they should, including having the little tails. :) My orange hab has a bunch of HUGE buds waiting to bloom and tons of new growth this late into the season.