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Patrick's Grow Log

Thanks for the hunting tips SS.

Josh, it does look a bit like a paper lantern doesn't it? It's about twice the size though, I should have put something up for a size reference.
Time for some updated pictures. I love posting pics, specially when I get to choose the ones going up. So without any further adieu here we go:

First up is a funky Chocolate Fatalii. The rest of the pods look like they should. Always fun to grow peppers.


Same pepper different angle.


And here's what the rest of the pods look like. This one is about ready to pick.


Aldeberto Hab. Got two of them and they are producing maniacs. One node has 15 pods coming out of it.


More to come.....
Here is one that brings the fear. I know I have to take a bite out of one of them. I really don't want to.

Cappy's "Brain Strain" 7 Pot. I have some time left before they're ripe.


Now for a bit of cooling off. Meet Mr. Jimmy Nardello. Heard they are the sweetest peppers in the land. A double shot of them.


Spindly little thing but it looks like it's going to be a good little producer. It's twin is sitting right next to it.


This is the confused Naga Morich that starts it's peppers upright. They all end up swinging when they get large enough.


More to come...
Here we go...

Trinidad Scorpion beginning to do that red thing.


First time growing this one. Inca Berry.


These just surprised the heck out of me. There are lots of flowers and buds and small peppers all over the top of it. I did some peeking under the leaves this morning and bang! Yellow Habanero.


Naga Morich. Seeds came from the same packet as the Naga with the upright pods. I'll soon taste them to see if they are both of the same flavor/heat. I don't want to.


More to come...
Close up of that red devil Naga.


Brazilian Starfish. I had just about given up on this one but one morning it was full of pods. Cool.


Close pic of the pods.


That's all folks. For now.:)
Thanks guys.

I get my seeds from the same places everybody does and for some reason I always end up with something that looks different from the norm.
I don't have a clue what happened to the pics. I'll see what I can do to get them back. Freaking photobucket.

Anyway here's what I found today. Finally beginning to see some red and it's a good thing!


Starting with the Giant Marconi and moving clockwise we have Fatalii, one Red Savina, Aji Limon, Red Hab cross, Champion, A green Bhut Jolokia that I found on the ground under the plant, two Naga Morich with the left one normal and the right one from the upright growing plant. The left one was also laying on the ground, and dead center are a few Scotch Bonnet.

The naga and bhut that fell off the plant both had a stem turning yellow, anyone know what the cause is? Here's a pic to show better what I'm talking about.


Any thoughts? Thanks.
Hey Patrick, what's the deal on the Aldeberto Hab? Curious about the source and stuff. Never heard of it. And how's the chocolate fatalii taste?

Good to see everything continuing to do well for ya.
I misspelled the Adalberto Hab boutros sorry about that. I think I got the peppers from Peppermania but I couldn't find them just now.

I'll have to let you know about the chocolate fatalii, ain't worked up the nerve to eat one yet. :oops:
Nice colorful harvest patrick. I've had a few pods drop like that but never gave it much thought as there were only a very few. Maybe too many pods on the plant and its like the 7th piglet on a six titted sow.

Beth doesn't seem to have the Habanero Adalberto listed on her site at the moment, but here is a quote from her catalog:

Habanero Adalberto - These little approximate 1-1.5" Tornado-like pods grow in clusters on tall plants ripening to a brillant orange. Hot with a citrus smoke heat and aroma. These bite size morsel are good for hot sauces, ceviche, salsas, salads, sandwiches and more. Brazil
No sweat on the spellin Patrick. The name just caught my eye. We have what seems like thousands of Adalberto's taco shops here.

And thanks for the info SS. Damn, you're almost in thousand post territory already?
Be happy to send you a few ripe ones boutros just let me know.

SS I'm not much of a drinker any more but I would like to sit down and have a beer or two with you. 7th piglet on a six titted hog. Thanks for quoting Beth's description too, reminds me of why I got into these, "Hot with a citrus smoke heat and aroma." Oh my.:)
patrick said:
I'll have to let you know about the chocolate fatalii, ain't worked up the nerve to eat one yet. :oops:

Have no fear of the Chocolate Fatalii there patrick they were a let down for both AJ and I. Barely any heat to speak of and no real flavor either. Please go try one and tell us what you think. Plants are looking good and congrats on the pods. My Lemon Drop get those sun tan lines down the sides. If the pod is sick in any way the stem will turn yellow and abort the pepper. Happens to everyone.
Thanks for the tips on the chocolate fatalii and the yellow stem/sick pod Cappy. I'm still going to be cautious with the fatalii though, yours and AJ's idea of not hot and mine is probably just a tad different.
patrick said:
Be happy to send you a few ripe ones boutros just let me know.

Cool! I might have to take you up on that. I'll look around here for something to reciprocate with and shoot you a pm later on.