• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2014

Grow List 2014 - Many new varieties and a few repeaters.  
This is the third year of my original three year plan to grow a slew of different
types to see what grows well here before settling on some consistent performers.  
I'd love to grow some of the new varieties from this season again, and some more
of my favorites from 2012, but not enough space.  But I have seed for my favorites for
season 2015, so I have something to look forward to already!  
Major goal for season 2014 - lay in a good supply of super hot powder!
OW Plants:
Chocolate Habanero OW, Refining Fire 2012, 3gal. x 2 2nd year 2014
Mountain Pepper OW, Honduran Market, 3gal. x 1 2nd year 2014
Orange Manzano OW, Shane F1, 3ga. x 12nd year 2014
Goat's Weed OW, Shane F1, 3gal. x 1 2nd year 2014
'Black Pearl' OW, THSC, 3gal. x 1 - 3rd year 2014
NuMex Twilight OW, CPI via Siliman, 2gal. x 1 - 3rd year 2014
Fatali OW, Peppermania, 4gal. x 1 - 3rd year 2014 
Orange Manzano OW 7gal. x 1 - 3rd year 2014
Plants germinated 8/15/2013:
Goat's Weed, Shane F1, 1gal. x2
Goat's Weed, Shane 2012, 1gal. x1
Aji Amarillo, Peruvian Market 2012, 1gal. x 2
Aji Amarillo, PepperGal 2012, 1gal. x 1
Orange Manzano, Shane F1, 1gal. x 3
Wild Texas Tepin, THSC 2012, 1gal. x 3
Starting From SeedBold font indicates mid-December sowing for long-season varieties.
Ghost (SP* F1)
Reaper (Sawyer 2013
Funky Reaper (Sawyer 2013)
7 Pot Burgundy (Sawyer 2013)
Bhut Jolokia Yellow (Sawyer 2013
NagaBrain (Windchicken F3 2013)
Jigsaw (Baker's Peppers 2013)
Primo (MGold 2012 pod)
Brain (Romy6 2012 pod)
Douglah (Alphanerdz via Trippa, Stickman)
Indian Carbon (MGold 2012 pod)
Trin. Scorp. (USHotStuff 2012)
Infinity (SP F1)
Butch T (SP F1)
'Scotch Bonnet TFM' (Trippa F1)
Giant White Habanero (RP F2)
Congo Trinidad Yellow (Sanarda F1)
Fatali x Red Savina (Justaguy via Spankycolts F2)
Mountain Pepper (Honduran Market F1)
*SP = seed harvested from plants from Spankycolts 2012
Wilds and Milds:
Cheiro Recife (Sean W via Stickman 2013)
Wild Brazil F1 (Shane 2012)
Hungarian Sweet Paprika (Stickman 2013)
Marconi Rosso (Hume F1)
Costeño åmarillo F1 (SoCalChilihead 2012)
Giant Jalapeño (SoCalChilihead 2012)
The items in bold font went into distilled water today, 12/15,
and will go into Jiffy pellets tomorrow.  The incubator has the
cell pack with the three Giant white Habanero seeds that
germinated planted in it:

Water added after pic taken:

Just a quick update on the wild Texas Tepins.  This one has the most ripe pods; all will have to go to the greenhouse when and if I need space for starts in party cups:
Okay, here we go.   I took these on the 13th.
The Round II plants got a rare day in the sun   :party: Hasn't been nice enough again for the Round I plants, yet, but the weather isn't
horrible, at least.   Here they are on the fence shelf.  The middle of the blue tape is 6 inches height.  The tallest plants are 11 inches
tall here.  These were planted on Jan. 2, with hooking around the 7-10th, so these are a tad over 9 weeks since showing hooks:

A little shade cloth to allow them to stay out all day:
Gotta run.  Will post up closer views of the plants and some Round III plants when we get back.
Thanks, Scott.   Here are the closer views:





The Round III plants got potted up into some #1 containers.  They are all just about 2 months old:


The two plants in #1 pots are actually Round I and II plants that took forever to get going, but are now starting to hold their own:

That's it for this week, folks!  Will try to get some snaps of the Round I plants on the next nice day.  Right now, we are headed
into a little cool, rainy cycle for a while.  Hoping for some sun breaks now and then.
Fantastic news that your plants are all doing so well Paul, and getting them outside in natural sunlight is a big bonus! It's still too cold and windy to be able to do that here, but at least the snow is melting quickly... we're down to 2 inches or less where it wasn't piled up by people. Once it's gone in the next 2-3 weeks, the next milestone is having the soil thaw out enough to drain well. It'll warm up fairly quickly after that. Continued success brother!
Just getting around to some glogs finally. Your plants look great! The growth is really packed on and tight. Love seeing the galapagoense in there also. You will enjoy watching that one grow.

WoW@ plants outside! We have had - temperatures up until last Thursday. It has been a rough one. Hope all is well.
stickman said:
Fantastic news that your plants are all doing so well Paul, and getting them outside in natural sunlight is a big bonus! It's still too cold and windy to be able to do that here, but at least the snow is melting quickly... we're down to 2 inches or less where it wasn't piled up by people. Once it's gone in the next 2-3 weeks, the next milestone is having the soil thaw out enough to drain well. It'll warm up fairly quickly after that. Continued success brother!
All right, buddy, hope you have dug out by now!  
And more success to you, my friend!
JJJessee said:
Great looking plants, Paul.
They look like they are lovin' that sun!
They like it when they can get it, Jesse!
maximumcapsicum said:
Love the plants Paul everything is looking strong! All the info you post on each plant is also really helpful for noobs like me. Happy growin'!
Thanks, Adam.  Your own grow is proceeding very well, bro!
Pr0digal_son said:
Just getting around to some glogs finally. Your plants look great! The growth is really packed on and tight. Love seeing the galapagoense in there also. You will enjoy watching that one grow.

WoW@ plants outside! We have had - temperatures up until last Thursday. It has been a rough one. Hope all is well.
Thanks, Pr0d, and thanks for sharing the cool varieties - I'm looking forward to see how the wilds do here.  
Here's the latest on the aerogarden vs. jiffy pellets experiment.  
Both started on 3/1. The aerogarden:

Starts from the Jiffy Pellets.  The cotys on the Chili Costa Rica were violently purple, almost black:

Some greenhouse shots.  Cheiero Recife:

Bonda Cross;


Brown Eggs:

Wild Brazil:

PI 441598 and Wild Brazil topping out:


Chocolate Bhut:

I have a few more to share later.
Here's your bump Paul, everything is looking super cool right now.. You were holding off for the right time for the Wilds, snuck em in there nicely
Portuge said:
Here's your bump Paul, everything is looking super cool right now.. You were holding off for the right time for the Wilds, snuck em in there nicely
Thanks, James!  I am pretty stoked about the wilds.  
Should make for an interesting grow!
GA Growhead said:
Awesome Paul! plants look beautiful!
Thanks, Jason!  And thanks for all the great varieties of seed - they all seem to
be doing pretty well.
7 Pot Jonah:

Back Row - BrainStrain, Giant White Habanero, 7 Pot Burgundy.
Front Row - Funky Reaper, Indian Carbon, 7 Pot Burgundy:

The Romy Crosses - tall one from Jiffy Pellet, the short one from the aerogarden.  
The arereogarden start's roots were badly hammered in transplant, and it is
just now starting to look like it might do something.

A shot of the greenhouse.  Getting crowded!:

And one last non - the Star Magnolia in full glory:

Thanks for the looks, friends!  Hope everyone is having a good week.  Our weather should take a little turn for the better
for the next several days, so maybe the plants can get out for a little sun!  Nights are still cold - hovering around 32˚F.  
Can't wait for warmer weather!
Hi Paul, glad to hear that things are thawed out in the PNW, we've still got 2-3 weeks to go before we catch up to where you are now. The snow is looking patchy here, but it's icy and it hasn't warmed up enough to melt it all yet... daytime highs in the 40's but teens and 20s overnight.
Your chile starts are looking stellar as usual brother! The Cheiro Recife is looking like a beast... the original plant was short in stature and had small leaves, and the habit on your F1 seems to be much bigger... I wonder if it crossed with the "Not" Yellow Bhut that was next to it.  :think:  How's the Douglah looking?
Continued success brother!
Paul you're way ahead of the game with the great looking plants. Having the GH acclimates the plants nice and gradual to the sunlight and outdoor environment. The c.chinense are going to grow huge !
Nice display and documentaion of photos, once again...
I am sooooooooo jelous Paul, everything looks amazing and to have the plants outdoors already :dance: ......still way to much damn snow here! :rolleyes:
Devv said:
Nice update Paul!
As usual the plants and pics are wonderful!
It won't be much longer!
Thanks, Scott.  Nice to have some decent weather for a few days!
stc3248 said:
Stunning Paul!!! Peppers look great and that Star Magnolia is cool!
Hey, Shane; thanks, buddy! The sun makes everything look better!
stickman said:
Hi Paul, glad to hear that things are thawed out in the PNW, we've still got 2-3 weeks to go before we catch up to where you are now. The snow is looking patchy here, but it's icy and it hasn't warmed up enough to melt it all yet... daytime highs in the 40's but teens and 20s overnight.
Your chile starts are looking stellar as usual brother! The Cheiro Recife is looking like a beast... the original plant was short in stature and had small leaves, and the habit on your F1 seems to be much bigger... I wonder if it crossed with the "Not" Yellow Bhut that was next to it.  :think:  How's the Douglah looking?
Continued success brother!
Same to you, Rick!  You have had quite a winter back in your neck o' the woods.  
We had 28 last night, but have 61 in the forecast for today, so it's not all bad here.  
The Cheiro Recife is one of the coolest looking plants.  Dark green and glossy - very cool.  
The Douglah is one of the tallest Round One plants.  There will be a pic below.
PIC 1 said:
Paul you're way ahead of the game with the great looking plants. Having the GH acclimates the plants nice and gradual to the sunlight and outdoor environment. The c.chinense are going to grow huge !
Nice display and documentaion of photos, once again...
Thanks, Greg, it would be nice to think so.  The greenhouse got a nice cleaning and reorganizing yesterday while most of the plants
were out in the sun.  I feel fortunate to have such a nice unit available.  They get used to the sun in there, but I need too put shade
cloth on when it gets warm and sunny.  Here's part of the grow out in the sun.  OWs on the deck and round one pants on the shelf
in the shade.

maximumcapsicum said:
Lie the greenhouse pics Paul! Keep on growin!
Thanks, Adam.  Getting ready to move outside?
Penny said:
I am sooooooooo jelous Paul, everything looks amazing and to have the plants outdoors already :dance: ......still way to much damn snow here! :rolleyes:
Thanks, Penny.  I'm hoping for a nice Spring this year.  The last two years have been cool and
rainy all the way through June, so the plants just sat in the wet pots looking grumpy!
I'd like to be able to plant out in May.  We'll see.
Trippa said:
Yeeeeeehaaaaa ... Nice one!!!
Thanks, Tristen.  More update pics below!
HillBilly Jeff said:
Would really like to have one of those green house thingys lol...plants are looking marvelous.
Howdy Jeff!  The greenhouse really extends the grow season here.  There wouldn't be any hot
peppers without indoor and/or greenhouse operation in this part of the country!
Will post up some more pics later today - Hope everyone is off to a great weekend!